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Jul 31, 2014, 2:26:53 AM7/31/14
Sábado, 26 de Julio, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

A PRAYER FOR THE CIVILIAN PLANES THAT CAME DOWN RECENTLY: We would like to express our love, prayers and condolences to the Australian and Dutch families that lost the their loved one of 298 passengers in a flight that was shut down over Ukraine by a missile fire from the ground that have been in territorial conflict for a while already. We know that our heavenly Father has received them in His holy presence, because they came out from His image to live according to His likeness forever in heaven's glory.

They are His loved ones, because it was because of them that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to be born from David's virgin daughter by the power of the Holy Spirit, so His Son may not only be born sanctified for them through the Holy Spirit but also to grant eternal life dressed in his sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood forever. That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ has already begun to live within Israel their individual perfect and holy lives that will be accepted in each on of them in heaven's glory to enter into our heavenly Father's holy presence filled with the Holy Spirit, so they will never have to abandon their newfound eternal life in eternity.

For this is our heavenly Father's will that every man, woman and child will not only receive their eternal life that it has already started on earth with His Son Jesus Christ, as he was born by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, but also that they may receive his perfect love and grace thus to live forever blessed into eternity. For the reason that our heavenly Father has made His Son Jesus Christ the beginning of our new eternal life on earth already, as we are born miraculously by the power of the Holy Spirit in a moment of prayer and faith, so we may abandon our sinful-body to take on His Son's sacred-body to live everlastingly saved in heaven's glory.

Therefore, in our Lord Jesus Christ we all have our eternal life filled with the perfect holiness that pleases our heavenly Father's holy heart, so the moment that He may see us ascending into heaven's glory then He will embrace us just as He usually embraces His Son Jesus Christ with that wonderful Holy Spirit ancient-love that never fails. These days, each one of your loved ones is walking with our Lord Jesus Christ through the streets of gold thus to go to the places where they will continue to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit, because in heaven's glory people work every day to attain new glories never conquered before yet by the angels.

Furthermore, the work that our heavenly Father's children from all the nations do in heaven for the glory of His holy name produces abundant blessings, so He blesses their families and friends from everywhere on earth, because He wants them saved to ascend to Him immediately thus to live their new lives with their loved ones as one-family forever into eternity. Therefore, it is a blessing to have a loved one living in heaven's glory with our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, so for the work that is done with the holy angels to love, serve and glorify the holy name then blessings are produced that causes the Holy Spirit to pour power and great richness upon us on earth.

Meaning that, if you love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, while you are still living your normal life or that you may have already lived your life and ascended to heaven, then all the work that you may do with the angels for our Father's glory--instantly--produces daily blessing for us everywhere on earth. Therefore, it is important to serve our heavenly Father these days through the sacred-life of His Son Jesus Christ, so all the work that we may do in life on earth and in heaven, then it will be for our Father to blesses us and our loved ones, including our friends from everywhere, thus never to miss the Holy Spirit's abundant blessing.

These days, your loved ones and friends that passed away in this terrible mishap, then they are doing well in heaven's glory and next to our heavenly Father always, because His Son Jesus Christ was the vessel that took them to their eternal place to continue to love, serve and glorify His holy name with the angelic hosts forever into eternity. Moreover, while they are living a wonderful life by loving, serving and glorifying our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done for each one of us on earth, by being born from the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter to grant us this wonderful divine-life, then, they will continue to think of you always.

Meaning that, they will continue to love you and pray for you before our heavenly Father, in the glorious name of His Son Jesus Christ, because this is the only name that our heavenly Father will respond for every prayer, petition, request, mediation, so their loved ones and friends may be forgiven, blessed, healed, and restored to eternal life immediately. That is correct. Your loved ones and friends that left you few days ago over the conflicting European sky are alive and well pleading before our Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, so He may send the Holy Spirit into your heart with the powerful blessings that you need to awaken from darkness into the light that they have found in heaven's glory lately.

We would also like to remember in our heavenly Father's love and in His Son Jesus Christ's grace the Taiwanese airplane that all the sudden crashed landed, because of bad weather, killing everyone on board--our love, condolences and prayers are for each one of the families that lost their loved ones and friends in this flight.

We also remember the SwiftAir flight that mysteriously vanished from the sky to crash somewhere within Mali, in Africa, killing everyone on board--they are right now in our heavenly Father's holy presence, because His Son Jesus Christ was born through the Holy Spirit to live their lives and die victoriously over Jerusalem's holy hill, so they may live forever saved.

May our heavenly Father bless and protect you; may His Son Jesus Christ shine his face upon you and extend his eternal love towards you and your loved ones from the cross; may the Holy Spirit manifest his favor of miracles to grant you the eternal peace to be reborn from his Righteousness never to know darkness again but only everlastingly light. Amen!


Our heavenly Father said to Moses, this is how Aaron and his sons are going to pray over the people of Israel; they will pronounce this prayer by saying: May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord show his shining face upon you and extend his love towards you; may the Lord manifest his favor and grant you peace. And as the Levite priests will pray over Israel this way then I will put may name over them for blessing--for this is how Israel is called every day of their entire lives on earth to call on the name of the Lord, so He may place His holy name over them for blessing and protection wherever they may live.

This is the sinner's prayer that our heavenly Father had manifested to Moses so the Levites may use it every day of their priesthood to pray over every man, woman and child within Israel, so His holy name may be invoked upon them, for He needed to bless them in the name that is above every other name forever into everlasting. For this is our heavenly Father's holy name that not only will bless you and protect you, but also it will show you His shining face always smiling at you thus to extend his eternal love towards you and your loved ones, so the Holy Spirit may manifest his favor of miracles and wonders for peace to invade your life powerfully.

This was the most powerful prayer on earth that no one had ever known until our heavenly Father granted it to Moses first with love, so he may in turn give it to the Levite priests for the every day sinner's prayer that the Israelis will need to do, for His holy name to live in their midst always anointing them. For there are amazing powers always anointing God's children wherever they may live, so blessing and protection from Satan and his wild devils will always be present with tremendous powers, as His holy face shines upon them constantly showing His wonderful smile that makes His heart happy for His name's glory, for the Holy Spirit immediately to show favor and peace progressively.

Moreover, our heavenly Father manifested this sinner's prayer to Moses for Israel to have it always active within their lives on earth, because Satan and his wicked fallen angels will constantly be searching the way to enter into their lives thus to cause terrible destruction, so they may live in darkness until they may finally succumb to the angel of death. Therefore, the Levite priests had the every day duty to pray over everyone within Israel with this powerful sinner's prayer that our heavenly Father had granted to Moses, so His holy name may persistently be present and active within their lives with blessings to take place and protection around the clock against all intruding powers from Satan and his fallen angels.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed the Israelites to confess with their lips this sinner's prayer every day on earth, because with it blessing and protection will always be present but also He will show the best smile of his holy heart that was full of eternal love, for the Holy Spirit to pour upon them progressively with endless favors and peace. Moreover, this was important for the Levite to pray over every man, woman and child within Israel for blessing and protection to be always present within their every day lives but also for our Father to show His shinning face to push out darkness thus to give way for the Holy Spirit's favor and peace to saturate them powerfully with miracles.

For this is the power of prayer that the holy angels from heaven above as the archangels, seraphs, cherubs and other very holy creatures used every day to pray over themselves or by our Lord Jesus Christ as their high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, so our heavenly Father's face may shine upon them continuously for healing. For the angelic hosts always need our heavenly Father's holy name to bless them with powerful blessings and protection, because they can also sin as Lucifer and one-third of the fallen angels believed a lie to sin against Him and His Son Jesus Christ, so they need the Holy Spirit's constant favor and peace to live securely in heaven's glory always blessed.

In other words, what our heavenly Father had granted the holy angels, whether these are archangels, seraphs, cherubs, and other very holy creatures from heaven above, then He also passed them on to every man, woman and child within Israel as He told Moses to teach the Levite priests to say the sinner's prayer over Israel's every day life. For this is how our heavenly Father manifested Himself to every angel in heaven's glory as He created each one of them by the power of His word, so they may become powerful and glorious angels to serve Him in their different glorious ranks as archangel, seraphs, cherubs and other very holy creatures, so they may know Him as God Almighty, the healer.

For our heavenly Father was manifesting Himself as God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit, and the ones that had problems with this sinner's prayer from heaven above them they were kick out never to return to heaven's glory, because they failed to believe in Him as He truly is forever and ever into everlasting. This is the reason that Lucifer became Satan (God's adversary) and one-third of the angels became the fallen angels (or demons), because they failed to say this sinner's prayer with their lips to confess perfect holiness for salvation-healing and peace, so they may believe within their hearts for justice in our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

That is to say, also that what our heavenly Father had done in heaven with every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and all the holy creatures from heaven's glory, then He needed to do with every man, woman and child within Israel and eventually with all the families of the nations, for the world to fill with His holy name's glory into eternity. Therefore, it is important for the Levite priests to say the sinner's prayer every day of the life of every one within Israel, so they may eventually believe within their hearts for justice in the holy name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit for heaven's glory to flow into the nations and the entire human race at last.

Given that, it is our heavenly Father's will to flow Israel and the nations with His holy name's glory, and so, by having the Levite priests say the sinner's prayer before every one within Israel, then He was causing their hearts to believe for justice thus to confess for salvation the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. For this is our heavenly Father's will in heaven that every angel believe within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for blessing and salvation the holy name of God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit, and so, this is what He started within Israel thus to fill the earth with His glory.

This has been a stumbling block to Israel through the years in the desert, within Canaan, and even to this day everywhere around the world, wherever there is a Synagogue, because they have failed to say the sinner's prayers properly with their lips for salvation to believe within their hearts for justice our Father's holy name, His Son's, and the Holy Spirit's. Because as they may believe in our heavenly Father's holy name, in of His Son's, and of the Holy Spirit's, as our heavenly Father gave it initially to know to Moses and to the Levite priests, for His holy name may be invoked over the Israelis properly, then His glorious will as it is done in heaven will be on earth eventually.

This means that glorious powers from heaven above will begin to be released upon earth, because every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the nations will begin to invoke His holy name that is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, for the entire humankind to pass from darkness into eternal life's salvation-light. For this is what our heavenly Father intended to do with Israel as Moses received first the sinner's prayer, for the Levite priests to pray over every man, woman and child, so His holy name may be invoked properly for results to manifest everywhere at once, for He needs to bless Israel from heaven above these days with His holy mighty name.

In heaven every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other holy creatures were allowed to stay with our Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, because they said the sinner's prayer not because they were sinful at all but because they needed to know for justice within their hearts thus to confess with their lips for salvation-righteousness His holy name. Therefore, those angels that stayed in heaven's glory with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, it was because they had believed within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation His holy name that is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

While other holy angels that refused to say the sinner's prayer of our heavenly Father's holy name, His Son Jesus Christ's and the Holy Spirit's, then they became rebelliously sinful that they failed to stay in heaven's glory one minute more of their angelic lives, because they were cast out into hell's torment--never to know God's holy name into everlasting. The one-third of the angels that refused to believe in our heavenly Father's holy name as they should have by the power of the Holy Spirit, so our Lord Jesus Christ will be their ruler forever, and then, unfortunately they abandoned their dignity, because it is undignified and ungodly not to know our Father's holy name for any living creature, including man.

That is why, that the fallen angels, starting with Lucifer, could never return to heaven's glory to live with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because they rebelled against God's holy name that had the power to bless, protect and save them with His Son Jesus Christ's outpouring love, and the Holy Spirit's abundant favor and peace. Today, our heavenly Father still has the power to eject from heaven's glory any holy angel if that one fails to love, serve and glorify Him through His might holy name that is the invocation of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, but since His name is perfect within their hearts--then this will never happen again.

Through time within Israel, our heavenly Father's holy name had not been perfected in the heart of every man, woman and child, therefore, He, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit became offended from their lack of the sinner's prayer and faith, so He poured His judgment upon them thus to be taken by the Holy Spirit to live somewhere else. That is why, that Israel always found herself expatriated from Canaan by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, because they failed to acknowledge His holy name that is the invocation of God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit as they just could have said the daily sinner's prayer for blessing and protection.

For this reason, Moses along with the Israeli leadership said to the Israelis, what other great nation on earth has God's as we have them near us every time we may say the sinner's prayer, for blessing, protection, for His Son's holy face to shine upon us for darkness to die away, for the Holy Spirit to manifest favor and peace progressively. There was no other nation on earth possible that had God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit as One Eternal God manifested in a daily prayer, but only Israel, because our Father loved Israel with all His sacred heart that causes Him to remember to love and be faithful to them every day into eternity.

That is why, that Moses along with the Israeli leadership always said to the people that they were a privileged nation in the midst of nations, because they have Gods that were ready to bless them powerfully with blessing from heaven above and from under the earth below, so they will never lack anything that their hearts may desire from Him. And the only thing that Israel needed to keep our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit always blessing them from heaven above, it was to be just lovable, respectful and faithful to Him--that is to say--say: the daily sinner's prayer with faith in His holy name that exists in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ.

That is why, that Abraham and his friends were successful initially, whenever they started to undertake a project, because they believed in our heavenly Father to sit with Him at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine that Adam and Eve had rejected in paradise to eat from His Son Jesus Christ's hands, so they may live forever blessed. Moreover, because Abraham and his friends believed our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, as they all ate together from the Lord's Table the bread and wine for life to thrive on earth, then the Holy Spirit had no problems at all to manifest his favor and peace to Sarah, although her womb was sterile and aged already.

For our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ both in person appeared to Abraham at his home to speak to him for the things that He was about to do in the world, moreover to let him and his wife Sarah know that they will soon embrace a child--and He even named the child Isaac before being born yet. Our heavenly Father said to Abraham (for it was our heavenly Father first that needed to let Abraham know in person that his wife Sarah was going to have a child of her own), and He said to Abraham, standing next to our Lord Jesus Christ: Your wife Sarah will have a child next year by this time, meaning nine months later.

This was a miracle in the making, because Sarah as Abraham were both advanced in age, furthermore Sarah's womb was lifeless, meaning she could never be able to have a child of her own, nevertheless the Holy Spirit came to her, and she became pregnant, for our Father needed to start His life where there was no life possible ever again. Meaning also that, Isaac was going to be born not by natural means between a man and a woman but from our Father's Holy Spirit, because this is the seed of eternal life that will give birth timely to His Son Jesus Christ born from David's virgin daughter to grant us the divine-body (vessel) to return to heaven's glory without sin.

Moreover, our heavenly Father's only Son had to be born by the same means and powers of the Holy Spirit as Isaac was from Him through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, because both of them were destined to ascend to the mountaintop to lay down their human-life at the hands of their own fathers for sin to be removed at last forever. In other words, Isaac was born from Sarah's barren-womb by the power of the Holy Spirit because he was destined, even before he was born, to be taken by his father Abraham to Mount Moriah thus to become the ultimate sacrifice by shedding the atoning-blood over our heavenly Father's altar for sin to die out forever in everyone's life around the world.

However, as we all know the end of the story, Abraham did not get to kill his own son, for our heavenly Father had shown him Mount Moriah where he would sacrifice his son Isaac to Him, because this was an act of love and faith to our Father in heaven that Abraham had to fulfill it with love to the full. And by Abraham fulfilling this act of love and faith before our Father in heaven, then the path was planted on earth for His Son Jesus Christ to descend from heaven above immediately to be born by the Holy Spirit from David's virgin daughter, so he will not only grant us eternal life but also the sinless-flesh to live it everlastingly.

It is here where our heavenly Father finally manifested His Plan of Eternal Salvation of every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations as well, so they will all repent from their sins by being washed clean by the power of the atoning-blood over His celestial altar, so they may inherit a new glorified-body (divine-vessel) to enter heaven anyday now. For it was necessary for our Lord Jesus Christ to become born by the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit from David's virgin daughter, because we not only needed eternal life but also his sacred body that will implant into our living souls the eternal Righteousness that we will need every day of our new life to live blessed in heaven's glory.

Moreover, our heavenly Father had to do it this way to save every man, woman and child not only from paradise as Adam and Eve, but also every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, because He loves them into all eternity just as He loves Himself, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, our heavenly Father also had to do it like this because the only way that Adam and Eve with every child that had ever been born on earth from their flesh and sinful nature, then they had to abandon their sinful body and sinful-life style to enter by faith into the sacred-body and divine life style of His Son Jesus Christ.

Otherwise, our heavenly Father will fail persistently to accept any one of them, because He just does not want to have Adam and Eve's rebellious life back in paradise, or in heaven's glory, much less within the New Jerusalem from heaven above, for our heavenly Father only wants the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood that pleases Him always from His Son Jesus Christ. That is why, that as our Lord Jesus Christ was standing on Mount of the Transfiguration within Israel as he with his apostles were speaking about the things that were about to take place within Israel and the world, then the SHEKINAH appeared over them, and a word was heard that said: This is my Son in whom I am well pleased.

This was our heavenly Father's voice telling every man, woman and child not only within Israel but also throughout the nations of the world that He is eternally pleased with His Son Jesus Christ's divine-life style, sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood that you will inherit soon, as he is resurrected from the dead, so you may also ascend into heaven's glory forever saved. In other words, our heavenly Father has made His Son Jesus Christ's divine-body to be your body these days on earth, by you abandoning the old-body that you have received by default from Adam and Eve, as you were born from your mother's womb, so you may live a victorious life over Satan's lie, finally to ascend into heaven's glory forever vindicated.

Therefore, if you truly obey our heavenly Father's call upon your life these days, and this is to escape Satan and his devils that want to take you into hell's torment forever cursed, because you are not washed clean from sin from head-to-foot by the atoning-blood, then you will be living within the sacred-body of His Son Jesus Christ everlastingly victorious. For this is the only sacred-body that our heavenly Father wants to see always next to Him, so He may definitely enjoy your presence every day of your eternal life, because the body that you are inheriting from His Son Jesus Christ is not only Holy Spirit born but also it has fulfilled the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commands into everlasting.

Furthermore, Jesus Christ has given you not only his sacred-body Holy Spirit born from David's virgin daughter but also his personal Righteousness that has no beginning or an end, so as our heavenly Father may see you walking on earth or in heaven, then His holy heart will be filled with endless joy, since finally you are pleasing Him into everlasting. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ always said to the apostles and to the people of Israel as he went out preaching, teaching the living word of our heavenly Father, so the Holy Spirit may heal the people from all their illnesses by the power of his abundant favor and peace that sooths the living-souls of humankind into eternity.

Surely, this is the body that you need to be living these days, because we are living in the era that our heavenly Father called the last days, because He is ready to do wonderful things with you and in the lives of others everywhere, for He needs them back next to Him to enjoy the amazing-life of His Son Jesus Christ. With Jesus Christ's sacred-body and victorious-life living within you, then Satan and his devils will fail to hurt you, but, instead they will flee away, because they see the living-powers of our Lord Jesus Christ doing the things that he did within Israel, and even greater things he will do with you since he is back with the Father in heaven.

Meaning that, as you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation his anointed name, then you will be Holy Spirit born, burying the spirit of error that was leading into hell's torment because you failed to be clean from sin by the atoning-blood, so, you will eventually become instantaneously into Jesus Christ himself on earth forever. For this is what our heavenly Father wants to do with everyone on earth to make them become Holy Spirit born, as Isaac was first and then Jesus Christ, so you will always live victorious over Satan's lies and deceptions that can take anyone, if negligent, into hell's torment never to know life again on earth much less in heaven's glory.

Moreover, every time our Lord Jesus Christ will step out to preach and teach the Gospel of Eternal Salvation and Health for every angel in heaven's glory and for every man, woman and child on earth, then: he will go with our heavenly Father living within Him as the Holy Spirit would lead where to go for deliverance-power to be manifested immediately. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ at times he will say the word that I hear my Father say, then that is the word that I will give you, because He wants you to know His word, so he may bless and protect you thus to do wonderful things in you that will touch the lives of many everywhere forever.

That is why, also that at times Jesus Christ will say believe the word that I have spoken unto you, because they are power and life, they come into me directly from my Father, so you may be blessed, since He has so many things to give unto you thus to know the true life that He lives filled with everlasting happiness. Believe also in the works that you have seen me do already for people that were chained to Satan's will only to know pain and indescribable suffering every day of their lives on earth until finally he will pull them into hell's torment to continue to suffer pain and agony into eternity, because they failed to know God's word.

For our heavenly Father's will is that you may believe in His Son Jesus Christ, because he is the one that descended from heaven above as the bread of life that if you eat from him you will never hunger again, and if you drink from his atoning-blood then you will never thirst again on earth and in heaven into eternity. And our Lord Jesus Christ will speak like this to the Hebrews because they needed to become Holy Spirit born, so they may finally bury their old-flesh that will never be accepted in heaven's glory much less in our Father's sacred presence, so they may dress on his sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood that is the correct divine-body to live eternal life in heaven.

Provided that, as you may eat his bread and drink from his cup of wine, the atoning-blood, then your body will be left behind to be buried in the gave that is hell's torment, so by dressing in his sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood then you are dressing your living-soul in perfect Righteousness that will certainly usher you into heaven's glory anyday now. Therefore, our heavenly Father will bless you and protect you every day of your life, because he blesses and protects His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-body that pleases His holy heart dressing you, moreover His Son smiles at you constantly to extend his eternal love with grace by making you Holy Spirit born into His sacred-body never to fear death again into eternity.

For our heavenly Father will always love you and be faithful to you, because you have dressed in His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood that was born from the Holy Spirit's power, so you may enjoy His sacred-life, moreover grant you the every day grace, favor and peace to live life until you may finally enter heaven forever saved. Today, if you are truly Holy Spirit born, because you have believed within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ's anointed name then the Holy Spirit is your God, because you have believed our Father to receive His Son as your personal Lord and savior for your name to be written in heaven today.

Moreover, if your name is written in heaven's glory because you have been born from the power of the Holy Spirit, fulfilling like this our heavenly Father's Covenant of Life with Abraham and his friends at the Lord's Table, as they ate together the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ, then everyone in heaven's glory knows you. You are known in heaven by every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other holy creatures, because you are reborn from the Holy Spirit's power that our heavenly Father started with Abraham and his friends, as they ate at the Lord's Table the bread and wine that Jesus Christ said: whoever eats and drinks from me, he will never hunger or thirst again.

You are known in heaven these days because you eat the bread and wine that every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other holy creatures love to eat from the Lord's Table every day of their entire celestial lives, so they may receive more and more of the Holy Spirit that fills them with the Righteousness that pleases our heavenly Father forever. Our heavenly Father does His part of the ministry continuously by sitting on His Throne to rule the angels in heaven and his faithful children on earth that finally He descended to walk with Abraham to the Lord's Table to eat the meal from His Son Jesus Christ that will increase the Holy Spirit's power within humanity to bless everyone everywhere forever.

Here is where our heavenly Father announced to Abraham that he will have a son from His wife Sarah's barren-womb, because the Holy Spirit now had the power to bless them, meaning to start life anew thus to do away with Adam's old sinful-life that had polluted paradise and earth, after eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Meaning that, also this was our heavenly Father part of His ministry to descend to earth and walk with Abraham along with His Son and the Holy Spirit accompanying Him, because He had to be the one that will inaugurate this wonderful Covenant of Life that will never end in this life and in the next one to come in heaven above.

Having our heavenly Father fulfilled His part of His ministry by walking with man on earth along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, then He returned to sit on His Throne to rule the angelic hosts and the Covenant of Life that He had established with Abraham and his friends for a new life to spark into eternity. Then later, our Lord Jesus Christ had to descend to earth many times as our heavenly Father's holy angel and as Israel's Holy One, because he had to accomplish many things for The Father and the Holy Spirit within Israel: For he was getting ready to be Holy Spirit born from David's virgin daughter to face Satan and destroy sin forever.

Timely, our Lord Jesus Christ walked and lived with his brothers and sisters within Israel, because he had entered their lives to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments, for forgiveness to be possible for every man, woman and child as they would become reborn from the Holy Spirit thus to abandon darkness to live in the light of eternal life. For this is the eternal life that our heavenly Father needed every one within Israel to believe within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ's anointed name that is above all names, so the souls of men will no longer have to die to sin but live instead to ascend into eternal life.

For he alone is the vessel of our living-souls not only to escape Satan and his wilds of eternal torment in hell but also to become born from the Holy Spirit to leave behind the sinful life of the world to enter into the new world from heaven above where our love, life, peace and glory prosper continuously into all eternity. For in today's world we are born and live to this day as our love, peace, prosperity, happiness and life seem to die gradually all the time or day by day because we are living in the spirit of error, moreover we are engulfed with the spirit of Satan and his fallen angels that are always searching ways to attack us.

However, with our Lord Jesus Christ living within our hearts, then we are not only Holy Spirit born into eternity because we may believe blindly every word that He has said to us through His Son, but also because the Holy Spirit is our God and his gifts are at our disposal whenever we may need them to grow strong always. We are certainly blessed abundantly by having our Lord Jesus Christ living within our hearts, so he may invade every part and aspect of our life to do the wonderful things that our Father had already designed that they should take place immediately within every one of us on this earth, and in the next one to come from heaven above.

For this is a wonderful pristine-life filled with daily miracles that will never end in our life on earth but they will continue to expand into eternity, because we are designed by our heavenly Father to become just as He is, so we may live and enjoy His every detailed divine-life, since we are Holy Spirit born to be His children everlastingly. And for this to happen then we must be born from the Holy Spirit's living powers to become from head to foot just as His Son Jesus Christ is since eternity, because his beginning is from eternity into eternity, for he knows no boundaries much less barriers that can stop him to continue to live his ever increasing glorious-life.

Surely, once we may become as His Son Jesus Christ is from head to foot, because we have been born again by the powers of the Holy Spirit, then Satan with his fallen angels can never hurt us much less touch us since we will be invisible just as our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit are from everlasting into everlasting. Moreover, since early eternity our heavenly Father has been working hard in heaven with His holy angels and with every man, woman and child that has been born from the Holy Spirit by invoking His Son Jesus Christ for salvation, so His dream to have Gods and priests fashioned in His image to live according to His likeness may become possible immediately.

That is why, that our heavenly Father needs every one on earth to say the sinner's prayer that He personally granted to Moses and to the Levites to pray over the people, so by praying it, then their hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit will condition themselves to believe in His Holy name as they ought to believe for results. Because, by believing within your heart in this sinner's prayer then you will be fulfilling justice in heaven, and by confessing it with your lips for salvation, then our Lord Jesus Christ will manifest himself happy with you thus to extend his eternal love towards you, so the Holy Spirit may manifest his favor and peace--to become Holy Spirit born into eternity.

For this sinner's prayer is for you not only to believe in His holy name and that of His Son Jesus Christ's and of the Holy Spirit's, because all three names are working in your favor with amazing powers to bless you, so you may live protected from Satan's lies and hidden deceptions, but also to become Holy Spirit born for heaven. Meaning that, this prayer given by our Father to Moses and the Levite priests to pray over Israel was to make them believe in His holy name as they should, so they may become not only blessed and protected as His Son's face may shine to extend his love towards them but also to cause them to become Holy Spirit born into eternity.

Meaning also that as you may believe in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, then you will become Holy Spirit born ready to enter heaven anyday now, because as you are reborn, then you are no longer part of this world much less of hell, but now you belong to heaven's glory forever vindicated. And just as our Father walked with Abraham momentarily, and later His Son Jesus Christ was Holy Spirit born through David's virgin daughter to live with his brothers and sisters to die for their sins over Jerusalem's holy hill and resurrect on the third day, then he ascended to heaven for the Holy Spirit to descend with his ministries to the nations.

For our Lord Jesus Christ said to his disciples unless I am lifted to heaven to where I was always in the beginning with my heavenly Father, then the Holy Spirit will not descend to earth, so he may walk with you just as my Father walked with Abraham and I have also walked with you all these years until now. For the Holy Spirit will descend to walk with you shoulder to shoulder just as our heavenly Father had walked with Abraham shoulder to shoulder, and I have also walked with you shoulder to shoulder, always doing His will, and this is to expand His holy name's glory through the nations just as it is in heaven with His angelic hosts.

Meaning also that the Holy Spirit is walking everywhere around the world today doing our Father's will, and this is the same ministry that our Lord Jesus Christ had to do with his apostles and disciples everywhere within Israel thus to preach the Gospel of Salvation by healing the sick, destroying devils, resurrecting the dead, so people may eventually live forever blessed. That is correct. The person of the Holy Spirit has descended on earth just after our Lord Jesus Christ presented himself before our heavenly Father as Israel's high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin forever, so our Father may commission the Holy Spirit person to descend to earth to walk with every man, woman and child that believes in His holy name.

This means also that as you may have believed within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ's anointed name, then our Father has blessed you and protected you with His holy name, so the Holy Spirit may give birth to you into the world of light as a new person filled with Righteousness forever. Today, the Holy Spirit is walking shoulder to shoulder with every man, woman and child that has been reborn from his everlasting Righteousness, and so, as he may preach, teach and pray for the people everywhere, then the Holy Spirit will be right there with him or her to perform the miracles that Jesus Christ did, and even greater ones, if necessary.

Again, we are living in the days that our heavenly Father said that He will pour out His Holy Spirit upon all flesh throughout the world for the love of His Son Jesus Christ that was born from the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, so he may be crucified over Jerusalem's holy hill to finish with sin forever. Moreover, this out pouring of the Holy Spirit means that the Holy Spirit in person is walking shoulder to shoulder everywhere with each one of us, evangelizing the living-souls of every man, woman and child, so they may abandon sin forever and the power of death to become Holy Spirit born to enter into heaven's glory right now forever saved into eternity.

That is why, that as we may pray for ourselves or anyone else in the name of Jesus Christ, then the Holy Spirit immediately honors those prayers to perform miracles that change people to become better (persons) than ever before, because now they are not only Holy Spirit reborn but also liberated from sicknesses, problems, diseases, poverty, hell and death forever. And these powerful ministries on earth are possible these days, no matter where you may live, because long ago our Father decided to grant Moses the sinner's prayer of His holy name, so the Levite priests may pray over Israel, so He may bless them with His holy name for powers to manifest as His Son Jesus Christ's name is invoked.

That is why, also that at times our Lord Jesus Christ will say to his disciples and apostles as well: You have not received anything yet, it is because you have not asked properly. Therefore, ask in may name whatever you may need in life, then our heavenly Father will grant unto you because He loves you just as I do--and the Holy Spirit will always make sure that you will be blessed, because you have been born from him through love to be eternally Righteous on earth and in heaven forever into eternity.

Surely, our heavenly Father wanted to bless His Son's believers in his name, because He loves them everlastingly with His holy heart, moreover He wants always to manifest the richness of the glory to invoke His holy name as the ancients were called initially to invoke it for results, so more people may come from everywhere for blessings, healing, and salvation. To this day, our heavenly Father wants to do wonderful things within the life of every man, woman and child throughout the nations, starting with Israel as usual, because the Holy Spirit's ministries are up and running powerfully with His blessings that will be more powerful than the ones already shown to the ancients, so His holy name may be known perpetually.

For our heavenly Father wants to perfect the glory of His holy name within the heart of every one throughout the earth, as it is perfected within the heart of every angel, archangel, cherub, seraph and other holy creatures from heaven above, because, He wants to create a new earth with glorious skies forever. The old earth with its skies will pass away but the glory of His holy name and of His words will remain forever, because Satan with his darkness will not exist in this new world--for the old things will pass away--for new things to live, so every creature that He has created will finally enjoy everlasting life to the full.

Inasmuch as, the worship of His holy name is perfected within the heart of every man, woman and child on earth, as they all believe to invoke the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, as it is done in heaven with the angelic hosts, then Satan will fail to enter into earth and exist. For it is as if Satan and his fallen angels will continue to enter earth and exist as eternal darkness in the life of everyone, because the holy name of God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit is not believed within their hearts for justice to confess it with their lips for forgiveness, healing and salvation.

However, as people around the world, specially within Israel, start to believe in our heavenly Father's holy name within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips His Son Jesus Christ's anointed name for salvation, then the Holy Spirit will manifest miracles and great wonders of amazing favors for everyone to be reborn from his eternal Righteousness, including the old earth. For this is a glorious holy name that must be honored and gloried within the heart and life of every one in heaven's glory, as the angels, archangels, seraphs, cherubs and other holy creatures worship our heavenly Father, through His Son Jesus Christ, for the Holy Spirit to manifest favor of eternal Righteousness and peace at last for the nations to embrace forever.

Thus Satan and his fallen angels will eventually die away from the life of every man, woman and child on earth just as they died from the angelic life of every holy angel from heaven above, because in heaven they rebelled against this glorious name, because they wanted to exclude Jesus Christ's anointed name from it, but they failed in their attempt. This is the holy name that not only everyone within Israel knew very well but also the nations everywhere around them, because they feared it so much that whenever Israel was moving towards them, then they will cry out by saying the Gods of the Hebrews are with them, and we are finished--and they fled for their lives immediately.

Can you imagine for a moment that even wicked nations that worshipped idols and cast their loved ones into the fires of their idol gods knew that whenever the holy name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit was invoked in a moment of prayer and faith, then they had to flee to safety. Fear overwhelmed their lives that they had to abandon their homelands, because if they did not do it immediately then death and destruction was going to take in just a few days, and so, they had to move away from Israel but at once, because the fear that overwhelmed them it was the fear of the law-abiding name of our heavenly Father.

For this is the fear from our heavenly Father's holy name that runs through the hearts and lives of those that are living filled with the spirit of error that causes them to worship idols and to offer themselves and the lives of their loved ones as a sacrifice over the fire, and this sin our heavenly Father wanted away from Israel. That is why, that our heavenly Father's enemy nations, and of His Son Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit had to abandon their homelands, because the terrible things that they were doing for themselves and for their loved ones, as babies, for example, throwing them into the fire for their idol god worship, then they had to stay away from Israel.

Because, the only sacrifice that our heavenly Father's holy name will honor on earth and in heaven, as in the New Jerusalem from heaven above where love, life, glory, happiness and peace rules everyone's life, is His Son Jesus Christ born from the Holy Spirit to shed his atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill for sin to end in the lake of fire. That is why, that it is important within Israel and the nations to believe within their hearts for justice what they are truly saying every time they may confess the sinner's prayer before our Father that is in heaven, indeed, they are invoking through prayer the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for results.

Provided that, as you may believe what our Father wants you to believe as you may confess with your lips this sinner's prayer given to Moses to be prayed daily over Israel, then you are honoring within your heart and entire being the holy name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for immediate blessing and protection. And this is power that you need every day of your life, because as Satan with his devils may stumble with you somewhere as you may be about your business, then fear will overwhelm them just as it overcame God's enemies that were in the way of Israel's prosperity, so evil will flee from you to hell's safety immediately.

These days, Satan knows very well that as you may begin to worship by faith our heavenly Father by invoking His holy name just as the angelic hosts do in heaven's glory since the day they were created in perfect glory, then he knows that the end is near for his kingdom of lies, curses, death and terrible wickedness in hell's torment. Because, the day that our heavenly Father's holy name is perfected within the heart and life of everyone within Israel and the nations around the entire world, then Satan with his darkness that he possesses will be cast into the lake of fire, so Satan and hell will cease to exist, because hell is absent from the new earth into eternity.

Now, how many lost souls will die with Satan and his fallen angels as hell is finally destroyed in the lake of fire, because our heavenly Father's holy name has finally been perfected within the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every man, woman and child on earth--in Judgment Day our Father will have the final word. For our heavenly Father has the power and authority to remove all the lost souls that have been in hell's torment for endless years until Judgment Day, but that will be decided by Him in the last day according to the wickedness that they may have committed in life, starting, for failing to believe in Jesus Christ as their high priest.

Today, you do not have to be one of the lost souls standing before our heavenly Father's Throne in Judgment Day, because if you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ, then you are written in the book of life to live forever blessed--forget Judgment Day--it is not for you. That is why, this is the best thing that you will ever do in this world by receiving Jesus Christ in your heart as your personal Lord and savior, because he alone is your high priest born from the Holy Spirit from David's virgin daughter, so he will be your divine-body to take you forever saved into our heavenly Father's presence.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ used to teach to every one around Israel by assuring them that he alone is the way, the truth, and the life to ascend into heaven's glory forever justified into our heavenly Father's holy presence for reconciliation, and never to abandon Him again because we are living in Adam and Eve's sinful body. For Jesus Christ alone also is your only acceptable Lamb with the atoning-blood that will always wash you clean from sin, moreover keep you blessed and protected because our heavenly Father's holy name lives within his holy heart, so you will not only receive your personal divine-body to return to heaven's glory but also receive your daily blessing without fail.

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit will always be your God before our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, because you have believed within your heart for justice everything that our heavenly Father had done through His Son Jesus Christ, so you may live a glorified abundant-life in this life and in the next one to come in heaven above. You will always live a blessed and enriched life on earth, because the Holy Spirit will walk with you where you may go in life, just as our heavenly Father walked with Abraham and his allies, and our Lord Jesus Christ walked with his disciples, displaying miracles and amazing wanders for people to become forgiven, healed, liberated, prosperous, joyful and saved forever.

Today, no matter where you may go about your business but the Holy Spirit will be with you faithfully, because you are born from him to believe in our heavenly Father's blessed Son Jesus Christ that not only shed his atoning-blood for you to live a sinless life on earth but also granted you Righteousness to enter heaven's glory forever justified. Confess today our heavenly Father's holy name that He personally granted to Moses to pray over Israel through the Sinai's desert, through Canaan, and through eternity, so everything that you may do in life, then God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit will be honored as they are in heaven by the holy angels forever. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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