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Activities of the home cider groups in Asturias

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Miguel A. Pereda

Jun 11, 2024, 8:08:26 AM6/11/24
to Cider Workshop
Independently of the commercial cider industry, the activity of home cider makers in Asturias is extraordinarily vigorous. It is estimated that around a thousand producers in the region make natural cider on their farms for their own consumption, and they frequently take part in the various competitions organised in many of the province's municipalities. The FEDERACIÓN DE ASOCIACIONES DE LA SIDRA CASERA CASERA DE ASTURIAS (FASCAS) has recently been founded, bringing together eight associations of home-made cider producers, with more associations likely to join in the future. Many of these associations organise cider competitions in their councils. Below is a preview of the calendar of these competitions for this summer. There are more, including the provincial one, which is usually held in October.
- in Pimiango on  6th
-  in Quintes and Quintueles on 14th  
-  in Caldones on 24th
-  in Sariego on  4th
-  in Carreño cider tasting on  11th
-  in Villaviciosa on 18th
-  in Onís on  25th.
- in Colunga on 1st
- in Mieres on 14th
- in Salas on 15th
- in Siero on 22nd
 - in Gozón on 22nd
- in Ribadesella on  6th
- in Pureñu (Villaviciosa) on  12th.
- in Parries on the 9th
Miguel A. Pereda
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