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Feb 10, 2015, 8:40:52 PM2/10/15
Sábado, 07 de Febrero, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Deseamos expresar nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones a cada una de todas las familias que perdieron a sus 31 muy amados cuando una nave de la aerolínea taiwanesa TransAsia se precipito a un río cercano, después de despegar del aeropuerto Zhongshan con un motor averiado y en llamas. Ellos se encuentran en la presencia de nuestro Padre celestial, porque su Hijo Jesucristo pagó por el rescate de sus almas eternas, al derramar su sangre santísima llena de su vida memorable que había cumplido y glorificado el Espíritu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos, para que todo aquel que se pare delante de su cruz tenga perdón, salud y vida eterna.

Porque todo aquel que se pare delante de la cruz de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces estará parado sobre la tierra santa que ha recibió en el cielo la sangre santísima y en la tierra de Israel también, para que seamos lavados de todos nuestros pecados para siempre y así alcanzar la salvación eterna. Y éste monte santo de Jerusalén, nuestro Padre celestial y así también su Hijo Jesucristo con el Espíritu Santo se lo revelaron a Jacobo cuando él descansaba su cabeza sobre una roca durante la noche, porque iba camino a la tierra de la parentela de su padre Isaac para escoger a una de sus hijas como su esposa.

Y mientras Jacobo dormía entonces él vio claramente el monte santo de Jerusalén con las tres cruces que ascendían sobre la colina hacia el cielo, que le parecía como una escalera, porque podía ver como los ángeles ascendían de la tierra al cielo y otros descendían del cielo con regalos para las naciones. De pronto, Jacobo pudo ver alguien que le hablaba de en medio de las tres cruces, y éste era nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, que le decía: Yo soy el Dios de Abraham y de Isaac tu padre; ésta tierra en donde estas parado se la he dado a tu descendencia después de ti, para que la conquisten y posean para siempre.

Y ellos serán tus hijos que saldrán de ti, tan numerosos que no se podrán contar, así como la arena del mar de tan numerosas que son sus granos de arena, más tu descendencia será aún mucho más numerosa que toda la arena de los mares, para no solamente llenar la tierra sino también el cielo, para siempre. Y Jacobo podía ver que el suelo del monte santo de Jerusalén que estaba saturado con la sangre bendita del Cordero de Dios que había sido derramada desde mucho antes de la fundación del mundo, para empezar a crear todas las cosas que conocemos y las que serán en el porvenir, para siempre.

Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial todo lo que él ha creado a través de su vida santísima y de la eternidad, ha tenido que ser con la sangre bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo, y sin su sangre derramada sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén entonces él y su Espíritu Santo jamás han creado nada. Y mientras Jacobo hablaba con nuestro Señor Jesucristo de entre las cruces, entonces le dijo: Si me das de comer y me vistes y, además, te aseguras que yo llegue sano a la tierra de la parentela de mi padre Isaac, para escoger de entre de sus hijas a la que será mi esposa, entonces tú serás mi Dios, para siempre.

Aquí es cuando Jacobo recibe a nuestro Señor Jesucristo como su Dios eterno, porque Jesucristo no solamente le dio de comer y de beber todos los días de su vida, sino que también se aseguró que siempre llegue íntegro a todo lugar, después de haber escogido a su esposa de entre las hijas de su parentela en la tierra de Padan-aram. Esto significa que cada uno de todos los hijos e hijas de Jacob (Israel) tendrán siempre éste gran beneficio, de no solamente comer y beber continuamente de lo mejor del cielo y la tierra, sino que también constantemente llegaran salvos a todo lugar que intenten llegar, incluyendo La Nueva Jerusalén santa, gloriosa y eterna del cielo, en donde reina el amor abundantemente.

En estos días, no importa en que situación te encuentres, si haces al Señor Jesucristo tu Dios y redentor, entonces no solamente siempre vas a comer y beber de lo mejor del cielo y la tierra, sino que además él te llevara seguro y protegido a todos los lugares que desees estar con los tuyos, incluyendo el mismo nuevo reino celestial. Y ésta es una promesa de bendición y de grandes riquezas en la tierra y así también en el cielo, porque Jacobo hizo un pacto eterno de bendición y de salvación con nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para que no solamente siempre goces de todo bien en la tierra, sino también en el nuevo reino de los cielos con Dios y sus huestes angelicales.

Por eso, siempre es bueno tener a nuestro Señor Jesucristo viviendo en nuestros corazones, porque no solamente él nos ama con un amor infinito así como siempre ha amado a nuestro Padre celestial y al Espíritu Santo, sino que también él es nuestro sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre santísima que nos limpia de todo pecado, para llenarnos de riquezas. Porque cada vez que te acercas a nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo entonces te vas a encontrar con él en tus sueños o sobre todo lo alto del monte como el Monte Sinaí con Moisés, por ejemplo, en donde nuestro Señor Jesucristo le dijo de entre los árboles en llamas: Quítate los zapatos, porque estás parado en tierra santa.

Moisés se quitó los zapatos inmediatamente, porque no solamente nuestro Señor Jesucristo se lo pedía, sino porque su misma alma sentía la gran importancia y reverencia que él debía tener al estar parado delante de la cruz y con la sangre santísima tocando sus pies, ya que era necesario que él hiciese contacto con la sangre salvadora para bendecir a Israel grandemente. Por eso, nuestro Señor Jesucristo le dijo a Moisés que descalzara sus pies, porque estaba parado sobre tierra santa, en donde no solamente su sangre santísima había sido derramada en un holocausto santo y continúo del reino angelical, sino que también era toda la nueva vida santísima dada a Israel para recibirla y así también las naciones, para escapar del pecado perpetuamente.

Hoy, sangre santa satura la tierra al pie de la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, y cuando Jacobo la vio en su sueño, entonces Israel tomó vida para ser la nación de Dios perpetuamente; inmediatamente, Jacobo ungió con aceite la roca donde descansó su cabeza al dormir, en honor al Dios de la sangre que estableció el pacto eterno de vida. Y Jacobo ungía la roca con la que había descansado su cabeza y había soñado con el Dios eterno del monte santo de Jerusalén, porque los hijos que nuestro Señor Jesucristo le había prometido a él y con toda la tierra que sus pies habían cabalgado, ciertamente serian los hijos que derramarían su sangre santísima para conquistar el cielo, para siempre.

Visto que, no había otra forma posible para no solamente Israel conquistar el cielo, como La Nueva Jerusalén santa y gloriosa del más allá, sino también cada una de todas las naciones, porque esta promesa de perdón, salud, prosperidad, y salvación eterna es para la humanidad entera; porque nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham: Tú serás padre de muchas naciones. No obstante, eran solamente los hijos de Abraham que estaban llamados a derramar la sangre bendita del Cordero de Dios, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, porque sólo él había de nacer del vientre virgen de la hija de David, para entregarnos no solamente la vida eterna, sino también el cuerpo glorificado y sin pecado para vivirla eternamente.

En otras palabras, todos los hijos de Abraham tenían que llevar a su Hijo amado, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, también conocido como <<el Santo de Israel>>, a la cima de monte santo de Jerusalén, después de haber vivido su vida no solamente para cumplir y glorificar grandemente el Espíritu Santo de la Ley, sino también para destruir toda mentira, maldición, calumnia, y enfermedad. Dado que, si nuestro Señor Jesucristo podía solamente con su vida santísima vivida cada día con sus hermanos y hermanos hebreos, en Israel, destruir cada mentira que se le dijo a Adán y Eva en el paraíso de parte de Satanás, por medio de la serpiente antigua del Edén, entonces Satanás y sus ángeles caídos ya no tienen razón de coexistir más.

Es decir, que una vez que nuestro Señor Jesucristo habló cada palabra que él oía del Padre decir desde el cielo para Israel, entonces esa era la palabra que salía de su boca delante de sus hermanos hebreos, para contestar sus preguntas y así también para liberarlos de todas las obras de Satanás y de los ángeles caídos que los atacaban. Porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente vino a Israel a nacer del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por el poder del Espíritu Santo, sino para ser la voz de nuestro Padre celestial delante de cada hebreo y de cada hebrea, para no solamente contestar sus preguntas sino también para bendecirlos grandemente en todos los aspectos de sus vidas.

Y, además, nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente fue la voz de nuestro Padre celestial entre los hebreos en todo Israel, sino también fue hacedor de las obras que él veía al Espíritu Santo hacer delante de las gentes que tenían necesidad de algún milagro o de grandes milagros, para escapar las trampas que Satanás había puesto delante de ellos, para destruirlos. Y estas grandes bendiciones han llegado una a una y sin cesar a todo Israel desde siempre, porque Moisés hizo contacto con la sangre bendita de nuestro Señor Jesucristo que le hablaba a él, de entre las cruces del Padre y del Espíritu Santo como testigos fieles a las palabras dichas aquel día con gran amor, para liberar a Israel de Egipto.

Porque la verdad es que Moisés ha sido el único que realmente ha tenido contacto con la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo al pie de la cruz, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para que Israel no solamente escape de Egipto, sino también para que reciba al Gran Rey Mesías con todas sus grandes bendiciones eternas de cada día. Realmente, Jacobo soñó con el monte santo de Jerusalén y juró el pacto de vida eterna con Jesucristo que le hablaba con amor y bendición para él y para sus hijos por venir, sino que no pudo jamás tocar o contactar con la sangre bendita derramada al pie de la cruz de Jesucristo, sino que uno de sus hijos lo haría.

Y éste fue Moisés quien no solamente vio desde grandes distancias sobre el Monte Sinaí el monte santo de Jerusalén con las cruces en llamas, <<porque la sangre bendita satura toda su tierra>>, pero pudo pararse al pie de la cruz haciendo así contacto con la sangre del pacto para al fin salvar a Israel de Egipto con poder y maravillas. Visto que, para nuestro Padre celestial no fue suficiente que Jacobo hiciese un pacto de vida eterna con su Hijo Jesucristo sino que también tenia que haber contacto con la sangre bendita derramada al pie de las cruces, para que entonces no solamente el pacto sea activado sino que también comience a infundir grandes bendiciones.

Por esta razón, después de Jacobo haber soñado con el Dios del monte santo de Jerusalén, haciendo con él un pacto vida eterna para con él y sus hijos por generaciones venideras, sino que también Moisés como uno de los hijos del pacto, tocase e hiciese contacto con sus pies con la sangre santísima que salva a Israel de sus enemigos. En verdad, todas estas bendiciones que Israel comenzó a recibir y sin cesar del monte santo de Jerusalén cuando Moisés toca con sus pies la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, sangre que Jacobo solamente había visto en su sueño, no solamente liberó a Israel de Egipto, sino que también lo llevo a la tierra prometida por el desierto, para poseerla.

Porque para entrar al reino de los cielos libre del pecado y justificado perpetuamente, por la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, entonces el Hijo de Dios tenia que nacer del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por el Espíritu Santo, para cumplir con el Espíritu Santo de la Ley, destruyendo toda mentira de Satanás sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén. Visto que, solamente sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén nuestro Señor Jesucristo iba a declarar abiertamente que "todo es consumado ya", cuando el Espíritu Santo de la Ley hubiese destruido toda mentira, calumnia, maldad, enfermedad y muerte de Satanás en la tierra y en el infierno tormentoso, para que la puerta del cielo se abriese al fin para todos, para siempre.

Y esto iba ser solamente posible, si los hijos de Abraham no solamente llevasen al Santo de Israel a la cruz del monte santo de Jerusalén, para que sea clavado el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial sobre todo lo alto del cielo y la tierra, sino que también se parasen sobre su sangre santísima para abrir el cielo, para salvación eterna. Y cuando los hijos de Abraham comenzaron a caminar sobre la tierra salpicada con la sangre del Señor Jesucristo y su cruz eterna, entonces todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña puede subir de la tierra al cielo y luego descender del cielo a la tierra con muchas y ricas bendiciones de nuestro Padre celestial, para todas las familias de las naciones.

Por lo tanto, era necesario que nuestro Señor Jesucristo, como el Santo de Israel, fuese llevado en su día al monte santo de Jerusalén por los hijos de Abraham, para no solamente derramar su sangre santísima y salvadora al pie de la cruz, ya conocida por Jacobo inicialmente y luego por Moisés, sino también para que el hombre ascienda al cielo. Porque esto era lo que nuestro Padre celestial deseaba hacer con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña no solamente de Israel sino también de todas las naciones, para que suban y bajen de la tierra al cielo y viceversa, así como los ángeles, para que su reino de ángeles ya no sea en el cielo sino también en la tierra, perpetuamente.

Dado que, el pacto de vida para con Abraham, Isaac y Jacobo, el cual es eterno, no solamente es de perdón, salud, prosperidad y salvación eterna, sino también de convertir a toda la tierra en un nuevo reino celestial así como el reino de los cielos, porque la gloria de su nombre santísimo tiene que inundar toda su Gran Creación, para siempre. Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial va a crear nuevos cielos con su nueva tierra, porque el viejo cielo y la tierra pasaran, dando paso a su Nueva Creación llena de las naciones que han aceptado, honrado y glorificado grandemente a su Hijo Jesucristo al ascender al monte santo de Jerusalén, en sus sueños y oraciones, para hacer contacto con la sangre redentora.

Tus días son gloriosos, si es que has ascendido al monte santo de Jerusalén, para hablar con Jesucristo, parado sobre su sangre santísima ya salpicada al pie de su cruz eterna, para salvarte del pecado y así él comience a hablar palabras de bendición a tu vida: para que ya no veas más tinieblas y pobreza, sino sólo luz y riquezas. Porque Jacobo te dice al igual que Moisés: Nosotros vimos el monte santo de Jerusalén y su sangre santísima salpicada al pie de la cruz eterna, cuando Jacobo dormía y en su sueño la vio sin hacer contacto con ella, pero Moisés su hijo si la vio y la tocó para Israel escapar de Egipto, y las naciones del infierno tormentoso, también.

Y cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo fue finalmente crucificado sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces no solamente Jacobo y Moisés habían visto la sangre del pacto derramada a tierra, pero los hijos de Jacobo y Moisés la vieron en gran abundancia y la tocaron también, para que tú con los tuyos entres ya redimido y justificado por la puerta abierta al cielo.

Nuestras oraciones y amor serán siempre para cada una de todas las familias de las víctimas de la aeronave taiwanés que se accidento cuando uno de sus motores se encendió en llamas, después de haber despegado del aeropuerto, precipitándose así al río Jilong con la intención de salvar a la nave y toda la tripulación.

Que nuestro Padre celestial los bendiga y los guarde cada día, para que su Hijo Jesucristo los mire con amor y justicia eternal desde el cielo, haciendo extender su amor eterno hacia cada uno de ustedes en todas las naciones y así su Espíritu Santo les manifieste sus favores, maravillas y milagros, viviendo siempre felices e enriquecidos en su paz celestial. ¡Amén!


The blood from the lamb that you have hit and smeared your home's doorframe from top to bottom will serve as a sign between you and me, our heavenly Father declared to Moses. Then, as I pass your home I will see the blood smeared over your home's doorframe from top to bottom forming the cross that you were shown over Jerusalem's holy hill burning bush resting over Mount Sinai's summit with God's lamb atoning-blood shed all over the holy ground since the foundation of the world, so the destroyer will not strike you.

For this is the atoning-blood that had been shed since Creation day to begin to create all things in heaven's glory with all the angelic hosts, furthermore to create paradise and earth with everything in them, so every man, woman and child may live to come to know these days the God that created them, for the glory of His holy name. Having our heavenly Father spoken to Moses from above His cross, His Son Jesus Christ from his, and finally the Holy Spirit from above his also, then Moses descended from Mount Sinai with the all-powerful name that had not only saved his forefathers from sin as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but now it has descended to save the children from Egypt's slavery.

Inasmuch as, as Moses stood at the burning bush, which were the three crosses ascending that Jacob had seen initially in his dream as he rested his head on a rock at the little town known as Luz, on his way to his father Isaac's relatives to meet his wife, then: our Lord Jesus Christ from the middle cross spoke to him. This is when our Lord Jesus Christ said to Moses: Remove your sandals, because the ground where you are standing is holy; immediately he removed his sandals to comply with the voice that was coming towards him from the middle of the burning trees or crosses, because the one speaking to him, spoke as his long-time brother with love, power and authority.

Having Moses removed his sandals from his feet, then he continued to feel fear that invaded his entire humanity as never before, but this fear was not causing him to running a way as you would normally run away from an attacking stranger, for example, but he remained where he was nevertheless, because he could since abundant divine-love filling him entirely. For this was our Lord Jesus Christ's abundant divine-love that he needed to manifest not only to Moses but also to every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel, because they were void of fatherhood love due to the long suffering of four-hundred and thirty-years of Egypt's slavery, thus, he needed to restore his love from where they were born.

But to do this, then Moses not only needed to stand before his cross smeared with his atoning-blood shed since Creation day, furthermore he needed to hear the confession from the crosses that our heavenly Father is the God of Abraham, then our Lord Jesus Christ is the God of Isaac, and finally, the Holy Spirit is the God of Jacob. This official confession was very important for Moses to hear directly from our heavenly Father as He confessed that He is Abraham's God, then that His Son Jesus Christ is Isaac's God, and finally that the Holy Spirit is Jacob's God, so he may descend Mount Sinai filled with the Holy Spirit's power to announce this holy name for Israel's awakening.

Therefore, it was important for Israel to receive this very holy name from our heavenly Father's confession, from His Son Jesus Christ's confession, and from the Holy Spirit's confession, because they needed to move away from the power of darkness that had enslaved them for centuries, but move with perfect holiness that the Holy Spirit's power grants as it is invoked. However, although that it was important for our heavenly Father to confess that He is Abraham's God, His Son Jesus Christ is Isaac's God, and the Holy Spirit is Jacob's God, but now, not only Moses needed to know that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Great I AM THAT I AM, but also Israel.

For the reason that, he will be as always God's Lamb for the angels in heaven's glory to convey throughout their entire lives on earth the atoning-blood that not only liberates them from Egypt's slavery, but also to save them forever from the power of sin, curses, sicknesses, diseases, death, and hell's torment, so they may ascend into heaven forever saved. Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ needed Moses and Israel to know that wherever they may go after they abandon Egypt's slavery to cross the Red sea and to stand at Mount Sinai, then, he will always be the one that they should know as the Great I AM, because he conveys the atoning-blood that removes sin, making them holy forever.

In other words, it was good for Israel to know our heavenly Father's name, His Son's name, and His Spirit's name confessed directly from their respective crosses from over Jerusalem's holy hill, but, more important, they needed to know that he alone as Jesus Christ would be the Great I AM THAT I AM, conveying the atoning-blood to remove sin, forever. Meaning also that he will be savior that they will be offering the atoning-blood to have their sins forgiving as they will normally offer animal sacrifices at the tabernacle of reunion's entrance and over the altars, so as our heavenly Father will see the atoning-blood, then He will remember His covenant of life to bless them with His Holy Spirit's daily gifts.

That is to say, also that every time that the Israelis made their animal sacrifices to shed the atoning-blood whether this was to hit and smear their home's doorpost and altars, then our heavenly Father was looking and accepting always only His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed initially in Creation day in heaven's glory for the creation of all things, forever. That is why, that the animals sacrifices bloods shed at the tabernacle's entrance or over the designated altars, then, the animals' bloods will only cover sins temporarily, because the real blood that our heavenly Father was always looking forward to see was that of His Son Jesus Christ to atone for the sins of the people of Israel, everlastingly.

Therefore, it was important that every Israeli man, woman and child to know our Lord Jesus Christ as the Great I AM that spoke to Moses from the middle of the three crosses ascending into heavens' glory from Jerusalem's holy hill, so whenever they conducted daily sacrifices over the designated altars, then they were shedding the animals' bloods to cover sin temporarily. For the reason that, the only atoning-blood that our heavenly Father will see and accept to remove sin, moreover forgive the sinner from dying to descend into hell's torments forever cursed, it was that of His Son Jesus Christ that he had shed already as God's Lamb over Jerusalem's holy hill in heaven's glory to create all things in paradise and earth.

That is why, that our heavenly Father said to Moses: You must take a hyssop of branches drenched with the atoning-blood from the animal sacrifice of one year-old and without blemish over the altar to hit and smear up-and-down your home's doorframe, and so, as I may see the atoning-blood then I will remember my covenant of life with you. Provided that, it is the blood that will serve as a sign of a covenant of life between you and me, so you may have not only your sins forgiven but also you will receive life not from the animal sacrifice of one year-old and unblemished, but from God's Lamb eternal life from heaven above to live always blessed forever into eternity.

Furthermore, this eternal life that our heavenly Father was granting not only to the Israelis but also to everyone else willing to love, obey and serve Him through His Lamb over Jerusalem's holy hill cross with his atoning-blood already shed to the ground, it was His Son, so we may become forgiven and eternally holy thus to enter eternal life always blessed. That is to say, also that as Moses sacrificed the animal that was one year-old and unblemished then he took a group of branches and deepened them into the blood to hit and smear every Israeli home's doorposts thus to form the crosses or burning bush that was shown to him over Jerusalem's holy hill at Mount Sinai to kill sin.

Meaning that, as Moses took the branches deepened into the animal's atoning-blood to hit and smear every Israeli home's doorframe, then he was doing it like this, because this is what not only our heavenly Father told him to do, but also, because this was the atoning-blood from His Son that He was accepting for Israel to escape slavery at last. Therefore, it was not only our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that Jacob saw as he dreamed with the three ascending-crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill, but also, because Moses saw it over Mount Sinai for the ground was holy with the atoning-blood, and so, as he hit and smeared every Israeli home's doorpost, then he did it with Jesus Christ's atoning-blood.

In other words, it was our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood already shed since Creation day over Jerusalem's holy hill in heaven's glory that not only Jacob saw in his dream but also Moses saw it spilled to the ground, making the entire site holy at Mount Sinai, and so, it was our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that liberated Israel from Egypt. Really, it hat to be our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood spilled abundantly over Jerusalem's holy hill and the cross that our heavenly Father wanted to liberate Israel with it from captivity, because it was never possible that the animal sacrificed blood could liberate Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's children from the power of darkness thus to possess at last the Promised Land.

For it was with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that our heavenly Father started to create heaven's glory with the numerous angelic hosts, and the same is true with the world and the families of the nations, beginning with Adam and Eve, and so, it had to be with His Son's atoning-blood that He needed to liberate Israel from slavery, forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father said to Moses: You with Israel will return to this mountain, meaning Jerusalem's holy hill and the crosses on fire, to love, serve and glorify God forever at Mount Sinai, through the desert, within the Promised Land, the nations of the world, and into eternity in heaven's glory, as the New Jerusalem from heaven above.

That is why, also that as Israel finally crossed the Red Sea in dried ground, then they walked through the desert searching for water and food to eat, but they failed to find any anywhere, because our heavenly Father purposely took them through the desert towards Mount Sinai, so they may be hungry and thirsty as they get there. For the reason that, at Mount Sinai's foot our heavenly Father was not only going to show them Jerusalem's holy hill with the burning bush that were physically the three crosses lineup and ascending that Jacob saw in his dream, and now Moses, but also they were going to drink from His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood hidden within the injured-rock.

On this day, every Israeli along with Moses were going to abundantly drink and eat from the injured-rock that our heavenly Father was going to show them, because, no one could see it much know were to find it or how to get to it, but, our heavenly Father said to Moses: I will take you to the rock; follow me. Now, as you follow me, our heavenly Father said, then I will show where it is, immediately you will approach it with the leadership to hit it twice for living- water to burst from it, because, this is the only water that you will ever find these days in the desert to quench your thirst and that of your animals, as well.

Besides, our heavenly Father needed Moses with the leadership to drink from Jerusalem's holy hill, because it is a living-rock that is always saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood turned into living-water not only for the Israelis to drink from it to the full but also the nations and every living creature from everywhere around the world into all eternity. Provided that, the living-water that it is progressively emanating from it, it is His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood turned into living-water giving life to every living-thing, whether this is human or not, because all life in heaven for angels and on earth for humankind, emanates from it, Jerusalem's holy hill, where His Son shed initially his atoning-blood for life to sprout, everlastingly.

For this is the only life that our heavenly Father that not only knows in heaven's glory with the angelic host and with every human life everywhere on earth, but also it is the only one that He wants to see thrive within His new angelic Kingdom that He has created already with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. That way, it was important for Moses to understand that our Lord Jesus Christ was not only Isaac's God and savior on earth that started Israel as a nation from Jerusalem's holy hill, but also that he alone is the Great I AM bearing always His Father's holy name in perfect holiness and the atoning-blood spilled abundantly to recreate life everywhere, forever.

For this is our heavenly Father's atoning-blood starting life from Sarah's barren-womb as Isaac is Holy Spirit born in an eternal covenant of life, but also it is the bloodline giving birth to Israel when in Jacob's dream he vowed to receive Jesus Christ as God, so his atoning-blood will finally be displayed from David's virgin daughter to remove sin, forever. Surely, it was necessary for our heavenly Father to invite Abram with his friends to the Lord's Table where His Son serves daily bread and wine to eat from his flesh and drink from his atoning-blood thus to give birth to Isaac from his mother's barren-womb, so Jacob his son may receive Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill for Israel to exist.

Inasmuch as, once Abram with his allies had been served by His Son the meal that our Father eats in heaven with the angels, immediately He could start a covenant of life with Sarah's barren-womb for Isaac to be Holy Spirit born, so, Jacob could be born, because he needed to have Israel born from Jerusalem's holy hill as a nation. Timely, three-covenants of life in-one our heavenly Father first started with Abram as He ate the meal from His Son's wounded-hands, then Isaac needed a covenant to be Holy Spirit born through his mother's barren-womb, because Jacob had to be born finally to establish an everlasting covenant over Jerusalem's holy hill with Jesus Christ as his God for Israel to exist.

Once Jacob had established an everlasting covenant of life with our Lord Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill as he personally said to him: if you feed me and see that I am well dressed, moreover make sure that I make it safe to my father's relatives home to find my wife from their daughters, then: You will be my God forever. And our Lord Jesus Christ fed him well, moreover he was supplied always with new attires, and he always make it safe not only to his father's relatives but also to everywhere he went on earth, so our Lord Jesus Christ will become officially his God and of his children for generations to come thus to conquer someday heaven's glory into eternity.

That is why, that it was important for Israel to know our Lord Jesus Christ not only as the God of Jacob (or Israel) but also to know him as the Great I AM, because he will be the one always conveying the atoning-blood to be shed over the altar before our heavenly Father to remove sin, moreover heal them constantly. Therefore, it was important for Israel always to remember our Lord Jesus Christ as the Great I AM as they left Egypt to cross the Red Sea in dried ground and with walls of water on both sides, furthermore stand at Mount Sinai's to drink the atoning-blood turned into living-water to quench their thirst and to feed them the daily manna (angels' food).

Surely, Israel needed to know our Lord Jesus Christ every day through the Sinai's desert on the way to conquer the Promised Land, because they needed to enter Canaan with the SHEKINAH cloud over their heads with Jerusalem's holy hill and the burning crosses with His Son Jesus Christ as the King Messiah, soon to be Holy Spirit born in Israel. Thus, our heavenly Father when He said: You and Israel will return to this mountain, meaning Jerusalem's holy hill with the crosses burning as a nonstop holocaust fire, then it was not only to serve God at Sinai but also through the desert and into the Promised Land, because His only Son needed to be Holy Spirit born for everyone's lasting salvation.

For it was necessary for our heavenly Father to have His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood within the Most Holy Place in the tabernacle of reunion in heaven's glory, for sin to be always removed from Creation, but also He needed His Son Jesus Christ to shed it over Jerusalem's holy hill within the Promised Land for the nations to witness. Our heavenly Father needed the nations of the entire world to see His Jerusalem's holy hill not only as the angels have seen it always in heaven's glory performing constant holiness for the glory of His name, but also He needed His only Son Jesus Christ born from the Holy Spirit to shed the atoning-blood to the ground to kill sin forever.

Given that, our heavenly Father had removed heaven's sin as one-third of the angels with Lucifer as the leader rebelled against Him and His Lamb before Jerusalem's holy hill and the crosses, so now our Father needed His only Son Jesus Christ Holy Spirit born to shed his atoning-blood to the ground to kill Satan, the angel of death, and sin forever. That is why, that as our Lord Jesus Christ began to speak to Moses over Jerusalem's holy hill resting over Mount Sinai's summit, then, he spoke to him from the middle of the burning bush to let him know that he was standing in holy ground, because his atoning-blood had been shed already abundantly there to remove heaven's angelic rebellion forever.

Therefore, it was Jerusalem's holy hill that was holy and not Mount Sinai's ground, because the atoning-blood that our Lord Jesus Christ had shed there already it had taken place in heaven's glory to remove sin and the one-third of the sinful angels with Lucifer as Satan, so the wicked angels will never prevail with their rebellion in heaven's glory again. Then, this was something that our heavenly Father needed to do with the entire human race on earth, but for this to take place, immediately He had to start a covenant of life with Abram and his men at Jerusalem's holy hill with His Son serving the daily bread and wine, so Isaac may be Holy Spirit born from his mother barren-womb.

Considering that, once this covenant with the Holy Spirit was settled as Abram's wife Sarah will gave birth to Isaac from her lifeless-womb, then the final covenant of life could be established with his son Jacob, because Jacob will be the one that will dream not only with Jerusalem's holy hill but also with Israel as God's dreamed nation on earth, forever. Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to remove sin from every man, woman and child from all the families of Israel and the nations, it was on the way to be born on earth through David's virgin daughter, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so people may be the angels ascending and descending at will from Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory.

For this was the only way possible that our heavenly Father could not only introduce His seed into every human being on earth but also the atoning-blood that will destroy Satan's lies, curses, and death in hell's torment, so we may escape our sinful-body to take on a glorified-body that has fulfilled and gloried the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments, forever. Besides, our Lord Jesus Christ needed to be born from David's virgin daughter through the power of the Holy Spirit, as Isaac was born initially from his mother Sarah's barren-womb by the same powers, so through his glorified sacred-body and human spirit then fulfilled and glorified forever the commandments that were impossible for us to conquer, because of sin living in us.

That is why, that once our Lord Jesus Christ was able not only to be Holy Spirit born from David's daughter to grant us eternal life with the sacred-body to live it forever, but also he lived in our human-body the Holy Spirit of the commandments to destroy sin, curse, lie, death and hell finally to be crucified at Jerusalem's holy hill. Therefore, in our Lord Jesus Christ we do not only have our sins removed because he has the atoning-blood that kills sin forever, but also we have our living human glorified body that has fulfilled and glorified forever the Holy Spirit of the commandments to please our heavenly Father's love, truth and justice to return to heaven forever justified anyday now.

Today, in our Lord Jesus Christ we have the atoning-blood that will remove sin and not just cover it temporarily as the animal sacrifices did over our heavenly Father's altars within Israel as they went through the desert finally to conquer the Promised Land after they had defeated almost all of our heavenly Father's enemy nations that rebelled against His Son's ministries. Besides, this is something that Israel had to do for our heavenly Father with our Lord Jesus Christ as God's Holy Angel bearing His name through the desert to introduce it into Canaan, because He needed to establish His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill and nailed to the cross with His Son, so He may kill Satan and his lies at last.

However, for our heavenly Father to do this tremendous word, and this is to kill Satan with his lies and all his fallen angels as the angels of death and hell's torment itself, then: He had to have His Son Jesus Christ Holy Spirit born from David's daughter to shed his atoning-blood at Jerusalem's holy hill for Satan to die at last. Otherwise, without our Lord Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood to the ground on earth, then, it was totally impossible for our heavenly Father not only to forgive sin to restore people's health, and even grant them eternal salvation to ascend into heaven's glory, but also: It was impossible for Him to destroy Satan and his lies along with the fallen angels.

That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father, for Israel to know His Son Jesus Christ as the Great I AM THAT I AM, because he alone has the atoning-blood to shed over Jerusalem's holy hill in the beginning to create heaven and earth with all things, moreover to save them from Egypt's slavery, the desert, and Canaan. Independently, Moses with Israel knew Jesus Christ not only as God's Angel bearing our Father's holy name, but also they knew him as the Great I AM that was to be invoked whenever they faced trouble and danger, and that they could never possible escape from destruction unless they receive immediate help from Jerusalem's holy hill and the cross that saves them always.

Surely, the Israelis knew our Lord Jesus Christ perfectly as the I AM that Moses spoke about numerous times, so they may learn not only what he said that he will always do to bless them but also what he will do as they will present their daily animal sacrifices to shed the blood over our heavenly Father's altars to remove sin. Given that, the Israelis were called and well prepared to shed the animal sacrificed blood to the ground and over our heavenly Father's altar, so He will always remember His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day at the tabernacle's entrance thus to enter into the Most Holy Place to talk with Him about anything concerning Israel and other affairs.

That is to say, that as the Israelis shed the animal sacrificed blood to the ground and over our heavenly Father's altar, then, it was received in heaven's glory as if it was our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood been shed thus to have an opened relationship with our heavenly Father, so He will never see sin, but only His Son's loving-grace. Moreover, our heavenly Father will forever see His Son Jesus Christ loving-grace because he is the one that always conveys the atoning-blood that removes sin from heaven above with the angels and on earth with Israel and every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, so his extended-love constantly prevails over sin and death, everlastingly.

That is why, that our heavenly Father taught the Levites to pray over Israel like this: May the Lord bless and protect you, may the Lord see you with happiness extending his love towards you, and may the Lord manifest his favor and grant you peace, so Israel was been blessed by our Father, His Son and His Spirit from Jerusalem's holy hill. For the reason that: Israel always conveyed Jerusalem's holy hill from Mount Sinai through the desert into the Promised Land hidden within the SHEKINAH cloud, since, they were the only ones called by our heavenly Father to serve Him over this holy ground with the crosses or burning bush high above their heads to conquer Canaan to establish His holy name, forever.

For it was our heavenly Father's will to establish His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, but only right after Abraham's children had conquered it by defeating many enemy nations that were serving Satan by adoring his statues and idols where their children were normally offered in burn and blood sacrifices, so darkness against God may prevail worldwide. Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to destroy these terrible nations sacrificing their children to statues, idols and images from heaven above and from the earth below, and so, that is why that it was important for Him to establish His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill nailed to His Son's cross by Abraham's children, so He may finally defeat earth's darkness, forever.

Nonetheless, it was always our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day at the tabernacle's entrance to enter into the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, but also to liberate Israel from Egypt's slavery by hitting and smearing the atoning-blood from top to bottom on everyone home's doorpost, so through the desert abundant animal sacrifice's blood was shed before conquering Canaan. For it was necessary to shed day and night the animals sacrificed bloods to the ground and over our heavenly Father's chosen altars, so with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day may erase sin for the people to continue to have an open relationship with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit.

Surely, abundant animals' bloods sacrifices were done day and night through the Sinai's desert for our heavenly Father always to remember His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed at the tabernacle's entrance to gain access to the Most Holy Place for blessing to be possible for everyone that a river of blood could be navigated from Mount Sinai to Jerusalem's holy hill. This river of blood from animals' bloods sacrifices was probably just as big and long as the Nile river from Egypt, because, so much animals' bloods sacrifices had to be done to please our heavenly Father in heaven's glory, so He may see and accept as always His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood instead of the animals' to kill sin at last.

Moreover, this river of blood from the animals' bloods sacrifices had to be created as big and long as the Nile river that Israel could navigate it from Mount Sinai to Jerusalem's holy hill, in Israel, because it took that much animals bloods for our heavenly Father to remember His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, and to conquer Canaan at last, forever. Thus, our Lord Jesus Christ was always important and present with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit in heaven's glory to remove the angelic rebellion, and on earth to begin to liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity by hitting and smearing the Israelis home's doorpost, so the cross will be seen as a sign between Israel and God for lasting salvation.

Therefore, it was always our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood been accepted by our Father's altar in heaven's glory, for Israel to have sin forgiven moreover to conquer the enemy nations, so finally for our Lord Jesus Christ to be Holy Spirit born from David's virgin daughter within Israel to grant us the much needed atoning-blood these days to kill sin, forever. For it is our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that not only makes our heavenly Father very happy in heaven's glory and upon earth, but also, it makes each one of us very happy, because we were not only Holy Spirit born from His image to live in His likeness but because we desire His way of life, and this is lasting richness.

In other words, whatever makes our heavenly Father and His Spirit very happy with His Son in us, and we know that is always the atoning-blood filled with the divine-life that conquered the Holy Spirit of the commandments, but also, it makes us very happy as well, because we are His children ready to live richly the pleasures that pleases Him constantly. For the richness that our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit desires from each one of us, as human being on earth Holy Spirit born in His image to live in His likeness, indeed, it is the same that our heart and living-soul desire from Him and His Spirit, and we may only find them in His Son Jesus Christ shed atoning-blood.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood is very important in heaven's glory, because it stopped the angelic rebellion by removing Lucifer with his one-third of fallen angels from heaven's glory to descend forever condemned into hell's torment, and on earth we need the same atoning-blood to kill sin and reconcile with our heavenly Father, into eternity. Otherwise, we will never be able to reconcile with our heavenly Father to enjoy the wonderful richness that the angelic hosts enjoy every day in heaven's glory, and these are richness and glories that we were born from Him through His Spirit to enjoy always, that is, if we remain faithful to the fruit of life that is His Son's atoning-blood.

That is why, that it was important for Jacob to dream with Jerusalem's holy hill and to meet His Son Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the lineup three trees that are physically the three crosses ascending into heaven with angels and descending from heaven with them also, so Moses may see it over Mount Sinai as the burning bush. Now, Moses needed to see Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed on the cross and to the ground that made it holy, so Moses may tell Israel that their forefather's Gods had arrived, and that they needed to hit and smear their home's doorpost to escape slavery, because the Promised Land was only three days walk to possess it, forever.

For they had been called by our heavenly Father to serve God over this mountain, and this is Jerusalem's holy hill with the lineup crosses as Jacob's ladder that he saw in his dream and that he personally made a lasting covenant with His Son, so they may hit and smear the crosses at Jerusalem's holy hill in Canaan for everyone's salvation. And so, these days you may also along with your loved ones and friends from everywhere around the world may hit and smear your heart and home's doorpost with the same atoning-blood that Jacob saw in his dream with our Lord Jesus Christ and that Moses spoke with face-to-face at Mount Sinai, so you may exchange hell's torment for heaven's glory.

Remember, it is always our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that our heavenly Father sees every time the ancients approached Him and His altar to shed the animals' bloods sacrifices, so the same is true these days: He will only see His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed at Jerusalem's holy hill to bless you and your loved ones with His Spirit's living-force, forever. That is to say, that it has never been any animal blood much less of a human being, we can certainly cite Abel's blood that was shed to the ground by his brother Cain because of envy, but, nevertheless these bloods never moved our heavenly Father to love and forgive any sinner in heaven and on earth thus to kill sin forever.

That is why, that we can truly trust our Lord Jesus Christ with his wonderful atoning-blood shed since Creation day not only in heaven's glory to begin to create all things, including the holy angels and Lucifer, but also to create all things on earth, so our heavenly Father may give birth again to humankind through the Holy Spirit in His image. Moreover, this is the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ sees us with great happiness in his eyes and joy in his heart that touches our human hearts and caresses our living-souls always, because, we are his lasting brothers and sisters, as we were initially Holy Spirit born in our heavenly Father's image to live according in His likeness in heaven's glory.

And because we were Holy Spirit born in heaven's glory in our heavenly Father's image to live according to His likeness forever into eternity, then, we are a perfect copy of what our Lord Jesus Christ is from head to foot, meaning that, we can bear the same perfect holiness and powers that he possesses that pleases our heavenly Father always. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ can save us from the power of sin, curses and death in hell's torment, because we are compatible to him from head to foot, always ready to receive perfect holiness by the power of his shed atoning-blood, over our Father's altar in heaven's glory, so we may return as God's legitimate children in heaven.

Thus, we can be Holy Spirit born again, in a moment of faith and prayer, because through the Holy Spirit we can return to our heavenly Father as He initially knows us, in His image to live according to His likeness forever into eternity, moreover we can return to Him miraculously these days by been washed clean through His Son's atoning-blood. That is why, that Israel could return to our heavenly Father and His Son at Mount Sinai, because Moses stood over holy ground saturated with the atoning-blood to make it holy enough to wash him clean from sin, moreover give him the Holy name to believe in God, so he may hit and smear the Israelis home's doorpost to escape slavery.

That is to say, also that as Moses stood over Jerusalem's holy hill and before the burning bush, which is physically the three crosses that Jacob saw to describe it as a ladder ascending into heaven with angels going up-and-down from it, then he was cleansed from sin by the atoning-blood shed to the ground. Besides, because Moses stood over Jerusalem's holy hill at Mount Sinai and before the cross with the atoning-blood spilled everywhere and to the ground that made the entire site holy to wash him clean from sin, then, he not only received the holy name to save Israel from slavery but also the atoning-blood to hit and smear every doorframe for salvation.

Provided that, our heavenly Father had said to Moses: The animal sacrificed lamb's blood you will take it with a hyssop branches to hit and smear every Israeli home's doorframe, and this blood will serve as a sign between you and me, for I am ready to kill every home's firstborn, but if the blood is there I will forgive that family's sin. Furthermore, our heavenly Father was ready to forgive every family within Israel and the Egyptians, if they had not only believed Moses for what he had seen over Jerusalem's holy hill at Mount Sinai, because he had stood barefoot before the cross and the atoning-blood spilled to the ground to be a contact for Israel to receive it to escape Egypt.

On this day, Moses was the contact that our heavenly Father needed not only to stand over holy ground at Jerusalem's holy hill with His Son's atoning-blood spilled to the ground to make the entire site holy at Sinai, so he may descend to Israel with His holy name and the atoning-blood to hit and smear the home's doorframe to escape Egypt. Then, it was not the animal sacrifice's blood that was on the branches that Moses hit and smeared up-and-down the home's doorframe to form the cross that was visible over Jerusalem's holy hill at Sinai, but it was His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that had made contact with Moses as he stood barefoot in holy ground to fasten Israel with it.

That is why, that Israel began to gain power and control of the terrible situation that they had fallen into it for four-hundred and thirty-five years of Egyptian's slavery that finally they began to move away from darkness into the light that was showing them not only to the way of Jerusalem's holy hill but also to conquer Canaan at last. Therefore, it was because of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that had made contact with Israel through Moses that had been to Jerusalem's holy ground to stand before him at the cross to receive his instructions to begin to liberate Israel that finally opened the Red Sea in dried ground to escape to Mount Sinai to drink from the rock: Living-water.

Certainly, this living-water that Moses with Israel drank from the injured-rock that our heavenly Father had shown to hit it twice to burst into a river in the Sinai's desert, it was His Son Jesus Christ serving them the cup of wine that he personally served not only to the Father but to Abram and his allies to drink at the Super Table. Provided that, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Israel drink from Jerusalem's holy hill the atoning-blood that was spilled to the ground of it to make it holy, and that had made Moses holy as well as he stood over it barefoot at the burning-bush, then, He wanted Israel to become holy, too, by drinking from it always.

Indeed, this is something that our heavenly Father needed Israel to do it through the Sinai's desert on their way to conquer Canaan, because to enter into it timely, then they had to be completely holy as His Son Jesus Christ is forever into eternity, so they had to not only to drink from Jerusalem's holy hill but also eat its manna. Surely, not only our heavenly Father needed Israel to drink His Son's atoning-blood turned into living-water from Jerusalem's holy hill but also eat the manna, because they had to conduct daily animals sacrifices to shed the animals' bloods to the ground and over His altars "In memory of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood" for sin to die out at last, forever.

Undeniably, this is something that Israel was going to do as a nation and direct descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because the covenant of life that our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit had established with them was to destroy forever Satan's lies, curses, the angel of death, and sin over Jerusalem's holy hill, in Israel. For this is what our heavenly Father meant to say to Moses, as He assured him that he will return with Israel to Jerusalem's holy hill to serve God, forever, so He will destroy with His Son and the Holy Spirit the works that Satan has done in heaven, paradise and on earth, finally to kill him and sin over the mountaintop.

This was something that had to be done this way not only to destroy Satan and his lies that caused Adam and Eve to sin along with the children throughout the world until now, but also for Satan to die with the fallen angels, so salvation could be established on earth as the Holy Spirit of the commandments is finally glorified into everlasting. For everyone's salvation, starting with Adam and Eve and the children could only be conquered, if His Son Jesus Christ would live his divine-life by destroying every lie, curse, infirmity and death that Satan has caused with his fallen angels in heaven, paradise, and on earth, so the Holy Spirit of the commandments may finally be glorified over Jerusalem's holy hill, forever.

For the reason that, the Holy Spirit of the commandments needed to be fulfilled and glorified only by His Son over Jerusalem's holy hill, so then, Satan along with the fallen angels and the angel of death in hell's torment may finally be defeated without ever having any reason to live in this life and in the next one to come, forever. And all these blessings have been possible to Israel and everyone else throughout the world, because Moses made contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood with his barefoot as he removed his sandals, so he may not only touch or make contact with Israel with the atoning-blood, but also with us these days, so we may be liberated from captivity, too.

That is why, that these days we can not only move away from darkness by been born again from the Holy Spirit's richness, but also we may begin to enjoy every delight that our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit have always enjoyed until now through His Son Jesus Christ shed atoning-blood at Jerusalem's holy hill, so we may progressively live blessed. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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