The results of Russia's 2018 presidential election | How they voted in the regions

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Circassian World Newsletter

Mar 19, 2018, 11:00:01 AM3/19/18
to circassianworld-newsletter
The results of Russia's 2018 presidential election Putin's record support, purged ‘dead souls,’ and a second ‘Crimea referendum’
As usual, the highest figures were recorded in the North Caucasus. Kabardino-Balkaria led the way, with 92-percent turnout and 93 percent of those votes going to Putin. The region unseated the country’s traditionally most eager Putin supporters: Chechnya (where turnout and votes for Putin were both 91.5 percent) and Dagestan (where these numbers were 87.5 percent and 90.7 percent). In the last election, a whopping 99.8 percent of all ballots in Chechnya went to Putin.
In addition to these North Caucasian republics, Putin grabbed more than 90 percent of the vote in just three other regions across the country: Tuva (where he typically wins big), and Crimea and Sevastopol, which experienced their first presidential election as subjects of the Russian Federation.
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