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Jan 14, 2015, 9:33:12 AM1/14/15
Sábado, 10 de Enero, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

RECORDAMOS A LAS VÍCTIMAS DEL SEMANARIO FRANCES: Nuestras condolencias, amor y oraciones son para las familias de las 12 víctimas que perdieron sus vidas ante las balas del terrorismo cuando ejecutaban sus tareas rutinarias en la sede del semanario satírico francés "Charlie Hebdo", en París, Francia. Y también lamentamos la perdida de vidas en el supermercado judío "Hyper Catcher" de París, en donde el terrorista no solamente fue dado de baja por la policía francesa, sino que se llevó con él como cuatro vidas totalmente inocentes a todo lo que estaba aconteciendo en estos días. En estos momentos, cada uno de ellos se encuentra en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque fue precisamente por ellos, que nuestro Señor Jesucristo descendió al mundo, para no solamente nacer del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por el poder del Espíritu Santo, sino para recibirnos en el reino de los cielos, para la eternidad.


Nuestro Padre celestial nos llama constantemente a que nos acerquemos no al Monte Sinaí como lo hizo con Moisés para liberar a Israel, de la cortina de hierro de Egipto, sino a nuestros corazones y en nuestros sueños, para hablar con cada uno de nosotros de muchas cosas y así entregarnos el fruto de la vida sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén. Porque sobre el suelo del monte santo de Jerusalén está postrada toda la sangre y vida santa que Jesucristo vivió venciendo el pecado en Israel, para cumplir con el Espíritu Santo de Los Diez Mandamientos para siempre, para fin del pecado, y el comienzo de un nuevo reino sempiterno para todas las familias de las naciones del mundo entero.

Ciertamente que, las víctimas del terrorismo están gozando de las grandes bendiciones de la vida eterna, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, para darnos un nuevo cuerpo glorificado. Y así reemplazar nuestra carne pecadora, huesos rotos y sangre enferma, para que por medio de su carne santísima, huesos sanos y eternos, y su sangre santísima llena de vida y de salud inmortal, entonces nos dé nuestro cuerpo glorificado para vivir nuestra salvación bendita para siempre en la vida eterna del reino de Dios.

Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo tuvo que nacer sumamente santo del vientre virgen de la hija de David, para entrar en el mundo de los hombres de todas las familias de la tierra, porque era necesario, primeramente, que él viviera su vida santísima para cumplir con cada uno de los famosos mandamientos de Dios y de Moisés en la tierra prometida, Israel. Por lo tanto, nuestro Señor Jesucristo tenía que vivir su vida sumamente santa ante el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos eternos, para cumplirlos cabalmente delante de la presencia de nuestro Padre celestial que está en los cielos, para entonces finalmente glorificarlos grandemente sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, en el día de su crucifixión, para fin eterno del pecado.

Visto que, si el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos eternos no son cumplidos cabalmente delante de su presencia santísima, entonces nuestro Padre celestial no podía jamás decir ni una sola palabra de bendición para ningún hombre, mujer, niño o niña de todas las familias de Israel, pero como su Hijo Jesucristo comenzó a cumplirlos grandemente cada día, pues nos habla constantemente. De otra manera, si nuestro Señor Jesucristo no hubiese tenido su vida sumamente santa para cumplir con cada uno de los mandamientos eternos en cada uno de nosotros, no sólo de Israel sino de todas las familias de las naciones también, entonces nuestro Padre celestial jamás nos hubiese hablado ni una sola palabra hasta hoy, porque él es sumamente santo, para siempre.

Por ello, nuestro Señor Jesucristo predicó cada palabra que oía decir directamente de la boca de nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo, para que las almas sean perdonadas de sus pecados, rebeliones y ofensas, también, para que los enfermos sean sanados de sus males, para que los que estaban poseídos por demonios sean liberados y así hasta resucitó muchos muertos. Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo hacía estas grandes obras, maravillas y prodigios delante de las gentes, porque no solamente oía a nuestro Padre celestial decir cada una de las palabras que tenía que llegar al corazón de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel, sino que también veía al Espíritu Santo hacer grandes obras por su grande amor hacia todos ellos.

Propiamente, las obras del Espíritu Santo eran siempre de deshacer cada una de las obras de Satanás que había tocado la vida de los hijos de Abraham, Isaac y Jacobo, para que sean liberados de sus males y tinieblas y así al fin puedan ver la luz del Gran Rey Mecías que había descendido, para bendecirlos grandemente con su misma vida santísima. Porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo tenia que predicar cada una de las palabras de la boca de nuestro Padre celestial y hacer las obras del Espíritu Santo que él mismo veía como se hacían progresivamente, para destruir las obras que llevan al pecador al infierno, condenado, porque destruyendo cada una de las obras de Satanás entonces los mandamientos iban a ser glorificados perpetuamente.

En otras palabras, nuestro Señor Jesucristo tenia que llevar la palabra de nuestro Padre celestial de sus mandamientos eternos a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de Israel, para cumplirlos en ellos grandemente por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, cada vez que destruía cada una de las mentiras, calumnias, maldiciones, y males de siempre de Satanás. Y cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo destruía a cada uno de los males de Satanás, en cada uno de los hijos e hijas de Abraham, de Isaac y de Jacobo, entonces el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos inmortales era infinitamente honrado, cumplido y exaltado, para entonces él poder ascender victorioso al monte santo de Jerusalén con la cruz de Adán y Eva.

Porque para nuestro Señor Jesucristo poder tomar la cruz de Adán y Eva y seguidamente ascender al monte santo de Jerusalén, para ser finalmente crucificado sobre ella con el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial establecido perpetuamente sobre Israel, entonces él tenia que haber derrotado todos los pecados en cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias del mundo entero. Visto que, si nuestro Señor Jesucristo no podía derrotar cada uno de los males de Satanás en la vida del hombre y de la mujer de todo Israel y de las naciones, entonces no era posible que él tomase la cruz para ascender al monte santo de Jerusalén victorioso, para establecer el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial sobre todo lo alto, eternamente.

Pero como nuestro Señor Jesucristo venció a cada una de las obras y palabras malvadas de Satanás y del ángel de la muerte, entonces si pudo tomar la cruz sobre su hombro para ascender al monte santo de Jerusalén, para derramar al fin su sangre bendita e infinitamente glorificada por el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos eternos, para fin del pecado. Porque era necesario para nuestro Padre celestial y para el Espíritu Santo que su Hijo amado derramase toda su sangre santísima llena de la vida eterna de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel, ante su cruz bendita, para fin del pecado, y el comienzo de una vida santa y sin fin.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo siempre le dice al hombre, la mujer, el niño y la niña cada vez que se acercan al altar de Dios como Moisés sobre el Monte Sinaí, o Josué antes de entrar a la tierra prometida, y les dijo a cada uno de ellos: Descalza tus pies, porque el lugar donde estás parado santo es. Y así nuestro Señor Jesucristo siempre le ira diciendo estas palabras a cada uno de todos que se acerquen a él, para encontrarse con el Padre y el Espíritu Santo, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, porque sobre éste monte santo, su sangre santísima está derramada y postrada ante la cruz de Dios para perdón, bendición, sanidad, prosperidad y salud eterna.

Por cierto, éste es el lugar santo, por el cual nuestro Padre celestial y así también nuestro Señor Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo siempre le hablaron a los hebreos a través de la lectura cotidiana de los mandamientos infinitos, cuando les dice, por ejemplo: En todo lugar donde yo hiciere recordar mi nombre, entonces vendré a ti y te bendeciré. En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial puede hacer que su monte santo de Jerusalén se aparezca en el sueño de Jacobo, para que su Hijo Jesucristo hable con él de en medio de las tres cruces ascendiendo hacia el cielo, o sobre el Monte Sinaí como le sucedió a Moisés, para liberar a Israel del yugo de hierro de Egipto.

Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial dice en su Escritura: Donde yo haga que esté la memoria de mi nombre, entonces vendré a ti y te bendeciré; y éste es el monte santo de Jerusalén, en donde no solamente su Hijo Jesucristo fue crucificado sobre la cruz, sino que su nombre santo quedo clavado sobre todo lo alto de la cruz, para siempre. Y con la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor Jesucristo postrada ante la cruz de nuestro Padre celestial con su nombre santo clavado a ella, entonces está siempre sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, porque es la sangre de una vida divina que cumplió y glorificó grandemente el Espíritu de los mandamientos, para que todos asciendan hacia la vida eterna.

Hoy en día, la sangre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo sigue postrada ante la cruz de nuestro Padre y de su Espíritu Santo por amor a ti y a cada uno de los tuyos, incluyendo a tus amistades de los que están cerca y lejos, para que tú te acerques a éste lugar santísimo, para que la sangre ore contigo a Dios. Aquí es donde nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo empezara a hablarle a tu vida palabras de gran bendición, para resolver tus problemas, dificultades, enfermedades y así hacer que tu vida sea toda una felicidad celestial, como la que siempre soñaste gozar cada día, sin que jamás te falte a ti ningún bien, ni a ninguno de los tuyos, tampoco.

Porque las mentiras que Satanás y la serpiente antigua le hablaron al corazón de Adán y Eva en el paraíso, para que jamás coman del pan y vino de la Cena del Señor, realmente son las que le hablan a tu vida cada día, para no solamente alejarte más del fruto de la vida, Jesucristo, sino también para que sufras siempre. Más cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo empieza a hablar a tu vida palabras de gran bendición, entonces será porque estás parado en lugar santo delante de la cruz santísima de Dios, y esto es el monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces la sangre santísima de Jesucristo postrada a tierra empezara a orar por ti, así como la sangre de Abel, pero con mayor poder.

Además, cuando nuestro Padre celestial empieza a oír a la sangre santísima de su Hijo Jesucristo orar por ti, desde el lugar que primeramente cayó a tierra cuando era clavado su nombre a la cruz de Adán y Eva, entonces tendrás toda la atención de nuestro Padre para no solamente recibir tus oraciones, sino también para bendecirte grandemente en todo momento. Ciertamente, éste es el sacrificio de sangre santísima llena de una vida infinitamente gloriosa y divina que no solamente cumplió con el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos inmortales que nadie podía cumplir jamás en toda la vida de la tierra, sino que también lo glorificó grandemente por ti y por cada uno de los tuyos, para que vivas toda riqueza, siempre.

Por ello, cada vez que te encuentres en el monte santo de Jerusalén y nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo te diga remueve el calzado de tus pies, porque el lugar en donde estás parado santo es, entonces habrás empezado una relación tan santa, la cual jamás tendrá fin en ti, porque palabras poderosas y de grandes bendiciones saturan tu vida, constantemente. En cualquier lugar en donde yo haga que esté la memoria de mi nombre, nos dice nuestro Padre, y esto podía ser en tus sueños, en tu corazón o sobre la cima del Monte Sinaí, entonces estarás sobre la sangre santísima de su Hijo Jesucristo postrada ante su cruz bendita, para hablarle a tu vida bendiciones, milagros y maravillas sin fin.

Así pues, desde hoy mismo, puedes comenzar a vivir las grandes experiencias que recibirás a cada hora desde el monte santo de Jerusalén y de su cruz santa con el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial establecido sobre ella para siempre, para librarte de todo mal, para que sólo goces de cada bendición cada día del mundo angelical y de su luz brillante. Hoy, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén no solamente está la sangre de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo postrado ante la cruz de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo, sino también cada uno de los frutos del árbol de la vida caídos al suelo, porque tú no te has acercado a recogerlos, para bendecir tu vida y así enriquecerte grandemente.

Nuestras condolencias, amor y oraciones serán siempre para las familias y amistades de todas las víctimas del terrorismo cruel sobre el altar de nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre sagrado de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que nos bendiga grandemente cada día de nuestras vidas con los dones gloriosos de su Espíritu Santo, para que nos haga felices progresivamente con su amor bendito. ¡Amén!


Moses, while tending his father-in-law sheep, Jetro, a high priest from Midian, then he could see a great fire over Mount Sinai, but he failed to determine what was happening upon the mountaintop, and why it had caught his attention that he could not walk away from it; this was our heavenly Father, His Son and His Spirit calling him to ascend. This was our heavenly Father nonstop-celestial sacrifice of His Son, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over the cross from the middle of the two crosses since Creation day, to create all things in heaven with the angels and on earth with the entire human race, because, our heavenly Father was ready to start a new lasting Kingdom, forever.

However, for this new eternal Kingdom to begin in His presence through the work of His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then He had to let His holy and admirable name be known to Moses and to Israel, so they may not only become liberated from Egypt's captivity of more than four-hundred years, but also learn to love Him everlastingly. For this is the only way that our heavenly Father has always desired to be known and loved by the angelic hosts in heaven's glory and now through every man, woman and child from the nations, beginning with Israel, so they have to come to know His holy and glorious name for love, glory and power to pour upon His new Creation.

For this is the holy name that the holy angels in heaven's glory love, adore and worship day and night through the ages, because our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit need to be loved, served and worshipped continuously in perfect love and holiness, so our heavenly Father needs to have humankind do the same these days, too. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to manifest himself to Moses as the burning fire that He really is with His Son in the middle cross and the Holy Spirit in the other cross, so the fire of the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood, shed since Creation day, may never cease to pour out the fire that blesses life everywhere into eternity.

That is why, that as Moses saw the burning bush from a distance, then he was beholding our heavenly Father on His cross with His Son in the middle cross and the Holy Spirit on the other cross, burning intensely and without control, that immediately caught his attention that he failed to look away because it burned his heart, as well. It was our heavenly Father calling Moses to ascend immediately because He along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit needed to speak to him about his life and that of Israel, since the cry of Israel to become liberated from captivity had ascended into His holy presence in heaven's glory, so He needed to act immediately for their well-being.

Moreover, the closer Moses came to the burning bush, that was definitely the cross of our heavenly Father, the cross of His Son, and the cross of His Spirit, then his heart became more aware of the heavenly presence that was attracting him to the mountaintop, because it was time for Israel to be blessed--but he continued to fail to realize it. Our heavenly Father was definitely calling Moses' heart to the mountaintop, because it was within it that He will not only change it miraculously but also begin a new relationship with him and with Israel, because He was about to deposit within his heart His holy and admirable name that the angels love, worship and adore day and night into eternity.

Then, as Moses arrived at Mount Sinai's summit, immediately our Lord Jesus Christ began to speak to him from the middle of the crosses as he initially spoke to Jacob as he appeared to him in his dream while resting his head over a rock at the little town named Luz, and he said: Moses! Moses! Immediately, as Moses heard our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the burning three-trees, then, he said: Here I am, Lord. (This was submission holiness before our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because Moses recognized in his human spirit that he was standing in the presence of a very holy God, and then, he was miraculously blessed; this is how you show present yourself to God as you stand at Jerusalem's holy hill anyday now.)

Immediately, the voice came to Moses again from the middle of the burning bush to let him know that the ground where he was standing was holy ground that had recently descended from heaven's glory to receive him that the Lord Jesus Christ said to him: Moses, remove your sandals because the ground where you are standing is holy. Right away, Moses began to remove his sandals because he could sense with his feet that he was truly standing on holy ground, a ground that he had never walked on before in his entire life, and this was very new to him, so he humbly and obediently put his sandals away to stand firm before our Lord Jesus Christ's burning-cross.

On this hour, Moses felt that he was in heaven's glory because for our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to begin to speak officially to him (or to any one on earth), then they had to do it over Jerusalem's holy hill, and so, it was Jerusalem's holy hill where Moses was standing before the burning trees. Moreover, our heavenly Father had descended with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit on their respective crosses burning with wildfire from heaven above, because they were ready to let Moses and the world know the holy and admirable name that until that time only the holy angels from heaven above could love, serve and worship into all eternity.

But, now, our heavenly Father was ready to let Moses know it, so he will deliver it to Israel that was living in the terrible darkness of eternal destruction, because the Egyptians had decided that they had grown too big and that now they needed to be controlled, meaning that most of them if not all had to die. Given that, Pharaoh's fear and that of his officers was that Israel had become a great nation in the midst of them, and that they could very easily side with the enemy in time of war, so they may not only lose them by escaping from the land but also help the enemy to take over the entire land and the richness thereof.

That is why, that Pharaoh with his officials felt that they had to do something and fast before any great event may take them by surprise, and they will not have control over it, so Israel, in their intent to become liberated not only escape Egypt but also help the enemy take over the entire country and its accumulated great wealth. Therefore, the Israelis were suffering tremendously already, before the manifestation of our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit over Mount Sinai's burning bush or three-crosses engulfed in the heavenly continuous holy-fire, so Israel at last may receive our heavenly Father's holy name filled with amazing powers of eternal righteousness that will help them defeat darkness at last.

Undoubtedly, this is when our heavenly Father said to Moses from His cross: I am the God of Abraham, then our Lord Jesus Christ said from his cross in the middle: I am the God of Isaac, and lastly the Holy Spirit said from his cross: I am the God of Jacob, so Moses finally received God's holy name for power. This is God's holy and admirable name that Moses needed living within his heart for perfect Righteousness to begin to emanate from him not only to liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity but also to rule Israel through the Sinai's desert every day life, and finally to introduce it victoriously into the Promised Land, after defeating all the enemy nations all over.

Furthermore, right after our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit had manifested the holy and marvelous name to Moses, then he was told to descend to his brothers to let them know that the God of their ancestors had arrived at Mount Sinai to liberate them from captivity to go to a new land that flows with milk and honey. For this was a brand new life that the Israelites where going to experience every day of their entire lives on earth as they would normally follow our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit's word that they will receive timely to obey them, so blessing may be possible around the clock, regardless of being in the lifeless-desert.

However, these wonderful blessings were going to be available for every one of them around the clock, during their stay in Egypt, through the Sinai's desert and into the Promised Land as well, that is, if they will receive with love, to obey and honor the holy and admirable name that they have been entrusted, so power and glory may display incessantly. Meaning that, our heavenly Father was going to bless them powerfully with His holy name to wrought amazing miracles and great wanders within Egypt, so Pharaoh may release them to love, serve and worship His nonstop celestial sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood shed at the foot of the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill at Mount Sinai, furthermore, cross the Red Sea victoriously.

Provided that, it was necessary for Israel to cross the Red Sea in dried ground by the amazing powers of His holy name that Moses had received in his heart, so Israel may come to know it and the nations also, beginning with Egypt, and the Israelis may be baptized as they cross the Red Sea thus to stand at Mount Sinai. This was a very important baptism at the Red Sea while the waters were suspended as side-by-side gigantic walls of water, so Israel may be cleansed from everything that they had received from Egypt in the four-hundred years that they were enslaved, moreover emerged into a new life in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, while they were crossing the Red Sea in dried ground, because of the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, then they left buried in the seabed their old foot steps that they have walked in Egypt for years, to start with a new footstep into life with the King Messiah leading into the Promised Land. Meaning that, while Israel crossed the Red Sea then they left behind buried in the ocean floor their old lives to emerge with a new clean start in life, because they were not going to live anymore as they lived in Egypt, but now they were going to live for our Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for every day blessing.

Besides, once Israel had crossed the Red Sea then they were a new people in our heavenly Father's sight just as when Moses descended from Mount Sinai as a new man, after witnessing the amazing glories of Jerusalem's holy hill and the three-crosses that spoke to him as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Then, by now, Israel had seen our heavenly Father's holy name displaying many powerful-miracles to overpower the Egyptians within Egypt and at the seabed, because Pharaoh had tried to retake on Israel after he allowed them to escape, then, by attempting to overtake on Israel at the ocean dried floor then the entire army drowned because the waters descended abundantly.

On this day, the entire Egyptian army was buried in the ocean floor where Israel had been moments earlier to abandon their old-self thus to take on life a fresh with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit thus to stand at Mount Sinai to see for themselves the blazing Jerusalem's holy hill that Moses had seeing earlier. At this time, our heavenly Father had managed to baptize Israel within the Red Sea, so they may abandon their old-selves thus to take on a new life that they had never known before by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit's holy name that Moses had received initially from Jerusalem's holy hill at Mount Sinai.

However, having our heavenly Father successfully baptized Israel at the seabed of the Red Sea, but now, He needed to purify their inner beings as their: hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit, and for this, our Father had to walk them under the hot sun to Mount Sinai thirsty to drink from His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood turned into living-water. Meaning that, by our heavenly Father having Israel walked from the Red Sea front to Mount Sinai under the desert's hot sun, then He was really draining the water from their bodies accumulated during their stay in Egypt and from the Red Sea, as they went through it, so they will be completely dried-thirsty to drink abundantly from His Son's living-water.

At places, as the Israelis walked from the Red Sea front to Mount Sinai then they found bodies of water that were bitter and undrinkable, and so, the thirstier they became that they failed to bear the desire to drink water immediately until they finally reached Mount Sinai to stand under Jerusalem's holy hill, ready to drink plentifully from Jesus Christ. At the foot of Mount Sinai, Israel grumbled against Moses, because they failed to see water before them, since the only thing that they could see was sand, sun and the terrible dryness everywhere that only cause them to crave for water even more than ever to the point that they felt as dead as the thirsty dead in hell already.

Given that, every man, woman and child that has ever descended into hell's torment since day one, then they had experienced powerfully the desire to drink from Jerusalem's holy hill our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood turned into living-water, so they may quench their thirst that agonizes their living-souls incessantly to the degree that they want to die again, but they cannot. Nevertheless, there was Israel at last standing at the foot of Mount Sinai and ready to drink the living-water that they needed to continue on their way to the Promised Land, sworn initially by our heavenly Father to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so they may become a nation that loves, serves and glorifies always the King Messiah and His holy name.

This is when our heavenly Father said to Moses: Take the leadership with you and I will show you the rock from where Israel is going to drink the living-water that will take away the thirst that they have had already for several days, and that they cannot longer bear to the point that they are ready to drop dead. Right now, you will approach the rock that I will show you by following me, and then, you will touch it twice, so it will burst into a river of living-water for you to drink along with the livestock that you have brought from Egypt, because this rock once you touch it then it will never cease to give you water.

Really, this is a river of living-water that emanated from Jerusalem's holy hill, as our heavenly Father showed it to Moses and Israel, so they will not only speak to it to gush out into a river but also to go to the nations satisfying them to the full, because it is His will that they may also have their drink. Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood emanating from Jerusalem's holy hill turned into a river of drinkable-water disappearing into the horizon entering the world forever, because this is the Gospel of Eternal Salvation given to Moses and Israel but also the nations, so they may have their partake of the Lord's Table to eat the bread and drink the wine, forever.

That is why, that our heavenly Father had said to Moses: You with Israel will return to this mountaintop to love, serve and glorify God all the days of your lives on earth and in heaven forever into all eternity to come, because this is the holy mountain of Lord, Jerusalem's holy hill descending from heaven above for everyone's salvation. Timely, Moses had performed the great miracles and wanders on earth and in heaven by our Father's holy name before the Egyptians and the Israelis that He personally manifested to him as the God of Abraham, and His Son as the God of Isaac, and the Holy Spirit as the God of Jacob, then Moses returned with Israel to Mount Sinai.

Surely, Moses with Israel did not only return to Mount Sinai to drink from Jerusalem's holy hill the nonstop celestial-sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day as God's Lamb to remove sin forever from the world, but also to take Jerusalem's holy hill into Canaan, because the nonstop celestial-sacrifice was going to be established at Jerusalem forever. Meaning also that our heavenly Father had called everyone from Israel as the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to escape Egypt through the Sinai's desert to enter into the Promised Land with Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads with our heavenly Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit on the crosses thus to launch a new Kingdom from there on into eternity.

Lawfully, for this to be possible on earth, and in the nations, then every man, woman and child from all the families of Israel had to convey over their heads Jerusalem's holy hill blazing as the burning three-trees that Moses saw at Mount Sinai to enter the Promised Land for the eternal sacrifice to be executed at Jerusalem, in good time. For our heavenly Father had given Jerusalem's holy hill hidden within the SHEKINAH (God's glory), to be a powerful light and heat during the desert's nights and to be a shadow and cool breeze that protects them and refresh them through the days of the barren-desert, so they may enter into Canaan with Jerusalem's holy hill three-crosses victorious over their heads into everlastingly.

For our heavenly Father had to fulfill His word given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by granting their children Canaan as the land that flows with milk and honey but also they had to shed His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill for sin to end, and for eternal life to be possible for everyone everywhere around the world forever. For this is the reason that our heavenly Father had pulled Israel from Egypt, so they may take His Jerusalem's holy hill with the crosses over their heads through the desert by serving God as they not only drink from it but also take it victoriously over all enemies into Canaan to shed the atoning-blood timely to the ground of the cross forever.

Provided that, it was destined since even the creation of the world, for our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to be shed by Israel at foot of the cross, with the holy name perpetually nailed to it, so it may remain prostrated forever at Jerusalem as an eternal prayer before our Father and the Holy Spirit, for everyone's daily blessing, health and lasting-salvation. Meaning that, only the children of Israel could shed God's atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill by nailing not only His Son Jesus Christ to Adam and Eve's wooden-cross but also His holy name, because it was His will that it may rest forever at Jerusalem's holy hill nailed to the cross, in Israel, by the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

For the reason that as our Lord Jesus Christ was born, in due time, from David's virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit that had given initially birth to Isaac from Sarah's barren-womb, Abraham's wife, then we were able to receive eternal life, but also the sacred-body to live it on earth these days and in heaven's glory as God's children into everlasting. Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ had the atoning-blood that had not only liberated Israel from Egypt's captivity of four-hundred and thirty years, but also it had turned into a river of living-water to quench the Israelis' thirst and of the livestock thus to continue to go around the world quenching everyone's thirst in the midst of the nations, for everyone's lasting-salvation.

Indeed, this is our heavenly Father's holy and admirable name going around the world, in the midst of the nations, to teach and preach the power of His holy name and living-word that has entered into our inner-beings to stay forever, because they will grow into new glories, sanctities, amazing-miracles, and incredible honors, for our Father in heaven's glory. Moreover, this is our heavenly Father's holy name and living-word that started to take on human life, beginning with Moses and Israel over Jerusalem's holy hill and Mount Sinai, so very man, woman and child from all the families of the nations may become blessed just as the ancients did in their days, for new glories to be developed every day into eternity.

For this is what really makes our living-souls, hearts, minds, bodies and human spirit very happy these days on earth and in heaven's glory forever into all eternity, because what the angels are doing in heaven above we will continue to do, but greater things we will do, since we are Holy Spirit born, thanks to Jesus Christ's living-love in us. This is a wonderful life to live these days on earth and in heaven's glory forever into all eternity to come, because we have been born again through the Holy Spirit's powers not only to escape darkness as Israel had to escape slavery but also we will become transformed into our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred body to live eternal life forever blessed.

For the reason that once we are Holy Spirit born into our Lord Jesus Christ's perfect Righteousness that pleases all truth and justice on earth and in heaven's glory before our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, then we have become as Gods and priests to love, serve and glorify our Father's holy name around His nonstop celestial-sacrifice over Jerusalem's holy hill. Surely, our Father had not only called Israel from Egypt to stand at Mount Sinai to see for themselves Jerusalem's holy hill blazing with fire as He was on His cross, and His Son along with His Spirit on their respective crosses, but that Israel will eventually have the atoning-blood prostrated at Jerusalem's cross, in Canaan, to flow with milk and honey everlastingly.

For the reason that, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood had to prostrate before our heavenly Father's cross to enter into the ground, from where the first man, Adam, was created in His hands, thus to resurrect him and his wife Eve along with their children into everlasting life in paradise, but also to bless the nations at last, into eternity. For this is our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground to prostrate before our heavenly Father for the entire earth to give out their dead as Gods and priests for the service of His holy name nailed to the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill not only to forgive, save and bless the nations, but also make them His children forever.

The Gods, Kings and priests that our heavenly Father had always desired to have with Him in heaven's glory thus to love, serve and glorify His holy name just as the holy angels have been doing it since the day they were individually created by the power of His word, so they may perform certain degrees of daily glories in His presence. Timely, our heavenly Father is going to feel loved, exalted and gloried by each one of us, because we will be loving, exalting and glorifying Him just as His Son Jesus Christ has always done it every day of his entire divine-life with the angelic hosts until now, but, this time, heaven's glory will multiply tremendously with new amazing glories.

Surely, our heavenly Father has always felt eager to get these wonderful glories that we are going to conquer for Him and His holy name when we get there as His personal Gods, Kings and priests, each one of us Holy Spirit born thus to become from head to foot into His Son Jesus Christ to live next to Him forever blessed. Certainly, these are wonderful glories that the holy angels from heaven above have failed to conquer until now, however, when we get there, then we will for our heavenly Father's great glories and amazement, because only through the powers and presence of His Son Jesus Christ all these wonderful things will be possible, so our Father will be pleased with us everlastingly.

For sure, we will be in glory and power just as His Son Jesus Christ has always been since ever, because we will be as perfect and holy as he is everlastingly, so we will be able to conquer new glories for our heavenly Father's holy name, and be able to do much more for Him, because we will be Holy Spirit filled. That is why, that was important for our heavenly Father to descend over Mount Sinai with Jerusalem's holy hill with the three-crosses erected over it as always, so not only Moses and Israel will come to know His glorious name to become liberated from Egypt's eternal captivating darkness, but also to take His holy mountaintop into Canaan, for everyone's daily blessing.

Certainly, there were no other people possible on earth that could carry over their heads, hidden within the SHEKINAH Jerusalem's holy hill with the three-crosses always ascending to introduce them into Canaan, for His ultimate nonstop celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to be shed over it, for everyone's lasting salvation thus to enter heaven's glory forever saved. For the reason that only the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob along with the gentiles occupying Israel with their armies could finally nail to the cross high over Jerusalem's holy hill His holy name living in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ's heart and atoning-blood, for the end of sin, and finally for everyone's forgiveness, healing, richness, and lasting salvation.

And by our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood been prostrated at the foot of the cross then it will be to humble his entire holy life forever before our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit for every man, woman and child from all the families of Israel and the nations, to have their sins expiated, for healing, peace, prosperity, power, and salvation. Meaning that, since the day that the Hebrew along with the Gentiles that nailed His Son Jesus Christ to the cross of Adam and Ever over Jerusalem's holy hill then His holy name was finally established over Jerusalem's Jacob's ladder, because this was His will thus to have it opened worldwide to receive anyone into heaven's glory, for prayer, peace, and lasting salvation.

Moreover, since our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood was shed over the cross at Jerusalem's holy hill then his blood as his entire divine life was prostrated to the ground before our heavenly Father's and the Holy Spirit's crosses, so we may have free access into heaven's glory just as the angels to go up and down Jacob's ladder, for every day blessing. Meaning that, since our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood was shed at the foot of the cross of our heavenly Father then we have his atoning-blood from his very holy life spilled to the ground with our Father's holy name nailed to the cross forever over Jerusalem's holy hill, so we may be washed clean from sin, as we ascend into heaven perfectly holy.

For our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground at the foot of the cross, of our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit will wash us clean from sin anytime, moreover bless us with very powerful prayers as our high priest before the cross, so we may enter into our Father's holy presence forever blessed thus to receive our daily much-needed blessings. Surely, these are blessings that we need daily to solve our problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even escape threats of death, because Satan with his fallen angels is always ready to attack us with his usual lies, so we may succumb to his eternal darkness where we may not see again Jerusalem's holy hill with the three-crosses to bless us abundantly.

Unquestionably, our heavenly Father needed Israel from Egypt with His holy name already established within Moses' heart, so Israel may believe our heavenly Father as the God of Abraham, His Son Jesus Christ as the God of Isaac, and the Holy Spirit as the God of Jacob, because He needs still to manifest His glory through the atoning-blood shed at the cross. Accordingly, Israel needed as an eternal nation on earth to shed our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood at the foot of the cross not only to establish at last our Father's holy name over Jerusalem's holy cross forever but also that his entire holy life filled with the atoning-blood that fulfilled the commandments may intercede for sin to be forgiven and remove everlastingly.

Israel needed to escape Egypt to take Jerusalem's holy hill, hidden within the SHEKINAH, into Canaan to rest it there forever until the King Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, will finally arrive with his very holy life to fulfill and glorify forever the commandments' Holy Spirit, something that, Israel failed to do through the years for everyone's eternal salvation. Therefore, Israel needed Jesus Christ to be born from David's virgin daughter not only to grant us eternal life but also the sacred body for each one of us to live eternal life on earth these days and in heaven's glory, so he had to shed his atoning-blood to the ground, prostrating before the cross, forever, for daily intercession, as our constant advocate.

That is to say, also that since the day that our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross in the middle of the other two, then his atoning-blood has not abandon its place where it spilled to the ground, because this is the eternal place where to intercede for our daily needs on earth and in heaven forever. On this hour, our Lord Jesus Christ still is prostrated at the foot of the cross since the instant it entered the ground to intercede for you and for your loved ones, whenever you may need his intercession prayer before our heavenly Father's holy-cross, so He may bless you by forgiven your sins, and filling you abundantly with His Holy Spirit.

It is here where our Father needs you to be just as He needed Moses at the mountaintop not to stand over Mount Sinai but over Jerusalem's holy hill, because it is here where He will tell you that He is the God of Abraham, and His Son the God of Isaac along with His Spirit as the God of Jacob. This is the power you need to know these days to break away from Satan's chains-and-shackles that he may have you tied down to thus to rob you from your daily blessing, because our heavenly Father is always with His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit over Jerusalem's holy hill ready to be your every day supplier of your needs.

At Jerusalem's holy hill, you will still see angels ascending from earth to heaven and others descending from heaven to earth, with gifts for the families of the nations, because our heavenly Father is very rich along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and He needs to bless you, but only through His way. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ declared openly to all the families in Israel, including the gentiles that were living there to let them know that he alone is the way, the truth and the life to ascend into heaven's eternal richness, so you may enjoy both rich nesses to the full from heaven above and from earth below.

For the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood has already been shed at the foot of the cross to be prostrated in an eternal intercessory prayer before our Father's holy-cross and that of the Holy Spirit, too, so you may have a powerful relationship with Him just as the ancients did thus to receive your every day blessing without fail. Now, you may have not received your blessings yet, then it will be because you have failed to approach Jerusalem's holy hill that has never blocked its way for any man, woman and child from all the families of the nations to stand freely at the cross as Moses did in his day, so you may speak with God face-to-face concerning anything.

The atoning-blood that you need to stand at the entrance of the tabernacle of reunion to enter into the MOST HOLY PLACE in heaven's glory is already there for you, because our Lord Jesus Christ shed it in time, so you may ascend to the mountaintop to stand at the cross, and have a personal relationship with God that will never end. Our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood at the foot of the cross, as your personal Lamb before our heavenly Father, so he will not only be your daily Lamb with the atoning-blood shed before Him at His holy-cross but also he will be your high priest to intercede for your well-being, and that of your loved ones as well, from everywhere.

Israel fulfilled timely the duties that our heavenly Father had established with Abraham as he ate the meal from His Son Jesus Christ at the Lord's Table, and established also a covenant of life with Sarah's barren-womb for Isaac to be born by the Holy Spirit, so Jacob may be His first-born to swear a covenant with the atoning-blood prostrated at the cross. That is to say, also that Israel left Egypt with our heavenly Father's holy name living in every man, woman and child's heart, because they saw what the holy name did to Egypt's people to let them go through the Red Sea in dried ground, to stand at Mount Sinai thus to receive Jerusalem's holy hill forever by drinking from its living-water.

Furthermore, because Israel drank directly from Jerusalem's holy hill, since our Father said to Moses I will show you the rock that you will speak to it, so living-water will emanate abundantly, for you to drink along with Israel and the livestock to the full, because you will take this mountaintop into the Promised Land, for the glory of the holy name. Moreover, this was something that Israel alone had to set up for our heavenly Father's holy name to be established by the hand of sinful people and before many eyewitnesses nailed at last to the cross of Jesus Christ forever, for forgiveness, healing, prosperity, and the happiness of salvation, for a new angelic Kingdom to be born on earth forever into eternity.

Surely, Israel was successful in executing our Father's will to the full, because they not only gave birth by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter to Jesus Christ to live a holy life in Israel to prostrate timely the atoning-blood to the ground, but also took him to Jerusalem's holy hill, so the holy name may be nailed to the cross forever. Furthermore, because Israel was successful in doing our heavenly Father's will to the letter of the commandments at Jerusalem's holy hill, by offering the eternal Lamb of God to the cross, by shedding his atoning-blood to the ground, then Jacob's ladder was not only available to angels but also to everyone else on earth thus to ascend and descend at will.

That is why, that Jerusalem's holy hill with the three-crosses blazing with the nonstop holocaust fire visible for miles was not only important for Israel to escape Egypt's captivity but also to every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations to escape sin, curses and death in hell's torment, so you may live forever saved in heaven's glory. These days, our Lord Jesus Christ is calling you from the middle of the three-crosses line-up as a ladder touching heaven from over Jerusalem's holy hill, so you may stand in this holy ground to speak to our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, because once His Son speaks to you then he will never stop speaking to you every day.

Indeed, our Lord Jesus Christ will begin to speak to you once you break the barrier of faith, by standing on holy ground at Jerusalem's holy hill just as Moses did in his days over Mount Sinai, so the blazing fire emanating from the crosses will burn your sins, infirmities, problems, and threats of death to descend into hell's torment forever cursed. The burning bush of the three-trees will burn your entire being instantly, starting with your eyes and heart as well, because you need to be purified with holy fire, so you may start a brand new relationship with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that will never end, since they have much to tell you always.

That is to say, that once our Lord Jesus Christ speaks into your life words of blessing, healing and prosperity, because our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit wants you to prosper always, then he will never stop to speak your blessing, because you made your final step to stand in holy ground over Jerusalem's holy hill to enjoy life every day. Certainly, once our Lord Jesus Christ begins to speak to you as he has never spoken to you before, then he will be speaking your every day blessing from the middle of the crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill, because our heavenly Father's holy name is nailed to the cross forever, so heaven's gate is always open for you and for your loved ones.

These are wonderful days for you to live a powerful relationship with our heavenly Father, because He wants to bless and protect you, moreover receive our Lord Jesus Christ's words of blessings since he is always on the look out for your well-being to extend his unfailing love towards you, so the Holy Spirit may grant you favors, miracles, and salvation-peace always. Unquestionably, wonderful blessings are available for you these days along with your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, because Israel obeyed our Father by giving birth by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter to Jesus Christ, so he may live a superb life within Israel, finally to prostrate his atoning-blood at the foot of the cross for everyone's daily blessing.

Presently, the atoning-blood is still prostrated at the cross before our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit since the minute it first poured from our resurrected-savior saturated with his unfailing love that he always felt for each one of us, so our sins may be forgiven forever, moreover grant us the joy to live heaven's glory instantly, as right now. To this day, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, as it is eternally prostrated before our Father and the Holy Spirit's holy-cross, then it continuous to be your daily intercessor by calling your name just as our Lord Jesus Christ called Moses to remove his sandals because he was standing in holy ground, a ground for prayer, so you may come to stay forever.

For our heavenly Father has made Jerusalem's holy hill with the three-crosses lineup into heaven's glory as the only ladder for the angels to ascend and descend but it is also the door not only to escape earth and hell's torment but, for certain, escape every problem, difficulty, infirmity, to hide from evil under his wounded-wings that are always there overshadowing you. Furthermore, regardless were you may go on earth, you will always take Jerusalem's holy hill in your heart, because our Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will constantly want to be with you thus to bless and protect you, to cause you to experience abundantly his extended love, moreover grant you many favors, miracles, and lasting-peace.

Today, if you really do this before our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, by receiving Jerusalem's holy hill within your heart, as our Lord Jesus Christ will begin to speak words of daily blessings into your life and that of your loved ones, then this means that your name is written in the book of life in heaven's glory, forever. Furthermore, because your name is written in the book of life in heaven's glory, written by the ink blood of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, then you will be walking every day of your entire life on earth in the way, truth and life that pleases all truth and justice before our Father in heaven, so miracles will pour into you always.

That is to say, also that every step that you will take in life along with your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, then you will be walking in our Lord Jesus Christ's ancient footsteps filled with abundant lights, favors, wanders, miracles, and signs on earth below and in heaven above, for God's glory to manifest freely to everyone, universally. Moreover, once you start walking with Jerusalem's holy hill installed in your heart with our heavenly Father on His cross, His Son in the middle cross and the Holy Spirit on his cross, then it will be the holocaust of the burning bush burning powerfully, to discourage Satan and his terrible darkness that has influenced you since the early days of paradise.

Indeed, our heavenly Father has made His Jerusalem's holy hill the nonstop sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to remove sin forever but also your nonstop holocaust within your heart burning powerfully, as the burning three-crosses that Moses saw at Mount Sinai, so you will always live blessed and protected thus to know only His abundant love and daily richness. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1
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