Fwd: Bomb Trains & Fracking Waste! - Upcoming Events

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Rita Yelda

Mar 19, 2015, 12:24:03 PM3/19/15
to nygcg---new-york-gas-coordination-group, wnyea.p...@growwny.org, wnyea....@growwny.org, wnyea....@growwny.org, Sierra Club, citizens-against-fracking-, dontfrackcha...@googlegroups.com, weekl...@wnypeace.org
Ban the Bomb Trains: WNY Drilling Defense Meeting
Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 6 p.m.
Crane Branch Library (Upstairs) - 633 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo

Every week trains loaded with volatile crude oil “fracked” in North Dakota's Bakken shale travel through Buffalo and Erie County. With very little public awareness and no study of environmental impacts, the gas & oil industry has made our region a dangerous hub for highly flammable oil using these “bomb trains.” Rail lines snake from the oil fields of North Dakota through Buffalo and to refineries on both coasts. The rail system was never built for this kind of dangerous cargo, yet these trains travel through population centers and next to schools, homes, and businesses. Rail safety standards for crude oil are weak and emergency responders are not equipped or trained for accidents.

Bakken crude oil carried by rail is more toxic and more volatile than conventional crude oil, and each car carries the explosive equivalent of 2 million sticks of dynamite. Crude oil is also more carbon intensive which further exacerbates climate disruption and extreme weather. According to the Wall Street Journal, Erie County sees about 27.5 trains weekly carrying Bakken crude oil. Oil trains are more than a mile-long with 100+ cars, which only concentrates the risk of an accident. This means that at least 2,750 cars full of crude oil travel through Buffalo and Erie County in a week, presenting an immediate danger to our public health and natural resources.

Unfortunately, this issue does not seem to be going away, as oil train traffic has increased more than 4,000% in the last five years. This increase is largely due to the gas & oil industry's efforts to evade regulations and costs associated with building new pipelines to ship crude oil. What's worse is that the dangerous DOT-111 cars, which make up the majority of U.S. oil tanker trains, are defective and prone to puncture during derailments. It seems each month another city or town is facing a terrifying oil train derailment, poisoned drinking water, or a deadly explosion. One of the most tragic incidences was the explosion of crude oil cars in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec in 2013, which incinerated 47 people and destroyed the downtown area. The legally responsible parties declared bankruptcy and left the taxpayers to foot the bill. The same thing could happen here, to us, to our families and to our neighborhoods! Now is the time for us to get involved!

This meeting is open to all!

More information on Crude oil trains:

Help spread the word by RSVP-ing on Facebook & inviting friends!


Amherst Against Fracking Meeting
Thursday, April 9, 2014 at 6 p.m.

Williamsville Public Library, 5571 Main St, Williamsville, NY

In April 2014 the Town Board of Amherst passed a resolution stating that they'd pass a local law that prohibited fracking and fracking waste from entering Amherst, but have yet to follow up on their word. A town-wide ban on fracking & fracking waste disposal, including road spreading, would protect residents from exposure to harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and even radioactivity in fracking waste.

While it is a great victory that NYS recently banned fracking, it does not protect the Town of Amherst from the various fracking wastes being spread on roads, mishandled in treatment facilities, and other risky disposal processes. This is a huge loophole in current state regulation and wastes from places like Ohio and Pennsylvania are already crossing our borders.

More information about fracking waste coming in to NY:

Join us as we discuss the next steps for the Town of Amherst!
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