Error message when running generate_ccans()

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May Chen

Jul 26, 2020, 4:27:04 PM7/26/20
to cicero-users
Thanks a lot for developing this package.

After I computed coaccessibility cluster by cluster using run_cicero() and got the conns object. I got an error message when running generate_ccans() as below:
Error in make_ccan_graph(connections_df, coaccess_cutoff = coaccess_cutoff) : 
  No connections for graph

The above error message only occurred in some of clusters, not all. I am confused about what cause this error? Could you help to solve this problem? Thank you so much!

Aug 2, 2020, 11:09:19 AM8/2/20
to cicero-users
Hello, As the error message mentions, this occurs when there aren't any connections available to create the graph. This is usually either because there simply aren't enough connections, or the coaccess_cutoff is too high. Can you please check your connections_df to see that there are sufficient pairs in each cluster that are not NA and that have a positive coaccessibility value?
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