Clawpack v5.9.1 released

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Randall J LeVeque

Oct 3, 2023, 5:00:01 PM10/3/23
to, Developers of Clawpack
Dear Clawpack Users,

We are happy to announce that Clawpack 5.9.1 has been released.

This mostly contains some minor bug fixes and additional capabilities.

See the release notes for a summary of all changes:

We hope to release v5.10.0 in the next few months, containing some major additions to GeoClaw:

 - Boussinesq solvers in GeoClaw for modeling shorter wavelength dispersive
   waves. This requires higher order derivative terms and hence implicit
   time-stepping, which will be fully coupled with AMR as described in:

 - A one-dimensional version of GeoClaw supporting both shallow water and
   Boussinesq equations.

 - The addition of spherical source terms in GeoClaw that should have always
   been included when modeling global wave propagation. These are included as
   an option in v5.9.1 for testing purposes, see

How to get the latest version:

Please see
for several installation options and the list of prerequisites.

**Note:** The simple `pip install --user clawpack` option
will not yet download the latest version, but Pypi should be updated soon.

A new tar file is available at:
The tarfile is also permanently archived on Zenodo with DOI
So if you publish results (and also, we hope, the code used to generate them) based on this version, you can rest assured that it will always be available to your readers.  For earlier versions, see
Tar files for all recent releases can also now be referenced with the single DOI 10.17605/, convenient if you have used multiple versions in your work, or you want to cite a generic Clawpack DOI.   For more information on how best to cite Clawpack, please see
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this release. You can view all the commits, diffs, and contributors starting from the release notes page

Happy Computing,
  The Clawpack Development Team
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