July 21 Board Meeting

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Michael Mayer

Jul 22, 2011, 12:57:29 AM7/22/11
to Cimarron Hills

So you do not have to wait until the meeting minutes are "approved".

This board meeting was pretty much a waste. First off it was
incompetently posted by Rossmar Graham (RG) on the website as starting
a 9AM..... and not posted at the gate until today from what I hear.

1. Rossmar Graham made me wait outside because the board decided to
do the exec meeting before 6:30. Not Nice to make residents wait
outside in 108 degree heat so the newly elected board could go home

2. I was the only to make an open forum comment telling the board
that the RG website stated the board meeting starting at 9AM. Newly
elected Bob Crandal said I was wrong...is reality he was wrong. RG
flag of incompetence

3. I asked about Don Russell....no response so I presume Don is in
trouble physically. Say a prayer for Don. No confirmation the board
sent a get well card I recommended last month. A couple on Beck Lane
seconded my motion. The board never gave me the hospital Don was in
so I could not sent him a get well card myself.

Main Meeting

Doyle reported 102 Phone calls in June. 4 phone calls in the month
required action...2 for architect committee, 2 for sprinklers in
Parcel X....another 98 (that is only 5 a day) were apparently nothing
to mention.

Brush Clearing - Board took credit for brush clearing in Parcel S.
Anyone reading this knows the Master Board approved Parcel S brush
clearing in 30 days when I requested it and all but Werblow (also
newly elected) rejected brush clearing. Hurray Ron Roder.

One couple on Beck Lane said the brush clearing behind their house was
great. Board said brush clearing in Parcel W (Cimarron Ridge) and X
is "on schedule". Said they met with Fire Chief Ford (which I knew 2
weeks ago because Fire Chief Ford was calling me everyday around the

Barry Werblow, the Master Board Vice President and now Cimarron Hills
VP ( It was on his placecard tonight but not announced) did not
support Parcel S brush clearing in a 7-1-1- vote by the Master
Board. Werblow cited some quote tonight for the entire MMR brush
clearing stating it would cost $650,000.

I did not hear anything truthful said by the board or Rossmar about
brush clearing.

After the meeting, I told the couple on Beck lane they could thank the
Master Board for their brush being cleared....Our board had nothing to
do with it....but they should still be concerned because only 1/2 the
wash has been cleared. This new CH Board has not had a single bush
removed on the main wash or Sonoran Preserve perimeter. If Cimarron
Ridge burns....so does Beck Lane and Queens Wreath.

The toilet repair cost $10,000 and the board discussed signs saying
"toilet paper only" in the bathrooms.

Talked about a new website so that must confirm the Rossmar website is

Talked about a newsletter but the board president doesn't understand
the software on his computer.

"The Club" sign....Flink said that could be pretentious without a gym,
library, golf course, etc.

This is important - New Access Control - Sounds like a new smart card
will be required to get into the pool area very soon. Not a photo
ID. Everyone will have to get a new entry card issued. Don't try and
get into the pool after Doyle leaves for home in the near
future....you may not get in. Not many details were given.

Bagle Saturday 8-10AM (good for us Christians) will start in August.
Thank you for your donation. At least it isn't Sunday while some of
us are at church.


Bagby Josephine

Jul 22, 2011, 10:03:28 AM7/22/11
to cimarr...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Michael.  

I've tried and tried to find "approved" minutes on our website through RG and there is nothing.   Why isn't RG more alert to the sad state of this site?  When they presented to the MMR residents as a candidate to take over that management, their presentation sounded so professional and just full of folks ready to do grand things to help everyone.  Where are they now?

I am so sorry about Don Russell.  Please keep us informed if you get any information.

I am going to send a copy of this message to RG through their website.



Jul 22, 2011, 4:48:46 PM7/22/11
to cimarr...@googlegroups.com
I did hear you were full of something,,now you proved it...I never rejected any thing with the removel of clearing brush...
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