AGU Poster : Hannah Spero (BSU) - Wed. 2-4PM (MST) - "Comparison of HEC-RAS and GeoClaw"

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Donna Calhoun

Dec 8, 2020, 10:50:32 PM12/8/20
Hi Clawpack-ers : 

Hannah Spero, an undergraduate working with me on modeling the Teton Dam failure with GeoClaw, will be presenting a poster at AGU this week.  She did an impressive job on her virtual poster and I encourage you to visit : 

Here are the details she sent along : 

I have compiled the meeting information for AGU below in case you or any of the Clawpack group would like to attend. I am excited to share my current research and continue improving both models for a larger analysis in the Spring. 

Note: You will need to be logged into the platform and meeting forum and then this should take you right to my poster! 

(2) Live Session (Zoom) will take place from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MST or 3:00 -4:00 PM EST

(3) Chat Session will take place from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM MST or 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST

(4) The name of my poster is, "A Systematic Comparison of Dam Breach Inundation Responses by HEC-RAS and GeoClaw Dam Failure Modeling Codes Applied to the Historic Teton Dam Failure". 

(5) The abstract number is: NH015-0001

(6) Abstract: 
As the infrastructure of dams deteriorates with age, the need for accurate numerical modeling of potential downstream consequences of dam failure increases. Validated hydrodynamic models can aid with flood risk evacuation planning and flood risk assessments – both of which can improve community resilience and preparedness. Determining which software is most suitable for accuracy in numerical modeling studies depends on many factors. As a part of a broader purpose, the objective of this study is to compare the inundation responses of two numerical models for downstream flood modeling. We selected the industry-standard software HEC-RAS v. 5.0.7 and an academic research code GeoClaw v. 5.7.0. Both codes discretize the shallow water wave equations and both have been validated in a variety of settings. We perform a comparison to assess (1) capability to predict inundation extent and final flow depth, (2) potential to simulate the speed of a propagating flood wave, and (3) agreement with historical data for accuracy. We also discuss the ease of use of both packages, performance characteristics, and tools for visualization and post-processing. As a case study, we run both codes on the historical Teton Dam failure and discuss how well each code agrees with historical data for flood boundaries, flood depths, travel times, and peak velocities.

Take care, 


Donna Calhoun
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics, Mathematics Bldg 241A
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725-1555
(208) 426-3386

Randall J LeVeque

Dec 9, 2020, 11:16:24 AM12/9/20
to Developers of Clawpack
Very nice poster, thanks for sharing!

For those registered for AGU, the tsunami sessions are going on today and tomorrow, and there were also several GeoClaw and D-Claw talks in other sessions.

Thanks to everyone who's presenting,
 - Randy

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