Good day!
I don't have chrome. I've learnt the hard way
to suspect everything that screams -visually or otherwise -
for my attention.
The Home Page icon has disappeared. I find many
different icons to play with, but can't get it onto my tool bar.
Then - in Italian of course, I get violently
vibrating demands - mainly pornographically-orienated and prizes I don't want to
claim (& wouldn't get if I tried) all over the screen which won't shut until
I close everything down.
Searching Google for help, I saw the google opt-out
ad, learned that I couldn't control the vibrating pornography & prizes if I
opted out (I wasn't aware that my internet use illustrated my
personal interests) but without my asking consciously,
changed into google chrome and now I'm here, feeling pretty sick and angry,
a common cfondition these days.
All I wanted this morning was to download the
installation equipment for my printer because mine's been taken by the computer
repairer. (Surely the Blue Page of Death which removed so much of my work and
tools had something to do with all the timewasters and greedy criminals that the
internet seems obliged to support along with the essential stuff it
I've now spent nearly three hours just fighting off
all the rubbish and not achieving the download I really need.
Is there any way anybody out there can
Jill Phillips