Bike Corral Motion in Front of Full City Council This Friday!

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Ramon Martinez

Apr 21, 2010, 5:01:59 PM4/21/10
Hi Everyone,

So I wanted to remind you all that our Bike Corral motion is going in front of the full City Council this Friday. You can see the Council's agenda here; though the link was down this morning when I tried it, it should be back soon.

Unfortunately Council begins at 10am, and last I saw our item was buried near the end of the agenda. So there's really no telling what time we'll go on. I will contact Paul Backstrom, who's the transportation deputy for Councilmember Rosendahl and who has helped us get this far. Paul might know when we will see our agenda item and I'll fill you guys in. I want to say we would be safe getting downtown around noon, but let's wait before we speak to Paul.

What we do need to hash out is the location of this bike corral. I know many of us just want to see this thing get done, but it's my opinion that the corral must be on York blvd. This is our first project together and it will be a really groundbreaking event in NELA and all of Los Angeles. We want this first action to be inspirational and move us onwards and upwards to our bigger goals. I see a very scary image of a hypothetical corral on Ave 50 as unused, hidden, and eventually forgotten. And frankly we've got a dream team of community support behind this motion, and it's already moved quicker than anything I've ever seen. To me that means there is a demand for this project that's bigger than the DOT's doubt.

While we all want a bike corral in the northeast, what I see this action as is a way to declare that our streets will no longer be unsafe, our streets will no longer be freeways, and our streets will no longer be places where the LADOT gets to hide our hopes and dreams around the corner so that no one will see them. Let me know what you guys are thinking, but I believe we should go into Friday standing strong on York.

Though as Joe Linton, master strategist has alerted me, we shouldn't say "york, york, york" because the DOT might try to chop the motion up. What we should do is continue to say how easy, cheap, and quick this project can happen, as we've already got York as the location in the motion.

Thanks for reading this far. Finally, if you have any friend or family who would be supporters and live outside of Councilmember Huizar's district, have them give a call or send an email to their Councilmember supporting the York Blvd Bike Corral Motion. Thanks again for all the awesome support and dedication; you people rock and you're going to get the bikeable city you deserve.
Ramon Martinez
Advocacy & Outreach Coordinator
Los Angeles County Bike Coalition
Tel 213-629-2142 | Fax 213-629-2259

Joe Linton

Apr 21, 2010, 5:51:00 PM4/21/10
The agenda for Friday is out - the corral motion is #20 - here's a link to the document:
My guess is that it will go on what's called "consent calendar" - which is good - but it means that there's no vote, and no testimony. So folks may feel like they made the trek to city hall for nothing... but we're there in case the LADOT (or a councilmember or someone?) gets up and says something negative... then we need to counter their testimony.
The meeting is in council chambers - room 340, 3rd floor. The entrance is on Main Street between Temple and First Street. You need to bring an ID, and go through a metal detector.
It starts at 10am - if you're coming it's good to arrive by about 10:20am. The first ~30 minutes are declartions, certificates - kinda boring stuff, then things can move fairly quickly - we could get approved by consent right away, get heard right away, or wait around until around noon... you never know.
If you're attending and running late and you want to know how things go, I will try to update Twitter with a status:
Ramon's Twitter:
Alternately - you could text me at my cell 213.220.1608
We'll get this behind us and get down to business on getting actual corral installed!

Mary Tokita

Apr 22, 2010, 3:39:21 PM4/22/10
Hi Ramon and friends:

Thanks for the reminders. Very exciting that we're one step closer to making the first LA bike corral a reality. Just got back from a quick trip and will be at City Hall on Friday at noon. As suggested, I'll be sending email requests to the councilmembers I know for their immediate action on this issue.

First and foremost, we want a commitment from the Council to approve an expedited installation of the corral, since it's simple, affordable and aligns with the Northeast community's need for safer, greener and more pedestrian friendly streets.  

While getting the York site is preferable, I'd rather see us move forward on our mission than allow the DOT to throw us off track with their silly arguments.

Let me know how else I can help.


Mary Tokita
5064 Maywood Ave. Apt. A
Eagle Rock, CA 90041
323/344 8426

--- On Wed, 4/21/10, Ramon Martinez <> wrote:

Joe Linton

Apr 22, 2010, 5:17:14 PM4/22/10
Fri meeting is at 10am (probably starts 1030)
- from my phone

From: Mary Tokita <>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: Bike Corral Motion in Front of Full City Council This Friday!

Hi Ramon and friends:

Thanks for the reminders. Very exciting that we're one step closer to making the first LA bike corral a reality. Just got back from a quick trip and will be at City Hall on Friday at noon. As suggested, I'll be sending email requests to the councilmembers I know for their immediate action on this issue.

First and foremost, we want a commitment from the Council to approve an expedited installation of the corral, since it's simple, affordable and aligns with the Northeast community's need for safer, greener and more pedestrian friendly streets.  

While getting the York site is preferable, I'd rather see us move forward on our mission than allow the DOT to throw us off track with their silly arguments.

Let me know how else I can help.


Mary Tokita
5064 Maywood Ave. Apt. A
Eagle Rock, CA 90041
323/344 8426

--- On Wed, 4/21/10, Ramon Martinez <> wrote:

From: Ramon Martinez <>
Subject: Bike Corral Motion in Front of Full City Council This Friday!
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 2:01 PM

Hi Everyone,

So I wanted to remind you all that our Bike Corral motion is going in front of the full City Council this Friday. You can see the Council's agenda here; though the link was down this morning when I tried it, it should be back soon.

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