Clever Knits features knit-celebrity Cheryl Brunette, author of Sweater 101

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May 12, 2010, 5:16:25 PM5/12/10
to Clever Knitters - mailing list
Clever Knitters,

QUICK! Get out your calendar and mark June 19th. Call your babysitter, reschedule your hair cut and tell your husband he’ll have to figure out dinner for the gang. We have a very special event that you won’t want to miss. It’s an exclusive to Clever Knits and we couldn’t be more excited.

Cheryl Brunette, author of Sweater 101: How to Plan Sweaters That Fit . . . and Organize Your Knitting Life at the Same Time, will be HERE. We are honoured to have TWO events with her: an intensive workshop course in the afternoon, and an additional event and book-signing in the evening.

Here are the details:

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The Workshop: How to Make Sweaters that Fit You and Your Loved Ones

Saturday, June 19, 12-5pm
$120 includes a copy of the book (normally an additional $32.95) and there’s homework to do before the class so sign up as soon as possible.
This class is limited to 12 students.

Knitting a sweater is a commitment. You put a lot of time and money into it and you want to be proud of the results. In this small, hands-on class we will go through all the steps to create individualized patterns for each student. Do something once and you’ll vaguely remember parts of the process. Do something 8 to 12 times and you will own the process. It becomes part of your skill set. After this class you’ll have the confidence to choose your yarn, worked at your gauge in your style and create sweaters that fit you and your loved ones whether you’re using a commercial pattern or designing your own.

More details:

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The Evening Event: Knitting, S.E.X.*, Chocolate, and a Couple of Math Skills
*Stash Enhancement Expeditions

Saturday, June 19, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. including book signing
$10 or FREE if you purchase a copy of Cheryl's book. We expect this event to be 'Standing Room Only' so you may want to bring a camp stool or cushion to sit on.

In this session you’ll learn two very handy knitting math skills: how to use your calculator memory, and the “More-Or-Less-Right-Formula” which Meg Swansen (Elizabeth Zimmerman’s daughter) says “ìs worth the price of the book [Sweater 101] unto itself.” You really want to know this skill. Recently, Ann Budd taught at a weekend knitting camp and wrote in her blog, “From the feedback I got, the best trick I showed the campers was the shaping formula from Cheryl Brunette’s book Sweater 101...” The chocolate is just for fun.

BRING TO CLASS: A calculator, notebook, and pencil with an eraser. Books will be available at the event and Cheryl will happily sign them.

More details:

Cheryl Brunette has taught for over 45 years and knit for over 55. Between her classes and book she has inspired thousands of knitters to design sweaters that fit and to grow their skills. For more information about Cheryl, see or you can read an interview with her in The Oregonian.

Warm (& sweatery) regards,

Clever Knits
214 S. Indiana Ave, Vista CA 92084

Sat & Sun 12-7pm
Mon, Wed, & Thurs 12-6pm
Tues 12-10pm
Fri 12-8pm

FREE social knitting events:
Tues 6-10pm, Fri 5-8pm, Sun 1-4pm
phone: 760.806.6744

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