Four Things You Can Do Right Now

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Jun 22, 2008, 10:20:00 PM6/22/08
to Climate Change 101 - News and Information on Climate Change
As I’ve been writing more and more about climate change I have noticed
myself getting more frustrated. Frustrated because I can’t seem to
put together a solid action plan of things I can do right away to
alleviate the situation. So I decided to do a little research on what
practical steps normal, average people can start doing right away in
order help solve this global warming problem we have at hand. The
following are 4 easy things you can implement right away:

1) Drive Less - If you drive to work every day, make it a point to
take the bus or carpool once or twice a week. I started doing this a
while back and one of the things I noticed was that I got to work
faster in the bus because of the bus lane. And if you want to be even
more adventurous, ride your bike to work.

2) Turn It Off - If you’re like most people, you probably have an
extra lightbulb on you’re not using. Go ahead and turn it off. The
aggregate effects of this are considerable.

3) Use Energy Efficient Bulbs and Appliances - Replace those old
incandescent light bulbs with new LED bulbs. Again, the aggregate
long term effects add up.

4) Recycle As Much As Possible - Recycling something usually takes a
lot less energy than producing something from raw materials. A lot of
energy can be saved recycling and thus contributing less pollution.

These four things may sound too simplistic, but you would be amazed at
how many people overlook these. People can start implementing these
right away without much difficulty or shock to the way they live. It
may not be much, but we are looking for the aggregate effect.

I have blog where I talk more about climate change the "green"
movement. Feel free to check it out and leave any comments if you
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