Renaud Giroux さんからのバズ

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Nori Hamamoto

May 25, 2010, 7:00:19 PM5/25/10
to Chromium-Extensions-Japan

Chrome extension の taggingBuzz を試してみたユーザから、使えないという問い合わせが来ました。

それで、popup をブラウザのコンテンツエリアに表示してもらって、Buzz 上でサポートに当たっていたのですが、
chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()  が null を返していると言う事がわかりました。
ちなみに、chrome.extension は、

connect: function (targetId_opt, connectInfo_opt) { 
getBackgroundPage: function () { 
getExtensionTabs: function () { 
getTabContentses: function () { 
getToolstrips: function () { 
getURL: function (path) { 
getViews: function () { 
inIncognitoTab: undefined 
onConnect: Object 
onConnectExternal: Object 
onRequest: Object 
onRequestExternal: Object 
sendRequest: function (targetId_opt, request, responseCallback_opt) { 
_proto_: Object

というように、ちゃんと定義されていて、getBackgroundPage() もそこに有る様です。
getBackgroundPage() が null を返す、という症状で思いあたる点が有れば、教えていただけたらと思います。


最後の方に、getBackgroundPage() が null を返す様子が記されています。


17:40 Renaud Giroux: @Nori Hamamoto

(I've find this email address in your profil in google groups)

in reply of : < renaud. Empty means totally empty with nothing? No login link or anything? That's odd. I can't see what is a problem of it. Sorry about that. >

empty means nothing (see image)
I've no "tag" label under each buzz.

I've just updated my chrome/mac browser to 5.0.375.55
and I've the same problem.
(I use a custom theme in gmail/buzz, but just customs colors, and several labs features)

when I enable your extension, my cpu works a lot (very), because of "Google Chrome Worker", and after fiew seconds, rebecame quiet. I've several instance of "Google Chrome Worker" (about 10).

I'am very sad that your extension doesn't work on my browser because I'm waiting desperately for a group or label function in buzz, to organize buzzer's stream.

thanks for your interest
& for your work.
18:23 Nori Hamamoto: Hi Renaud,

Thank you for sending an image of the empty popup.
Yeah, that's totally empty. That's weird.

The following process is only a way I can help you at a remote. (I'm sorry if it doesn't work.)

Could you access to the following page?

This is an url to open the popup in the browser's browsing area.
Is this page also empty?

If it's empty, let's try to find what's going on by using Developer tool.
To open the Developer tool, open a context menu by right-clicking at that page, select "Inspect Element". Than you can open the Development tool.

A window of the developer tool is like this:

Note: you need to open the context menu at this popup page.
If you open the context menu to open the Development tool, you will open a Development tool for that page rather than the popup page. We need to inspect information of that popup page.

So, once you open the Development tool, click "Console" from a tool bar of this tool.
Then, reload the popup page in the browser content area. If anything wrong happens, some error message should be shown up in a console screen of the developing tool.

If you find any message, please let me know that.
Those message will help me a lot to figure out this problem.

If you don't see any message there, I can't help you without visiting you.

Hope it will work.
19:39 Renaud Giroux: thanks for your response ...
popup.html is empty
and there is one error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'server' of null
in line 4 of popup.js :
var login_status = background.server.loggedIn;

you've got it !
19:44 Nori Hamamoto: Really? That's so weird.
Okay, type the following in the console. and hit the Enter key.


What's response do you see? "Object" or "null"?
19:45 Renaud Giroux: TypeError: Cannot read property 'server' of null
19:50 Nori Hamamoto: How about this?


and Enter.
19:50 Renaud Giroux: "null"
19:50 Nori Hamamoto: How about this?

19:51 Renaud Giroux: "object", with a lot of functions :

connect: function (targetId_opt, connectInfo_opt) {
getBackgroundPage: function () {
getExtensionTabs: function () {
getTabContentses: function () {
getToolstrips: function () {
getURL: function (path) {
getViews: function () {
inIncognitoTab: undefined
onConnect: Object
onConnectExternal: Object
onRequest: Object
onRequestExternal: Object
sendRequest: function (targetId_opt, request, responseCallback_opt) {
_proto_: Object
19:52 Nori Hamamoto: That's good.
a function getBackgroundPage() doesn't look like working properly.
19:54 Nori Hamamoto: That's unbelievable. This is a function provided by Google Chrome as API. I can't touch it. How come??

Ohta Shogo

May 25, 2010, 11:07:08 PM5/25/10
to Chromium-Extensions-Japan

> getBackgroundPage() が null を返す、という症状で思いあたる点が有れば、教えていただけたらと思います。

うーん、思い当たるのはBackground Pageがクラッシュしていたとかでしょうか。
拡張機能のページでその拡張の「拡張機能の HTML 要素を検証」のところにBackground PageのHTML名がなかったらその可能性が高

On 5月26日, 午前8:00, Nori Hamamoto <> wrote:
> こんにちはー
> Chrome extension の taggingBuzz を試してみたユーザから、使えないという問い合わせが来ました。
> 具体的には、ポップアップに何も表示されないと言う事です。
> それで、popup をブラウザのコンテンツエリアに表示してもらって、Buzz 上でサポートに当たっていたのですが、
> chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage() が null を返していると言う事がわかりました。
> ちなみに、chrome.extension は、
> connect: function (targetId_opt, connectInfo_opt) {
> getBackgroundPage: function () {
> getExtensionTabs: function () {
> getTabContentses: function () {
> getToolstrips: function () {
> getURL: function (path) {
> getViews: function () {
> inIncognitoTab: undefined
> onConnect: Object
> onConnectExternal: Object
> onRequest: Object
> onRequestExternal: Object
> sendRequest: function (targetId_opt, request, responseCallback_opt) {

> *_proto_*: Object

> というように、ちゃんと定義されていて、getBackgroundPage() もそこに有る様です。
> getBackgroundPage() が null を返す、という症状で思いあたる点が有れば、教えていただけたらと思います。
> よろしくお願いします。


> p.s.
> 参考までに、以下がサポートでのやりとりです。
> 最後の方に、getBackgroundPage() が null を返す様子が記されています。
> この投稿へのリンク:

> >
> > 17:40 *Renaud Giroux:* @Nori Hamamoto<>
> > *(I've find this email address in your profil in google groups)*
> > *in reply of* : < renaud. Empty means totally empty with nothing? No login

> > link or anything? That's odd. I can't see what is a problem of it. Sorry
> > about that. >
> > empty means nothing (see image)
> > I've no "tag" label under each buzz.
> > I've just updated my chrome/mac browser to 5.0.375.55
> > and I've the same problem.
> > (I use a custom theme in gmail/buzz, but just customs colors, and several
> > labs features)
> > when I enable your extension, my cpu works a lot (very), because of "Google
> > Chrome Worker", and after fiew seconds, rebecame quiet. I've several
> > instance of "Google Chrome Worker" (about 10).
> > I'am very sad that your extension doesn't work on my browser because I'm
> > waiting desperately for a group or label function in buzz, to organize
> > buzzer's stream.
> > thanks for your interest
> > & for your work.

> > 18:23 *Nori Hamamoto:* Hi Renaud,

> > 19:39 *Renaud Giroux:* thanks for your response ...
> > popup.html is empty
> > and there is one error : *Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property
> > 'server' of null*

> > in line 4 of popup.js :
> > var login_status = background.server.loggedIn;
> > you've got it !

> > 19:44 *Nori Hamamoto:* Really? That's so weird.

> > Okay, type the following in the console. and hit the Enter key.
> > chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().server
> > What's response do you see? "Object" or "null"?

> > 19:45 *Renaud Giroux:* TypeError: Cannot read property 'server' of null
> > 19:50 *Nori Hamamoto:* How about this?
> > chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()
> > and Enter.
> > 19:50 *Renaud Giroux:* "null"
> > 19:50 *Nori Hamamoto:* How about this?
> > chrome.extension
> > 19:51 *Renaud Giroux:* "object", with a lot of functions :

> > connect: function (targetId_opt, connectInfo_opt) {
> > getBackgroundPage: function () {
> > getExtensionTabs: function () {
> > getTabContentses: function () {
> > getToolstrips: function () {
> > getURL: function (path) {
> > getViews: function () {
> > inIncognitoTab: undefined
> > onConnect: Object
> > onConnectExternal: Object
> > onRequest: Object
> > onRequestExternal: Object
> > sendRequest: function (targetId_opt, request, responseCallback_opt) {

> > *_proto_*: Object
> > 19:52 *Nori Hamamoto:* That's good.

> > a function getBackgroundPage() doesn't look like working properly.

> > 19:54 *Nori Hamamoto:* That's unbelievable. This is a function provided by

Nori Hamamoto

May 27, 2010, 1:56:38 PM5/27/10

Background Page がクラッシュするとか有るんですね。


2010年5月26日0:07 Ohta Shogo <>:
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