MacRelix and FORGE: Hello World (a screencast demo)

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Josh Juran

Sep 7, 2012, 11:55:25 PM9/7/12
Hi folks,

I've uploaded a screencast video of a demo that runs in classic Mac OS.

MacRelix (formerly Lamp (Lamp ain't Mac POSIX)) is a POSIX-like layer
over classic Mac OS. FORGE (a File-Oriented, Reflective Graphical
Environment) is a means of controlling a GUI through a virtual
filesystem, which grew out of MacRelix. The demo displays "Hello
world" in a window using just five lines of shell script.

FORGE: Hello World

If you're interested in developing apps without hacking at the C
level, definitely check it out.


wayne durden

Sep 8, 2012, 7:31:42 AM9/8/12
This is interesting, I regret that I will in all likelihood never be able to use it, but it makes me happy to see this type of work happening!

Good luck pushing the boundaries to new limits!


Josh Juran

Sep 10, 2012, 7:42:57 AM9/10/12
On Sep 8, 2012, at 4:31 AM, wayne durden wrote:

> This is interesting, I regret that I will in all likelihood never
> be able to use it,

Do you say that because you can't run MacRelix? Because I'm also
working on porting FUSE to modern operating systems.

Or did you mean that you don't know shell scripting? The limited
subset required for FORGE isn't hard to pick up, and it will be
easier when there are more examples.

> but it makes me happy to see this type of work happening!
> Good luck pushing the boundaries to new limits!



wayne durden

Sep 11, 2012, 10:57:20 AM9/11/12
Hi Josh,

I didn't mean because of the operating system.  Unfortunately, I am at a place in life where due to kids, work, etc., I just can't explore all of the interesting things that I discover.  But it's great to see other folks that are able to push the boundaries still, and even more so if it involves the classic mac look which will always find a soft spot due to fond memories.  I personally think the OS 8.5 and Platinum appearances were about the high water mark for appearance and consistency in usability and so I enjoy seeing that look still in use.  To me that represented the right balance of text menus for conciseness and clarity, icon size and usage for clear shortcuts without overdoing them for the sake of mere eye candy, etc.

The everything as a file operation is a very interesting twist but I just don't even have enough time to fully reflect on just the concept.  I hope you hit something both interesting and useful!

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