need help in data prepration

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Aarshi Srivastava

16. sep. 2023, 14:35:0016.09.2023
til Circos
Good evening, sir/ madam.
I am working on the miRNA-virus gene as a target interaction. Could you please instruct me to prepare a data set and draw circos plot online.

I am here attaching a link for your reference.
Ashraf, M.A.; Ali, B.; Brown, J.K.; Shahid, I.; Yu, N. In Silico Identification of Cassava
Genome-Encoded MicroRNAs with Predicted Potential for Targeting the ICMV-Kerala Begomoviral Pathogen of Cassava. Viruses 2023, 15, 486.

I look forward to your consideration.

Thank you.
Aarshi Srivastava


16. sep. 2023, 14:38:2516.09.2023
til Circos
The online version of Circos can be used to draw tabular data, of the kind that appears in Figure 5 of your reference.

I suggest that you start with working your way through the tutorial samples

Once you get through these examples, you should have all the information of how to prepare your data.


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