An injustice is DUE

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Michael Mayer

Dec 20, 2011, 12:48:37 AM12/20/11
to Cimarron Hills
Stu Feldmen and board members have repeatedly said the townhouses in
Parcel X pay a "premium" in monthly dues for landscaping. That is not
true and shame on me for believing the board.

According to the latest board meeting minutes residents subsidize the
townhomes in Parcel X ($74/mo). The rest of us pay $95/mo.

Parcel X (townhouses) are privileged residents paying $252/year less
each year than the rest of us. PLUS Parcel X residents get almost
100% of Landmark landscaping at a cost of approx $100,000 a year to
the rest of the community.

Everyone votes for a board if they save $252/year and 400 other
residents subsidized their landscaping....amazing.

Parcel S (original Cimarron Hills along Queens Wreath) is maintained
by the Master MMR landscaper. Parcel W (Cimarron Ridge) receives
almost no landscaping services.

The other good news....we all get to pay for new signs so our Rec
Center can be renamed "The Club".

Dec 20, 2011, 1:18:18 PM12/20/11
We also get to pay for the Board to have a Monthly Free Bagel Day.......Compliments of the Homeowners......  Have you ever bothered to drive by the parking lot at "The Club" and see how many people attend the Board's "Coffee Klatch"?   95% are the Board & their Friends.
Also, the home across the street from us has been foreclosed.  Some may remember when I made an issue that all of the Water  pipes were located on the Front of the home between the added Garage. This was and still is against not only Cimarron Hills CC&R's but McDowell MTN. CC&R's too.  Bill Fuchs was the Real Estate Agent for this home and was actively involved in the approval and construction of the addition to the home.  Long story........There are people on our Architectural Committee that are also on the McDowell Mtn. Architectural Committee - the decision was a FAKE rock placed in front of the Main Water pipes would be just fine.  Subsequently, the "Beauties" have moved and took their FAKE rock with them.    The bottom line is, the homeowners who are on any of the neighborhood Architectural Committees should NOT serve on the McDowell Mtn. Architectural Committee.
The Bottom line is this.............the majority of our Community voted this Board into office.  I respect their decision.  However, I would be remiss not to mention - as I have seen time after time, when a woman gets involved in any type of political process their is no limit to which people will go to malign them.   It's eye opening to see the homeowners that had openly supported a candidate trying to do the right thing for the Community - make the decision not to vote in their favor.    Therefore, as far as I'm concerned, the Community is receiving exactly what they voted for.      I am enjoying the newsletters that have kept us all up to date on what's going on in the Community along with many of the other petty decisions that ego driven individuals have made to bolster what they view as bringing Status to our Community.   I'm behind them 100%!
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