Follow Up From Last Night's NELA Campaign Meeting

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Ramon Martinez

May 19, 2010, 4:25:19 PM5/19/10

So we had a really great meeting last night; see the minutes below. I know they're a little long, but please hop to the bottom to see where we need the most help.

To continue raising awareness of the Corral project we're wanting to hold a mini Park(ing) Day style event in the parking space in front of Cafe de Leche, most likely a Saturday in late June. Anyone who knows a fun band or performers of any kind who'd be willing to stand on the street and entertain people on a Saturday morning please get in touch with them.

Also, tomorrow at 7pm theres a Highland Park Neighborhood Council Meeting that Matt is going to try to make it to, but he might be booked.  If anyone else can get out to Franklin Highschool, say your from the NELA Campaign and helping with the Corral project, and ask how we can make sure to get the funding they promised us in the fall, that would be a big help.

So let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see you guys at the next get together. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 18th NELA Campaign Meeting Notes
In Attendance: Matt Schodorf, Marisa DeMeglio, Ramon Martinez, Joe Linton
by Ramon Martinez
  1. Bike Corral Next Steps:
    1. Funding: Need to tie this down so that when we discuss with DOT we can say that we have money ready to go (DOT most likely not willing to fund this project). Estimated cost $4-6k
      1. Confirm with Highland Park Neighborhood Council this Thursday @7pm meeting: They pledged what we remember to be $4k last year, but it was contingent on their budget for 2010. 
        1. Matt will be present to speak during public comment to confirm money or to get it scheduled for future meeting, Ramon will email email list to see if anyone can help, report back later this week.
      2. Councilmember Huizar's office has $100k from federal funds to do improvements to York Blvd from Ave 50 to Ave 56
        1. Green LA Coalition applying for money to do half design and half implementation however funding could be contingent on all kinds of requirements that any non-profit would struggle to meet
        2. Joe to follow up.
      3. Brainstormed ways to do our own fundraiser--will depend on how much we get from Neighborhood Council
        1. Highland Park Chamber of Commerce
        2. Private Donations with names going on bricks, plaques
        3. Holding party/event at Cafe de Leche like movie screenings, music, and asking for donations
    2. More Local Support: DOT expressed need for more support from neighboring businesses. Need to get the support and affirm the corral's location on York.
      1. Matt to speak to businesses directly adjacent and ask if we can draft them a letter that they'll sign on to.
      2. Ramon and Joe to draft letter
      3. Directed to Rita Robinson and Councilmember Huizar?
      4. Idea to create postcard materials advocating for Bike Corral and "Four Corners" Lanes; Joe to craft...see below
    3. Bike Corral Design: Need to have multiple design aspects on paper when we meet with the DOT
      1. Ramon to gather those from LA's own Draft Bike Plan, San Francisco and Long Beach (could check in on Berkeley too; Already have design specs from Portland).
  2. Visibility for Bike Corral: To raise awareness of the idea and hopefully draw in more interested individuals
    1. Idea to do Portland City Repair-esque  painting of the parking space with message of "Coming Soon: Bike Corral"
      1. Do early on Sunday morning with a few people, Joe to craft design
    2. Make above event an all morning affair with some kind of fun activity in the parking spot, a "Corral Raising."
      1. Music? Hay Bales (Corral, duh)? Other Ideas?
      2. Marisa to contact Art group next door to Cafe, try to get in touch with Eagle Rock Center for the Arts
    3. Matt to make a flier for the event to hang in the cafe.
  3. Outreach for "NELA Campaign" group
    1. Create postcard campaign to Rita Robinson - for both bike corral and York bike lanes. Joe to draw bike corral cowgirl drawing and design card. Ramon to check on LACBC funding for printing and postage.
    2. Matt to create flier to hang in the cafe with visualization on top half and lines for emails and contacts on bottom half
    3. Ramon to set mid June meeting date and find LACBC members to hit up in NELA
    4. Everyone commit to bringing a new friend or finding someone in the neighborhood who's interested in helping

Ramon Martinez
Advocacy & Outreach Coordinator
Los Angeles County Bike Coalition
Tel 213-629-2142 | Fax 213-629-2259

Joe Linton

May 20, 2010, 2:28:51 PM5/20/10
anyone up for going to the Highland Park Neighborhood Council meeting tonight? (to get the bike corral funding stuff back on their radar?)

David Matsu

May 20, 2010, 3:48:33 PM5/20/10



I can go but might not be able to get there before 8. Not sure how long they tend to go or if it is worth it for me to show up half way through.




From: [] On Behalf Of Joe Linton
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Follow Up From Last Night's NELA Campaign Meeting


anyone up for going to the Highland Park Neighborhood Council meeting tonight? (to get the bike corral funding stuff back on their radar?)

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Ramon Martinez <> wrote:


So we had a really great meeting last night; see the minutes below. I know they're a little long, but please hop to the bottom to see where we need the most help.

To continue raising awareness of the Corral project we're wanting to hold a mini Park(ing) Day style event in the parking space in front of Cafe de Leche, most likely a Saturday in late June. Anyone who knows a fun band or performers of any kind who'd be willing to stand on the street and entertain people on a Saturday morning please get in touch with them.

Also, tomorrow at 7pm theres a Highland Park Neighborhood Council Meeting that Matt is going to try to make it to, but he might be booked.  If anyone else can get out to Franklin Highschool, say your from the NELA Campaign and helping with the Corral project, and ask how we can make sure to get the funding they promised us in the fall, that would be a big help.

So let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see you guys at the next get together. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 18th NELA Campaign Meeting Notes
In Attendance: Matt Schodorf, Marisa DeMeglio, Ramon Martinez, Joe Linton
by Ramon Martinez

1.      Bike Corral Next Steps:

1.      Funding: Need to tie this down so that when we discuss with DOT we can say that we have money ready to go (DOT most likely not willing to fund this project). Estimated cost $4-6k

1.      Confirm with Highland Park Neighborhood Council this Thursday @7pm meeting: They pledged what we remember to be $4k last year, but it was contingent on their budget for 2010. 

1.      Matt will be present to speak during public comment to confirm money or to get it scheduled for future meeting, Ramon will email email list to see if anyone can help, report back later this week.

2.      Councilmember Huizar's office has $100k from federal funds to do improvements to York Blvd from Ave 50 to Ave 56

1.      Green LA Coalition applying for money to do half design and half implementation however funding could be contingent on all kinds of requirements that any non-profit would struggle to meet

2.      Joe to follow up.

3.      Brainstormed ways to do our own fundraiser--will depend on how much we get from Neighborhood Council

1.      Highland Park Chamber of Commerce

2.      Private Donations with names going on bricks, plaques

3.      Holding party/event at Cafe de Leche like movie screenings, music, and asking for donations

2.      More Local Support: DOT expressed need for more support from neighboring businesses. Need to get the support and affirm the corral's location on York.

1.      Matt to speak to businesses directly adjacent and ask if we can draft them a letter that they'll sign on to.

2.      Ramon and Joe to draft letter

3.      Directed to Rita Robinson and Councilmember Huizar?

4.      Idea to create postcard materials advocating for Bike Corral and "Four Corners" Lanes; Joe to craft...see below

3.      Bike Corral Design: Need to have multiple design aspects on paper when we meet with the DOT

1.      Ramon to gather those from LA's own Draft Bike Plan, San Francisco and Long Beach (could check in on Berkeley too; Already have design specs from Portland).

2.      Visibility for Bike Corral: To raise awareness of the idea and hopefully draw in more interested individuals

1.      Idea to do Portland City Repair-esque  painting of the parking space with message of "Coming Soon: Bike Corral"

1.      Do early on Sunday morning with a few people, Joe to craft design

2.      Make above event an all morning affair with some kind of fun activity in the parking spot, a "Corral Raising."

1.      Music? Hay Bales (Corral, duh)? Other Ideas?

2.      Marisa to contact Art group next door to Cafe, try to get in touch with Eagle Rock Center for the Arts

3.      Matt to make a flier for the event to hang in the cafe.

3.      Outreach for "NELA Campaign" group

1.      Create postcard campaign to Rita Robinson - for both bike corral and York bike lanes. Joe to draw bike corral cowgirl drawing and design card. Ramon to check on LACBC funding for printing and postage.

2.      Matt to create flier to hang in the cafe with visualization on top half and lines for emails and contacts on bottom half

3.      Ramon to set mid June meeting date and find LACBC members to hit up in NELA

4.      Everyone commit to bringing a new friend or finding someone in the neighborhood who's interested in helping

Joe Linton

May 20, 2010, 8:16:05 PM5/20/10
I am not sure how that Neighborhood Council works... but I suspect that the sort of open comment time might come at the beginning of the meeting.
You could go there... and just talk with folks - either formally or informally. Here are talking points I'd suggest:
- Introduce yourself - as part of NELA and Bike Oven
- Mention that there's a group working to make NELA more bike friendly - and one of our campaigns is to do a bike corral
- Explain briefly what a bike corral is 
- The city council recently approved their motion for the bike corral on York at Ave 50
- The LADOT doesn't have funding for the bike corral
- Last year the Highland Park Neighborhood Council approved $4000 for the bike corral - though it was somewhat provisional because there was some question as to whether the funds were available??
- What do we do to work with the Neighborhood Council to get that funding for building the bike corral?

David Matsu

May 20, 2010, 8:49:43 PM5/20/10

Looks like I won’t be able to make it there before 8:30, so I’m not going to bother. They have meetings every 2 weeks. I should be able to go on June 3rd (assuming nothing intervenes).


In the meantime, I will reach out to them and warn them someone from CICLE-NELA would like to come speak on the 3rd.


Two questions:

-          Please let me know ASAP if anyone does go tonight. I don’t want to say we’re coming on the 3rd if we were already there.

-          Does anyone know any names of people involved in approving the funds last year? It would be helpful to be able to refer to them directly since they were previously on board. I assume Matt was the one who made the proposal to them? Was anyone else involved?




Dave Matsu

Ramon Martinez

May 21, 2010, 12:10:45 AM5/21/10
They should cover it in their minutes review that Matt told me they were going to do tonight, I think it was a date in early december. So if no one reports back today we might try to find a copy of the minutes for the month of December, just to have exactly what you're saying on hand.

Marisa DeMeglio

May 31, 2010, 1:41:58 PM5/31/10
I'll be out of town as of this Sunday (gone for 2 weeks), but I would
be happy to drop a note to the arts centers mentioned below before I
leave. Do we have a description of the event and what we need from


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