Can chrome-remote-interface pass log information to the remote client ?

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Helpful Hippo

Feb 20, 2023, 10:13:21 AM2/20/23
to chrome-debugging-protocol
I am using a node.js script utilizing chrome-remote-interface... I can connect via the /devtools/inspector.html?ws link found via the /json/list link...

I have been researching spam emails, the ones which have 10 redirects and obfuscated javascript... It became challenging to try and figure the next hop using CURL so I setup a remote ubuntu server with headless chrome and I can connect to it via local client and enter the url and let the javascript fly while capturing the details of the malicious servers on the way by. I figured this was a "safe" way to map non-specific links as cloud and snapshot if anyone was able to send anything bad to chrome.

My challenge: How can I get a summary to display on the client after all the navigation ? On the server, I log the hops with the console.log().

What I want to do... I would like to be able to pass data like console.log() from the node.js to the remote console or to show another page with this data once complete... I don't find any mechanism to write to the remote console. This would save me some time as I would not need to connect to the server to gather my test results.

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.

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