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Discuss: What controller system should we use?

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May 6, 2008, 10:17:11 PM5/6/08
to Civic EV Kit
Hi All,

A few days ago, I uploaded a SystemAnalysis.xls spreadsheet to the
"Files" area. I tried to compare three different sets of electronics
that could be used for the Civic-EV. Hopefully the parts are self-
explanatory. The first group uses commonly available parts (like a
Curtis 1231C). The second uses an integrated system from Belktronix
and the third uses performance parts (like the Zilla Z1KLV).

Here are some thoughts on the various systems:

Curtis 1231:
- moderate cost
- various pieces put together
- long track record of service, many in the field

- lowest cost system by far
- fully integrated ("holistic"?) system containing all parts
including a battery management system for AGMs
- charger is only 1200W, charging could be slow
(possibly augment with Soneil chargers)
- recently introduced system, not a lot of history

- highest cost parts
- parts are in demand and back-ordered (4-5 months
for Zilla controller)
- highest performance (high current, fast charging)

Given the target audience, I'm tending towards the
Belktronix system for its "holistic" approach and low

Rob C, can you share more of your experience with
your Belktronix system? I'm concerned that this
system hasn't had a lot of EV usage yet. The low
cost might warrant the risk though.

Any thoughts from people?


Rob Connelly

May 7, 2008, 8:12:30 AM5/7/08

I can definitely comment on my experience and thoughts on the Belktronix
gear that I am using. I wrote up something just the other day for someone
else who was looking for info. Here is what I wrote:

Sure thing -- I would be happy to answer your questions as best as I can.
Welcome to the world of EV-ing. I was a newcomer myself prior to working
with Belktronix products, so I know how much learning you are likely doing
in a short period of time.

Bryan's kit is working pretty well for me. The installation instructions
and quality of the components seemed quite good. I went through the wiring
process as it was described in the manual, and it worked perfectly the first
time I turned the key. The vehicle integrator makes connecting the whole
system and powering it up very easy.

The only issue that I have had with his system is the charger. It too
worked perfectly the first time I plugged it in (as did the DC/DC converter
which is in the same unit) but after an hour or so of charging it reset
itself into a mode that required me to send it back to Bryan. He evidently
has a number of these in the field that are working fine, but mine seemed
sensitive for some reason that is over my head. He has been very responsive
to getting this resolved, and in fact is putting the finishing touches on a
Generation 2 charger that will not use the same approach that led to the
sensitivity. So, I think that bodes well for you to get an even better
product in the Gen 2.

I heard about Belktronix through a contact who also converted a Honda Civic
like mine (Bob Bath). He had used Bryan's standalone DC/DC converter, and
loved it. I was planning on using AGM's (I have 12 Optima 31's for a 144V
setup) and his system was built with them in mind.

I did pay in advance, and we agreed on a timeline that he met almost
exactly. He was very good at communicating his progress, and letting me
know that the ship date was still valid. I wish everyone in the world of EV
components was as good at that -- I had trouble with just about everything

Performance of the system appears to be good. I am getting range that is in
line with my predictions, and while I am not burning rubber on takeoff, I
wasn't planning to. I have an Impulse 9 on mine, by the way.

Finally, yes, I would use the Belktronix gear again. I think it is a
well-integrated system, and quite cost-effective for what it contains.

Your comment that there is not a lot of operating experience out there on
Belktronix gear is definitely true, and represents a definite risk.
Belktronix is a small startup run by one really smart guy with a neat
product, but it is anybody's guess as to how it would pan out if there was
all of a sudden a major problem with a bunch of units in the field. I am a
risk-taker (at least with $$ -- not with my safety so much) so I decided it
was worth it given how well-integrated the package is.

I hope that helps. None of these decisions is easy, unfortunately, and some
we end up regretting (like no clutch in my case -- I should have listened to
Bob Bath!)

- Rob

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