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[crx-ja] Fwd: Message via your Google Profile: taggingBuzz

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Nori Hamamoto

May 11, 2010, 4:25:13 AM5/11/10
to Chromium-Extensions-Japan
taggingBuzz ユーザから質問が来たのですが、添付ファイルのようなメッセージがインストール時に出るということです。

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karl Hansen <>
Date: 2010/5/11
Subject: Re: Message via your Google Profile: taggingBuzz
To: Nori Hamamoto <>

When I click the "Install" button on the Installer page, it asks the question.


On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 20:14, Nori Hamamoto <> wrote:
Hi Karl,

Thank you for trying taggingBuzz. I'm glad you like my idea.
By the way, where does it say 'it needs access to your browsing history and private data on multiple website.'?
taggingBuzz doesn't access to your browsing history. Also, we have to make sure what is a private data recognized by Google Chrome.
I think I can find the answer of your question if you let me know where you saw that information.

Talk to you later,

2010/5/11 Karl Hansen <>
Nori, I like the idea of this Chrome extension, and would like to use it.  However, I'd like to know why it needs access to my browsing history and private data on multiple websites.  I searched what I could find of the extension's website but could not determine an answer.  Can you help me find that information?

Karl Hansen

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このメールは Google グループのグループ「Chromium-Extensions-Japan」の登録者に送られています。
このグループに投稿するには、 にメールを送信してください。
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May 11, 2010, 6:26:46 AM5/11/10
to Chromium-Extensions-Japan
Constellationですー. extensionおめでとうございますー. そしてお疲れ様ですー.

/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd によると,

"Warning displayed in body of extension dialog when the extension
requires access to multiple hosts, but not every host, and browser

のときに出るようで, permissionsに関して複数のwebpageへのaccessを許可している場合に出るようです.
この場合, permissionsの "*", "http://", "*" が該当していますねー.

On 5月11日, 午後5:25, Nori Hamamoto <> wrote:
> taggingBuzz ユーザから質問が来たのですが、添付ファイルのようなメッセージがインストール時に出るということです。
> このようなメッセージが出るのは、拡張がどういう機能を使っている時でしょうか?(permissionの問題?)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Karl Hansen <>
> Date: 2010/5/11
> Subject: Re: Message via your Google Profile: taggingBuzz
> To: Nori Hamamoto <>
> When I click the "Install" button on the Installer page, it asks the
> question.
> Karl
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 20:14, Nori Hamamoto <> wrote:
> > Hi Karl,
> > Thank you for trying taggingBuzz. I'm glad you like my idea.
> > By the way, where does it say 'it needs access to your browsing history and
> > private data on multiple website.'?
> > taggingBuzz doesn't access to your browsing history. Also, we have to make
> > sure what is a private data recognized by Google Chrome.
> > I think I can find the answer of your question if you let me know where you
> > saw that information.
> > Talk to you later,
> > Nori
> > 2010/5/11 Karl Hansen <>
> >> Nori, I like the idea of this Chrome extension, and would like to use it.
> >> However, I'd like to know why it needs access to my browsing history and
> >> private data on multiple websites. I searched what I could find of the
> >> extension's website but could not determine an answer. Can you help me find
> >> that information?
> >> Karl Hansen
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> This message was sent to you from your Google profile. The sender does not
> >> have your email address. If you no longer wish to receive messages from your
> >> Google profile, you may edit your settings at
> >>
> --
> このメールは Google グループのグループ「Chromium-Extensions-Japan」の登録者に送られています。
> このグループに投稿するには、 にメールを送信してください。
> このグループから退会するには、 にメールを送信してください。
> 詳細については、からこのグループにアクセスしてください。
> taggingBuzz.png
> 18K表示ダウンロード

Nori Hamamoto

May 11, 2010, 11:30:27 AM5/11/10
Constellation さん。ありがとうございますー。


2010年5月11日7:26 Constellation <>:
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