"Chamber opposes hydro-fracking"

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Brendan OConnor

Dec 27, 2010, 1:40:45 AM12/27/10
to susquehann...@googlegroups.com, Shale...@yahoogroups.com, shales...@yahoogroups.com, marcellu...@googlegroups.com, environmental_work_gro...@lists.riseup.net, sustaina...@lists.riseup.net, paccwi...@lists.democracyinaction.org, nywellwa...@googlegroups.com, POA...@yahoogroups.com, citizensconcerneda...@googlegroups.com, dryd...@googlegroups.com, NY...@googlegroups.com, north-centr...@googlegroups.com, bradford-county-d...@googlegroups.com, albanyga...@googlegroups.com

December 16, 2010

Chamber opposes hydro-fracking

The Cooperstown Crier Fri Dec 17, 2010, 10:05 AM EST

Staff Report

The Cooperstown Chamber has prepared a draft statement in opposition to horizontal and vertical hydrofracking used gas drilling.

The Chamber board passed a motion on Dec. 9 to take the position and prepare a draft statement to be circulated to the membership for comment, according to a Dec. 13 e-mail letter from Chamber Board President Andrew Marietta and Executive Director Susan O’Handley.

“The Board recognizes the potentially divisive nature of this issue, but also believes that we have a responsibility on behalf of our membership to take a leadership position in the community,’’ the letter started.

In the draft statement, the Chamber cites concerns about a lack of regulation, spills, blowouts, leaking wells and other environmental accidents, the large volumes of water required for hydrofracking, truck traffic and the threat to water supplies and aquifers.

“The plans for drilling pose a direct and material threat to the interests of the Chamber membership. Industrial-scale hydrofracking in the upstate region will irreparably damage the essential qualities that make the Cooperstown area an excellent place to live, raise families, farm and work. It puts at risk much of the local economy, ranging from hotel and tourism to restaurant and retail businesses, most of which are driven by the hundreds of thousands of tourists who choose to visit the region every year,” it concluded.

The Chamber will accept comment from members until Jan. 4. It plans to release a final statement after review of the comments.


Dec 27, 2010, 2:35:53 AM12/27/10
to riverw...@runningwater.us, dtr...@sungazette.com, alford, anna, Bill O'Reilly, Boracci, Nicole, Carney, Chris, Casey, Bob, Chapter, Sierra Club Pennsylvania, City Desk, Citizens Voice, commissioners, Dave and Pam Jones, DeFeo, Greg, DeFeo, Robert, Drilling, Citizens Concerned about Natural Gas, Entz-Rine, Carey, Everett, Garth, Fox, Josh, grittv, Hanger, John, Jeff Hamilton, John, Silla,, Major, Sandra, Meehan, Colleen, Meeropol, Rachel, Mere, Protect, Moutner, Chris, Perry, Scott, Pickett, Tina, Quigley, John, Rezvan, B, Ryder, John, Saylor, State Rep Stan, Stilp, Gene, The Daily Review, Yaw, Gene



Another community that has the guts to stand up against the gas industry. Cooperstown, NY joins Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Harvey's Lake, and Cambria County in banning horizontal and vertical hydrofracking.


Some community leaders do see the bigger picture and value the preservation of water quality, air quality, property value, public health, and peoples constitutional right to a clean and safe environment more than they value money.


Let's keep the information flowing and expose the real dangers of this industrialization and stop it throughout Pennsylvania one community, one township, and one county at a time.


Keep the pressure on!



2 central Pa. municipalities consider drilling ban

Dec. 15, 2010, 9:12 a.m. EST
Altoona Mirror

CRESSON, Pa. (AP) — "Two central Pennsylvania communities are considering natural gas drilling bans based on an ordinance passed last month in Pittsburgh.

Officials in Cresson and Washington Township, two Cambria County communities more than 60 miles east of Pittsburgh, say local ordinances may be the only way to control drilling in their towns."


"Washington Township Chairman Ray Guzic Jr. says his big concern is the effect drilling could have on water quality."


"Pittsburgh's ordinance was passed largely to prevent fracking, the injection of chemical-laced water that breaks up rock and helps force gas to the surface. Opponents of the process say those chemicals can contaminate water supplies and even the air near wells."


"Both Cambria County towns say their measures are still on the drawing board."




Brendan OConnor

Dec 27, 2010, 2:46:47 AM12/27/10
to jtr...@epix.net, citizensconcerneda...@googlegroups.com
"The Chamber will accept comment from members until Jan. 4. It plans to release a final statement after review of the comments."

No doubt the industry will be pushing the chamber to soften their stance. Cooperstown has been a seat of political power for centuries. Many of the companies associated with the industry have connections here. It may be worthwhile to send comments-


--- On Mon, 12/27/10, jtr...@epix.net <jtr...@epix.net> wrote:
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Virginia Cody

Dec 27, 2010, 7:47:58 AM12/27/10
to citizensconcerneda...@googlegroups.com
John...in case you're unaware, the Baylor's Lake community in Benton Township (the Benton near us in Lackawanna County) is going to approach the supervisors on Jan 4 to try to get a CELDF ordinance passed.  Tom Jiunta and Ben Price will be on hand giving a presentation.   Those who are PRO drilling are trying to amass support for the drilling in the Township.  Should be interesting.

From: "jtr...@epix.net" <jtr...@epix.net>
To: riverw...@runningwater.us; dtr...@sungazette.com; "alford, anna" <williamspo...@yahoo.com>; Bill O'Reilly <ore...@foxnews.com>; "Boracci, Nicole" <nbor...@pahomepage.com>; "Carney, Chris" <PA10...@mail.house.gov>; "Casey, Bob" <Sen...@casey.senate.gov>; "Chapter, Sierra Club Pennsylvania" <pennsylvan...@sierraclub.org>; "City Desk, Citizens Voice" <city...@citizensvoice.com>; commissioners <commis...@sullivancounty-pa.us>; Dave and Pam Jones <daj...@comcast.net>; "DeFeo, Greg" <Defeo...@pti.edu>; "DeFeo, Robert" <rjd...@gmail.com>; "Drilling, Citizens Concerned about Natural Gas" <citizensconcerneda...@googlegroups.com>; "Entz-Rine, Carey" <water...@yahoo.com>; "Everett, Garth" <geve...@pahousegop.com>; "Fox, Josh" <ori...@aol.com>; grittv <gri...@grittv.org>; "Hanger, John" <jha...@state.pa.us>; Jeff Hamilton <Je...@HamiltonDTV.com>; "John, Silla," <mun...@epix.net>; "Major, Sandra" <sma...@pahousegop.com>; "Meehan, Colleen" <cme...@cleanwater.org>; "Meeropol, Rachel" <Rac...@ccrjustice.org>; "Mere, Protect" <protecte...@gmail.com>; "Moutner, Chris" <cmau...@pnco.com>; "Perry, Scott" <scp...@state.pa.us>; "Pickett, Tina" <tpic...@pahousegop.com>; "Quigley, John" <jqui...@state.pa.us>; "Rezvan, B" <msre...@vt.edu>; "Ryder, John" <jry...@state.pa.us>; "Saylor, State Rep Stan" <st...@stansaylor.com>; "Stilp, Gene" <Gene...@comcast.net>; The Daily Review <revie...@thedailyreview.com>; "Yaw, Gene" <gy...@pasen.gov>
Sent: Sun, December 26, 2010 11:35:53 PM

Subject: [CCNGD] "Chamber opposes hydro-fracking"
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