Not in the framework itself (we are pretty happy with Freemarker, and unless you have specific reasons to stay with Velocity, I would recommend you to migrate).
However, I see no difficulties implementing the supporting component right inside the application. Let me know if you need any help with the one.
On 24/01/12 06:09, Boris Okunskiy wrote:
> Greetings,
> Not in the framework itself (we are pretty happy with Freemarker, and unless you have specific reasons to stay with Velocity, I would recommend you to migrate).
Both template engines are quite good and the only reason that I want to
integrate with velocity is that the project I am working on is already
using velocity. We use springmvc for java and now I am integrating
circumflex. Having 2 web frameworks is not optimal but if on top of that
I add 2 template engines it will probably be overkill. My plan is to use
circumflex with velocity and I am already working on a velocity layer to
work with scala.
> However, I see no difficulties implementing the supporting component right inside the application. Let me know if you need any help with the one.
I am on it, extending velocity to see scala collections & properties.