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Gloria Bell

May 22, 2024, 10:02:18 PM5/22/24
to Cider Workshop
Congrats to all those that entered GLINTCAP and all those that made it happen both on the floor and behind the scenes.

Commercial results:

Non commercial results:

Nice showing from Canadians sweeping two categories of Best in Class in Commericail.

Scott Harring

May 29, 2024, 5:02:44 PM5/29/24
to Cider Workshop
This was my first year submitting and few of my submissions placed.  Curious, do they send out physical medals?

Gloria Bell

May 29, 2024, 5:06:17 PM5/29/24
to Cider Workshop
Yes they sure do and they are very nice!  I used to get them in August but not sure timing now that things have changed.
Congrats!  Hope you share some cider while enjoying your medals.
I was honoured to get a 1st Best in Class Gold for Rose non-commerical.

Thomas “Jake” Keefer

Jul 9, 2024, 10:44:28 AM7/9/24
to Cider Workshop
Nice work Gloria! Would you mind describing a little bit about your blend of varieties and maybe a rough pH?

Gloria Bell

Jul 9, 2024, 2:59:21 PM7/9/24
to Cider Workshop
Thanks Jake!
It was a field blend of what I had for red flesh as orchard is young.  A little of a lot of things - redfield, geneva, hidden rose, neidz, Etters, red loves and some seedling red fleshed crabs and apples (and I'm sure I'm missing many in that list).   The seedling fruit was most up front and impactful flavour wise I think. pH is a little easier though.  She was an acidic one at 3.2-3.3 range but had some tannins from some seedling red fleshed crabs that really helped hold it together on the palate.  Final SG was in the 1015 range (not by my book currently). With all the acid and a bunch of tannin, this didn't taste sweet at all.  I prefer a dry cider but honestly balance is where its at and this had it.    Just drank the last wee bottle last weekend.  Had gorgeous colour. Full of strawberries, raspberries, cran, pommegrante and a touch of pear drop flavours and of course some apple in there too (but lesser than normal cider).
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