Fwd: 緊急:請敦促臺灣官員整治政府動物收容所的恐怖狀況 Urgent: Tell Taiwanese Officials to Clean Up Horrific Government Animal Shelter

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.*.*.Cindy Hsu.*.*.

Aug 1, 2008, 8:48:02 AM8/1/08
to 110 國際投資知識創新智庫論壇, 113 企業永續經營:社會責任與道德管理論壇, 1101 公益請願書聯署論壇 Petitions Association
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From: Rochelle Regodon <Roch...@petaasiapacific.com>
Date: 2008/8/1
Subject: 緊急:請敦促臺灣官員整治政府動物收容所的恐怖狀況 Urgent: Tell Taiwanese Officials to Clean Up Horrific Government Animal Shelter
To: Rochelle Regodon <Roch...@petaasiapacific.com>








·        生病和受傷的動物經常得不到適當的獸醫護理。善待動物組織多次發現並記錄到病重或受重傷的動物因得不到護理而承受痛苦的折磨,其中包括一隻狗頸部有一個很大的化膿傷口,以及很多狗都患有嚴重皮膚病。在善待動物組織於五月對收容所的檢查中,我們發現一隻狗躺在犬舍冰冷的水泥地板上,虛弱得無法走路,甚至不能抬起頭。牠不停地顫抖,毛髮不但打了結,還沾滿了糞便和尿液﹔牠的眼睛也在滲膿,後腿滿佈傷口而且腫脹不堪。

·        幼犬生活在不合適的籠子裏,牠們的脖子很容易被卡在籠子的鐵欄之間。善待動物組織的員工在一次對收容所的檢查中不得不使用一根管子才將被困於鐵欄之間的小狗解救出來。如果沒有我們工作人員的幫助,牠很可能因脫水或饑餓而死。

·        收容所缺乏遮風擋雨的遮蓋物。動物被暴露在雨水、狂風以及烈日暴晒之下。

·        收容所不平整的混凝土地面很容易積水並滋生真菌。很多動物因為不能走到高於地面的平臺而不得不躺在冰冷、潮濕的水泥地板上。

·        具攻擊性的狗與溫順膽怯的狗通常被置於一個籠子中。動物很容易受傷﹐而溫順膽怯的狗也因此難以獲取足夠的食物。






三重市市長  龍先生
E-mail: j...@mail.sco.gov.tw

聯絡電話: (02) 29862345

傳真號碼: (02) 29846867


動植物防疫檢疫局  趙明仁先生
E-mail: mr0...@mail.sco.gov.tw


臺灣總統  馬英九先生
E-mail: pres...@mail.oop.gov.tw





善待動物組織亞太分部全體工作人員  謹啟



Dear Activists,


For several years, PETA has been monitoring the government-run SanChong animal shelter near Taipei and working with government officials in the area to improve the lives of animals at the facility. But instead of improving, conditions have continued to deteriorate.


Please don't ignore this e-mail and think that someone else will help. The animals languishing in the SanChong animal shelter need you to speak up for them.


The following are just a few of the problems that PETA has observed during its many inspections:


·        Sick and injured animals are often denied adequate veterinary care. PETA has repeatedly documented that extremely sick and severely injured animals suffered without treatment of any kind, including a dog with a huge pus-oozing gash in his neck and dogs with severe skin infections. During a visit to the shelter last month, PETA staffers found a dog lying on the cold cement floor of a kennel. He was unable to walk or even lift his head. The shivering dog's fur was matted and soaked in urine and feces, and pus oozed from his eyes. His back legs were swollen and covered in lacerations.

·        Puppies are housed in unsuitable cages that allow the puppies' fragile necks to become stuck between cage bars. During one inspection, a PETA staffer was forced to use a pipe to free a trapped puppy, who would have died of dehydration or starvation had PETA not been there.

·        The facility does not provide any protection from the elements. Animals are exposed to rain, wind, and the sun.

·        The concrete flooring at the animal shelter is uneven, which allows pools of water to form and grow fungus. Many animals do not have raised platforms and are forced to lie on the cold, wet cement floor.

·        Aggressive and timid dogs are frequently housed together, which puts the animals at risk for injuries and makes it difficult for timid animals to eat enough food.


It is an outrage that animals would be allowed to suffer in this way. The SanChong animal shelter has proved to be the worst shelter in the country, and it's an embarrassment to Taiwan.


Please send an e-mail to officials in Taiwan urging them to improve the conditions at the SanChong animal shelter.


Please send polite comments to:


The Honorable Li Chien Lung

Mayor of SanChong


Phone number: (02) 2986-2345

Fax number: (02) 2986-5081


Zhao Ming Ren

Animal Health Inspection and Quarantine Institute


His Excellency Ma Ying-Jeou

President of Taiwan


Thank you for all that you do for animals!




The PETA Asia-Pacific Team

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