[Clayart] Update on melted glass in pots

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Robert L. Johnson via Clayart

Jun 13, 2024, 7:58:10 AMJun 13
to cla...@lists.clayartforum.com, Robert L. Johnson
Thank you to those of you who sent warnings about using melted glass in
food vessels. I used a test inspired by astronomers who test the adhesion
of reflective mirror surfaces with pieces of duct tape. Sure enough, on a
small fraction of pots tiny glass granules came off on my duct tape test

As a result, I'll sell these with the caution that they are not to be used
with food--particularly liquid foods. (Chips should be OK, I think.) I'm
doing further tests by putting them all through the diswasher and then
subjecting them to the duct tape again.

in Southern Oregon

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Dorothy Parshall via Clayart

Jun 13, 2024, 11:32:50 AMJun 13
to Clayart international pottery discussion forum, Dorothy Parshall
It just hit me on the head! Why are potters looking at doing something to their pots that have the possibility of doing harm? I remember an experienced potter saying to me, about 40 years ago, “There is so much to learn about ceramics that it would take several lifetimes to get it all.” In my lifetime, I have barely scratched the surface. I delight in reading posts by those who have experienced so much more. I love seeing pics of unique pots, interesting surfaces and glazing techniques. The brain boggles and - “gee I could try this, or that…!” I have yet to see any good reason to try glass, of any sort. All I have seen, on here, are good reasons not to bother. Certainly it will not help the world recycle glass. Let’s re-invent the wheel? Or re-read A Canticle for Leibowitz? Or am just old and crochety?


David Woof via Clayart

Jun 13, 2024, 1:58:09 PMJun 13
to Clayart international pottery discussion forum, David Woof
Robert Johnson from Southern Oregon Said: <"As a result, I'll sell these with the caution that they are not to be used
with food-">

Dear Robert, Everyone,
Is it not true that If a compromised clay vessel appears created for utilitarian use it will likely be used as such for serving, eating, or drinking.
And the "Dummying Down" of the American Public (the so called Educated included) makes it all the more certain.

Why in "Human Created" Hell would one even consider selling what one considers compromised vessels with a duct taped warning that will most likely soon be lost and forgotten by the user? Or Passed on as a gift or as inherited....da..da..da
Does that action absolve one from a responsibility one's conscience and perhaps degraded sense of ethics nudges one to perform?

Is each one of our works so desperately precious and saleable in our minds that we forget the quality control hammer and shard pile.

Just a curious Question, no Judgments here. Just asking, heh?

The minute shards and slivers of glass or tramp manufacturing metals may only pose a problem in our minds,....but not thinking about our thinking is usually the real and lasting threat to our health and survival.

Trolls, please feel free to express your opinions.
AS it's often said about opinions, "everyone has one and most of them stink."

Love to all,
From: Clayart <clayart...@lists.clayartforum.com> on behalf of Robert L. Johnson via Clayart <cla...@lists.clayartforum.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:30 PM
To: cla...@lists.clayartforum.com <cla...@lists.clayartforum.com>
Cc: Robert L. Johnson <impal...@gmail.com>
Subject: [Clayart] Update on melted glass in pots
URL: <https://lists.clayartforum.com/pipermail/clayart/attachments/20240613/c39de09c/attachment.htm>

joel joelfink.net via Clayart

Jun 13, 2024, 6:27:38 PMJun 13
to Clayart international pottery discussion forum, joel joelfink.net
For my part, if I make a vessel that even has the appearance of a food/functional pot, I assume it will be a gift and that my instructions will not survive the exchange, so it will only be produced and sold as a food-safe product. For that matter, 99% of the tens of thousands (hundreds at this point??) of pots I've made are kitchen/drinking/food items.

Joel Fink.
Ficklefink Pottery
From: Clayart <clayart...@lists.clayartforum.com> on behalf of David Woof via Clayart <cla...@lists.clayartforum.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2024 11:15 AM
To: Clayart international pottery discussion forum <cla...@lists.clayartforum.com>
Cc: David Woof <woof...@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Clayart] Update on melted glass in pots
URL: <https://lists.clayartforum.com/pipermail/clayart/attachments/20240613/165e488f/attachment.htm>

kathi--- via Clayart

Jun 14, 2024, 2:02:18 PMJun 14
to Clayart international pottery discussion forum, ka...@lesueurclaywork.com
Expecting people to abide by a caution about use is absurd. How are you going to assure that EVERYONE who picks this piece up knows? What if it gets sold in an estate sale? What if a child sees it and decides the have their cereal in it. Just don’t make a product that is potentially dangers. Unless, of course, you have no problem putting everything you own at risk in a lawsuit.

Kathi LeSueur
Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 13, 2024, at 1:57 PM, David Woof via Clayart <cla...@lists.clayartforum.com> wrote:
> Robert Johnson from Southern Oregon Said: <"As a result, I'll sell these with the caution that they are not to be used
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