Mocking system time for testing

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John l72

no llegida,
20 de nov. 2022, 19:34:5820/11/22
a ChromeDriver Users
Hello everyone!

I am greatly happy with using Chromedriver for testing purposes. So far I could jump every hurdle I ran into thanks to the Documentation, however I ran into something I can't seem to find the right lever for.

For a specific project I need to be able to mock the date/ time. In my understanding the browser/ website does get this information from the clients locale/ system time. However I can not change the systems time nor can I alter the website. The only thing I can to is use Chromium to do this.

However I am using python, selenium webdriver with chrome.

If anyone could point in the right direction I would be very, very happy. Also if I need to provide any information, I will gladly do so. Thank you!

"browserVersion": "107.0.5304.110"
"chromedriverVersion": "107.0.5304.62"
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