ESC key use in RDP session affects FULLSCREEN option in Chrome RDP...

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Apr 8, 2013, 11:18:16 AM4/8/13
Numerous apps (primarily browser related, but...) make use of the ESC key.

For example, when watching a youtube video in fullscreen; or when playing a Google Presentations show in fullscreen, or when playing a Powerpoint presentation, etc.

Escaping the video or show by pressing the ESC key does exit the video or presentation as expected, BUT ALSO causes Chrome RDP to exit Fullscreen mode as well.

Is this known limitation? Or can you work around it? It is quite disconcerting to keep inadvertently exiting Fullscreen over the course of the day.

Also, the little "control bar" at the top is TOO sensitive! And when triggered causes a delay in control returning to the user. Can it be a user option to specify its location and perhaps its sensitivity?


Fusion Labs

Apr 10, 2013, 9:45:48 AM4/10/13
Thanks for the feedback. We will take a look at this.

Steven Luh

Jul 26, 2013, 12:40:00 PM7/26/13
Hi, is there a follow up on this? This has been a significant issue as some of our client's software requires the use of ESC key for certain functions and it kicks them out of the full screen mode. There is no key combination to jump back to full screen either. Lastly the control bar auto drop down is too sensitive as the software that they use have menus near the center area and it is getting in the way. This complaint came up in 100% of people who use this.

Fusion Labs

Jul 26, 2013, 12:49:48 PM7/26/13
If you make sure you're running the latest version (4.2 was just released a few days ago so you may need to update from the chrome store) the issue should be resolved. NOTE* you cannot enable full screen once a connection has been established. If a connection has been started and you wish to go full screen you will need to disconnect, go to full screen and reconnect. Please let me know if you have any issue.

Ron V

Jul 26, 2013, 8:29:18 PM7/26/13
Using Ubuntu Precise here and with full screen I get a narrow bar of nothing all the way across the bottom of the screen.
With this bar, it is really not a full screen mode :-( Can we get *all* pixels devoted to a real full screen?

Moreover, the full screen screen still has the blue tab and clicking Full Screen on the menu, it actually expands a little bit more (WTF?). This is, of course, if you managed to avoid the Full Screen exit menu and actually click the blue tab. Please improve both these issues.

Additionally, I'd like to open this full screen on my right workspace, however, I have to choose between Window and Full Screen mode so to launch this I need to open a new window first then launch RD. Okay, it's possible, but why is it so inflexible?

Fusion Labs

Jul 29, 2013, 1:36:11 PM7/29/13
I will check this out on Ubuntu. I'm not seeing this on other systems.
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Fusion Labs

Aug 5, 2013, 2:18:27 PM8/5/13
I was able to recreate this problem by going into Full Screen mode AFTER being connected to Chrome RDP when the Options (link in top right hand corner) is not configured for Full Screen. If you disconnect, ensure that Chrome RDP is configured for Full Screen, connect and change to Full Screen, i think this will solve your problem.

Alex Helwig

Sep 5, 2013, 7:53:46 AM9/5/13
I find it puzzling too that Google would choose the oft-used Escape key to exit the full-screen view. Certainly this is a good choice for novices, but a very bad choice for technicians and savvy users, who undoubtedly use Chrome Remote Desktop much more.

One solution I hear a lot is to launch Chrome Remote Desktop in full-screen mode. The problem with this approach is that, if the display size of the remote PC is larger than the display size of your local PC, the content of the window no longer slides automatically as you move the mouse pointer to the edge of the screen. You must use the scroll bars instead (or you can enable the "Shrink to fit" screen option, which can also be problematic).

I agree that the hovering "Chrome Remote Desktop is now full screen" bar is extremely annoying--especially when the display size of the remote PC is larger than the display size of the local PC. Move the mouse pointer to the top edge of the screen to view the upper portion of the remote desktop and you're stuck fighting the hover bar. Since full screen can be exited easily simply by deselecting it from the menu, the hover bar, though cute, is redundant and unnecessary.

Fusion Labs

Sep 9, 2013, 11:18:01 AM9/9/13
Alex, are you referring to Chrome Remote Desktop or Chrome RDP? Two different products. If you are using Chrome RDP  you need to configure Chrome RDP Options (link in top right hand corner) Screen Resolution to be Full Screen before connecting to a computer and launching Full Screen. Let me know if this helps.

Thomas Stokkeland

Sep 23, 2013, 8:15:32 AM9/23/13
sounds like the Esc key issue was addressed a while back - but perhaps not to the full extent?

I am on Chrome RDP 4.3.6, "chrome os" 29.0 - on a mac osx 10.8.5 -  if I am in full screen and hit Esc, it takes my rdp session, as well as my browser out of full screen mode, showint the osx taskbar - i couldnt find any settings for exit-fullscreen key in chrome - any ideas?  If I could just change that key setting to something else I would be all set...

Phil Ermiya

Aug 9, 2014, 4:19:07 PM8/9/14

I'm running Chrome RDP on an HP Chromebook 11 running Chrome OS 36.0.1985.138.

When running an rdp session fullscreen, pushing ESC causes the "To maximise or toggle fullscreen, please disconnect your current session first" popup to appear and the escape key isn't sent to the remote session.

If i keep pressing the escape rapidly one of them (usually after 3 or 4 rapid presses) will get sent through, but that's neither practical nor accurate enough (can't be sure how many keypresses will go through).

When running in a windows, the escape key passes through as normal, but due to resolutions requirements on the remote apps I'm running, I really need full screen to ensure the I'm more or less at 768px high.

Is there any way to disable to popup warning when pressing the enter key and to ensure the keypress get properly passed to the remote session (and obviously don't switch out of fullscreen mode either)?

Derek Thompson

Aug 9, 2014, 6:00:27 PM8/9/14
Since we cannot change the display res after connection we are not allowing a change in screensize after connection. To connect with fullscreen, either go into full screen before connecting or set your connection Options to full screen in the Chrome RDP Options dialog and every session will always launch in full screen.

Phil Ermiya

Aug 9, 2014, 6:11:25 PM8/9/14
Hi Derek, thanks for prompt reply, but I'm afraid you may have misunderstood me.

I don't want to change the screen resolution, I want it to stay at full screen - which it does.

What I need is for the ESC keypress to be sent to the remote session and get processed by the app I'm running remotely.

Instead, it's getting intercepted by the local system and generating the screen res popup.

Is there any way to disable to popup warning when pressing the enter key and to ensure the escape keypress get properly passed to the remote session?

Derek Thompson

Aug 11, 2014, 10:56:17 AM8/11/14
I see what your saying now, ill pass this along to our QA team.

Phil Ermiya

Aug 13, 2014, 2:29:19 AM8/13/14
Hi Derek

Any feedback from the QA team - or at least confirmation of the behavior? I've also tested this on an older Samsung Chromebook and an Acer C720P and it's the same (with

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