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WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Americans supported President Clinton's weekend
actions against Iraq by nearly a 3-1 margin, but believe the military
raid against Saddam Hussein's intelligence network would spur more
terrorist acts, a quick Gallup Poll showed Monday.
The poll conducted for CNN and USA Today said 66 percent of the 602
telephone interviewees approved of Clinton's actions to 23 percent who
But 54 percent of those questioned Sunday afternoon said they
believed the military strike would result in more terrorist activity
against the United States. Thirteen percent said they thought there
would be fewer such attacks while 26 percent said it made no difference.
In one of the first polls after the Saturday attack, 58 percent said
the level of the U.S. action was about right, 13 percnet said more
should have been done, and 11 percent said less should have been done.
A total of 53 percent said the United States should take try to
assassinate Saddam while 37 percent said no.
The U.S. military action did nothing to change 61 percent's opinion
of Clinton while 20 percent said they were more confident in his
leadership and 14 percent were less confident.
The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus five percentage