Such sad news

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Oct 3, 2012, 1:13:47 AM10/3/12
I did not know Charles David personally, but it has made me very sad this morning to hear of his death. He was always so kind, patient and helpful to amateur naturalists like me, and I will miss him very much.

Andy Smith

Oct 3, 2012, 4:18:56 AM10/3/12
Dear Tani, and group,
I agree- I had met Charles on several occasions and found him to be the most knowledgeable person, and his untimely loss leaves us all much the poorer- I for one cannot imagine how we will find anyone as capable as Charles of answering with such authority the many questions we all have from time to time. I can only hope his passing was painless and that he was gazing at some zoological spectacle that gave him contentment in his final moments.
  Thank you Charles,
   Andy Smith.
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Richard Lord

Oct 3, 2012, 6:33:04 AM10/3/12
Dr Charles David's untimely death is a tragic and great loss to his family, his friends, and the Channel Islands' community. Dr. Charles David left a great legacy of local environmental research. 

He leaves a large gap in many people's lives.  His integrity, his passion, his dedication, his helpfulness, and his vast knowledge of the biodiversity of our islands will be greatly missed. He always had time to help people identify the species they had discovered no matter how common or how rare they were, and he approached his work with objectivity and scientific rigour.

This email list owes its existence to Charles.  He established the annual Channel Islands Environment Conference, and it was at an Environment Conference at Guernsey Museum that this CI Environment email group was conceived.

The Guernsey Biological Records Centre, which he created and built is, and will be, a vital resource to monitor our changing environment. 

Jane Gilmour is taking over its operation.  The email address: and the website: to submit a record remain the same.  

Best wishes,
On 3 Oct 2012, at 06:13, Tintageu wrote:

I did not know Charles David personally, but it has made me very sad this morning to hear of his death. He was always so kind, patient and helpful to amateur naturalists like me, and I will miss him very much.

Andrew Barham

Oct 4, 2012, 5:17:53 PM10/4/12
Please pass on my condolences to his family.  I only met him a few times and didn't really know him well, except for his comments in this group in which he seemed to be able to identify pretty much anything anyone posted on here wondering what it was, regardless of which taxon it came from.  His knowledge and ability in this respect was phenomenal and I could not help bet be both impressed and envious.  In an age of specialisation, I can't imagine anyone else who has his level of across-the-board expertise when it comes to the Natural World, and in particular, the Natural World as it pertains to the Channel Islands.  It was as though he was a specialist in everything.  He will be a big loss to this group and to the Channel Islands and those who find its flora and fauna endlessly interesting and diverting.

From: Richard Lord <>
Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 11:33
Subject: Re: [CIEnviron] Such sad news

Andrew Barham

Oct 11, 2012, 3:04:14 PM10/11/12
I second that thought.  And if there is somewhere we go when it's all over, then I hope it's somewhere where he can continue to look at interesting zoological or botanical specimens.

From: Andy Smith <>
Sent: Wednesday, 3 October 2012, 9:18

Subject: Re: [CIEnviron] Such sad news
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