Upcoming Anti-Fracking Events in Buffalo/Amherst

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Rita Yelda

Feb 19, 2015, 7:39:43 PM2/19/15
to wnyea....@growwny.org, wnyea....@growwny.org, wnyea.p...@growwny.org, nygcg---new-york-gas-coordination-group, citizens-against-fracking-, Sierra Club
Western NY Drilling Defense Community Meeting:
Stop the Bomb Trains!
Crane Branch Library - Upstairs, 633 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo
Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 6 p.m.
(Informative hand-out attached.)
RSVP on Facebook & Invite Friends: https://www.facebook.com/events/1394182137544482
Every week trains loaded with volatile crude oil fracked in North Dakota's Bakken shale travel through New York communities at 30 to 40 miles an hour. The DOT-111 tankers used to haul oil are defective and prone to explode in derailments. Bakken oil trains from North Dakota are traveling across New York State and through the City of Buffalo.

With very little public awareness and no study of environmental impacts, the oil industry has made New York a dangerous pipeline for crude oil that snakes thousands of miles by rail, barge and ship from oil fields in North Dakota and elsewhere, to refineries on both coasts. Because they present an immediate danger to public health, we must work to halt the transport of oil trains. Join us in stopping the bomb trains!

We will also be discussing next steps in the anti-fracking campaign in New York, including increased focus on renewable energy. These meetings are open to all!



Sneak-Peek of the Upcoming Film "Dear President Obama: The Case Against Fracking" with Filmmaker Jon Bowermaster


Join us on Monday, March 9th at 7 p.m. for a sneak-peek at Jon Bowermaster's brand new film-in-the-works “Dear President Obama: The Case Against Fracking.”

Building on the success of the locally-produced “Dear Governor Cuomo: New Yorkers Against Fracking In One Voice,” which played a role in convincing Governor Andrew Cuomo to ban fracking in New York State, this new film takes a national look at the issue, profiling the victims of fracking, giving the experts on the subject a forum and taking a hard look at the variety of alternative energy sources that are gaining traction around the globe.

After the film will be a session with filmmaker Jon Bowermaster, as well as representatives from Food & Water Watch, Western NY Drilling Defense, New Yorkers Against Fracking, and Frack Action bringing Western New Yorkers up to speed on what's transpired in the state since the December 17th decision to ban fracking.

For more information on the film, visit: www.dearpresidentobamafilm.com

This event is free & open to the public. It will take place on Buffalo State College campus (1300 Elmwood Ave.) in the Bulger Communications Center, Room: North. You can find a campus map here:
Public parking area on campus T.B.A.


Amherst Against Fracking Meeting

Tuesday, April 9, 2015 at 6 p.m.

Williamsville Public Library, 5571 Main St, Williamsville, NY

RSVP on Facebook & invite friends:

In April 2014 the Town Board of Amherst passed a resolution stating that they'd pass a local law that prohibited fracking and fracking waste from entering Amherst, but have yet to follow up on their word. Almost 200 cities and towns across NY have stepped up to protect their residents from fracking by passing local measures, and now it's time for the Amherst Town Board to do the same. A town-wide ban on fracking & fracking waste disposal, including road spreading, would protect residents from exposure to harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and even radioactivity in fracking waste.

While it is a great victory that NYS recently banned fracking, Amherst Against Fracking still finds it imperative that this local law be passed in full. New York's fracking ban does not protect the Town of Amherst from the various fracking wastes being spread on roads, mishandled in treatment facilities, and other risky disposal processes. This is a huge loophole in current state regulation and wastes from places like Ohio and Pennsylvania are already crossing our borders.

Learn more:


Check out this recent letter published in the Amherst Bee that was written by Sara Schultz of Amherst Against Fracking on the town's need to ban fracking wastewater and drill cuttings:
Buffalo Bakken Oil Handout v.2.pdf
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