Strategic Policy Skills

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Alison Jean Cole

Jun 13, 2011, 1:54:21 PM6/13/11

Alan Webb

Jun 13, 2011, 3:00:32 PM6/13/11
Awesome.  I think so!

Reid says "Of course, this study group doesn't intend to replace formal education, training or workshops. But hopefully it will be a good way for people to build on skills they've learned in those environments and on the job, and for people who can't access formal training to learn new skills too."  

We can do work together to see if both are possible, if he's interested!  All we would have to do is, as those participants are gathering resources and tasks, just encourage them specify which ones can be used for individual study, which ones can be used for group study online (just need good questions or projects which can be the basis for fruitful discussions online), and which ones can be used for group practice face-to-face (things like activities or challenges that can be taken on by a group meeting face to face... I imagine there are some ideas already for what could be on that list from those trainings and workshops he's referencing).  These categories are not mutually exclusive (it helps to imagine a three way ven diagram).  

That last category would be the important one for being able to put together a citizen circle that meets face to fact to actually practice those skills with a group in their same physical location, take on local advocacy projects in their community together, etc.  It's still not formal training, but if we compile some great activities and challenges designed for those types of groups, it could be just as powerful, or more, than formal training programs... and certainly it could reach a lot more people more quickly.

Is the best way for me to contact Reid to send him a private message through his P2PU profile?  Or have you already been in contact with him?

Alison Jean Cole

Jun 13, 2011, 6:31:12 PM6/13/11
Great! I would contact him through the site and let him know about the citizen circles google group.


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