We are excited to announce a call for abstracts for the EGU 2025 Session:
Data-driven Methods for the Discovery of Oceanic and Atmospheric Dynamical Systems
(Co-organized by AS4/OS1)
Convener: Paula Lorenzo Sánchez
Co-conveners: Matthew Newman, Antonio Navarra
The session will focus on the application of data-driven methodologies to the study of the Earth's climate system dynamics, combining climate science with approaches from statistics,
machine learning and transfer operator theory.
We warmly invite contributions on topics including but not limited to:
This session will provide a platform for researchers to discuss the latest innovations in data-driven climate studies, share insights, and collaborate on advancing our understanding of atmospheric and oceanic systems.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 January 2025
Link to Submit Abstracts:: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU25/session/52526
We look forward to your participation in this exciting session! Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who might be interested.
Best regards,
Paula Lorenzo Sánchez
University of Bologna
Fondazione Centro EuroMediterraneo sui cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), www.cmcc.it
On behalf of the session conveners