Chrome driver 124

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David Sosnowski

Apr 17, 2024, 9:00:17 PMApr 17
to ChromeDriver Users

Just wondering if there is an issue with Chromedriver 124?

It seems the current stable version is 123, with 125 in beta.


Vishakha Patekar

Apr 18, 2024, 8:48:16 AMApr 18
to ChromeDriver Users
Yes. I am using  Chrome browser version 124,  but suitable chrome driver is not found.

Patty Sandstrom

Apr 18, 2024, 12:21:12 PMApr 18
to ChromeDriver Users
Has anyone had a reply on this or heard by Chromedriver 124 is not available as Stable version? 

victor ortiz

Apr 18, 2024, 12:29:04 PMApr 18
to ChromeDriver Users
Hello Guys, im also waiting on the Chromedriver 124, if it takes to long, would it be a good option to downgrade the chrome?

Liviu Lupei

Apr 18, 2024, 1:52:06 PMApr 18
to ChromeDriver Users
Chrome v124 seems to be driving the CPU usage to 99% when used with chromedriver:
Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 16.50.40.png

Maybe they're investigating this issue.

[QA] Gabriel Silva

Apr 18, 2024, 2:41:56 PMApr 18
to ChromeDriver Users
Boa tarde estou nesta situaçao atual 124 não encontra.

Será demorar para atualizar 125? ou ter uma alternativa provisória?

Predrag Kolovic

Apr 19, 2024, 6:46:46 AMApr 19
to ChromeDriver Users
Having the same issue with CPU workload 100% on Windows server.
I am using selenium java version 4.19.1 with manager CDP 123.

vaishnavi chakrapani

Apr 23, 2024, 11:40:47 AMApr 23
to ChromeDriver Users
I am also having the same issue. Chrome browser v124.x seems to have high CPU usage to 100%. I am using chrome driver v124.x. 

Experiencing the same with chrome driver v123.x along with browser v124.x.  Anyone, got any workarounds ?


Apr 23, 2024, 12:22:02 PMApr 23
to ChromeDriver Users
Hi guys,
I've spent all day today struggling with this issue after upgrading to v124 (browser and driver).
After many tries to fix it I decided to downgrade to v122 which works great, the issue is not reproducible.

I hope Google will give it attention and fix it since this is definitely a version-related issue.
And another ask is: PLEASE, give the users the ability to download previous versions of Chrome installer!
Give the users a chance to make a downgrade when needed. Make at least a few previous versions available.
Today's example is a good one to show the need for this!

вівторок, 23 квітня 2024 р. о 18:40:47 UTC+3 vaishnavi chakrapani пише:

Daniel Vieira Leite

Apr 23, 2024, 3:58:56 PMApr 23
to ChromeDriver Users
I don't know if you are using options like that:

chromeOptions.AddUserProfilePreference("download.default_directory", @"C:\Temp");
chromeOptions.AddUserProfilePreference("download.prompt_for_download", false);
chromeOptions.AddUserProfilePreference("download.directory_upgrade", true);
chromeOptions.AddUserProfilePreference("disable-popup-blocking", true);
chromeOptions.AddUserProfilePreference("plugins.plugins_disabled", new[] { "Chrome PDF Viewer" });
chromeOptions.AddUserProfilePreference("plugins.always_open_pdf_externally", true);



I was using those params and now it is removed and working fine.

I don't know if it's only one of those because I removed all...

Pco Ios

Apr 23, 2024, 6:03:30 PMApr 23
to ChromeDriver Users
no-sandbox was the culprit in my testing.. I removed that and everything is good

Raymond Kerckhoffs

Apr 24, 2024, 5:18:27 AMApr 24
to ChromeDriver Users
The argument '--no-sandbox' is indeed causing the issue. Remove it and processes will be cleaned/ closed properly.
Op woensdag 24 april 2024 om 00:03:30 UTC+2 schreef Pco Ios:


Apr 24, 2024, 10:59:18 AMApr 24
to ChromeDriver Users
Removing  '--no-sandbox' is not a 100% working solution and is not for everyone and every case.
I have tried without it as well with no success.
But it's important to say that everything depends on the load you run and the hardware part of your machine.
The processes were terminated fine for me as well at the beginning but during the continuous load (when the CPU was ~100%) - the processes began to get stuck at some point.

Anyway, I see there are updates for Chrome and chromedriver today, maybe they contain the fix.


середу, 24 квітня 2024 р. о 12:18:27 UTC+3 Raymond Kerckhoffs пише:

Lizbeth Nguyen

Apr 25, 2024, 11:14:03 AMApr 25
to ChromeDriver Users
Did the latest chromedriver fix the CPU issue for everyone? I am still seeing performance issues when running on Mac ARM with Robot 6.0/Chromedriver 

124.0.6367.78/Selenium 4.18.1

Did try removing --no-sandbox w/o any difference.


May 8, 2024, 7:20:16 AMMay 8
to ChromeDriver Users
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