Autofill for Firefox Quantum has been released

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Aug 27, 2018, 9:18:11 PM8/27/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Hi ladies and gentlemen, Autofill for Firefox Quantum has finally been released:

It is based off the brand new v9.2.4 release for Chrome. I expect there to be a few compatibility bugs hiding around somewhere, so please report back here if you come across any.


Aug 27, 2018, 11:16:19 PM8/27/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Haha,i'm so happy!I love you,It's so exciting!

在 2018年8月28日星期二 UTC+8上午9:18:11,thdoan写道:

Sep 6, 2018, 8:24:32 AM9/6/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
After installing Autofill for the first time, the right button has an autofill menu, then Firefox is closed. After re-opening, there is no autofill menu in the right button. What is going on?

在 2018年8月28日星期二 UTC+8上午9:18:11,thdoan写道:
Hi ladies and gentlemen, Autofill for Firefox Quantum has finally been released:


Sep 6, 2018, 12:58:50 PM9/6/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
I just confirmed that you are right -- very good catch! It appears to be a Firefox Quantum WebExtensions bug. I have filed a bug report here:

In the meantime, what you can do is go into Options / Other Stuff and uncheck "Context menu", then check it again and it should show up.

Sep 6, 2018, 7:08:52 PM9/6/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Thank you!

在 2018年9月7日星期五 UTC+8上午12:58:50,thdoan写道:


Sep 6, 2018, 11:00:24 PM9/6/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
They marked my first bug as "resolved invalid", so I had to create a new issue with a more accurate description of the problem:

Sep 7, 2018, 8:07:39 PM9/7/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
I hope they can solve this bug.Thank you!

在 2018年9月7日星期五 UTC+8上午11:00:24,thdoan写道:


Sep 11, 2018, 4:13:23 AM9/11/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Hi, starting with v9.2.7 you should see the context menu in Firefox after a restart. Thanks for reporting the issue.

Sep 11, 2018, 6:56:43 PM9/11/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Amazing, thank you very much!

在 2018年9月11日星期二 UTC+8下午4:13:23,thdoan写道:


Sep 17, 2018, 10:44:44 AM9/17/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension

autofill seems to no longer be compatible with craigslist on any platform ( safari, chrome, firefox). Any suggestions? thank you in advance! 


Sep 17, 2018, 2:35:33 PM9/17/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Did craigslist recently change their site? Please send me an example of what you're trying to autofill that's not working.

Norell Veal

Sep 17, 2018, 2:43:03 PM9/17/18
Yes, they recently, about 5 months ago changed the format. When I try to use autofill to fill out the typed fields nothing happens. I’ve tried to redo them several times works. 

Best Regards,
Norell Veal
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Sep 17, 2018, 2:56:44 PM9/17/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Here's some help that I provided a previous user that allowed them to autofill craigslist recently:
Here's a set of rules to get you to the category selection step (add these rules to a new profile if you can to avoid conflicts with existing rules):

[rule 1 - click on the "post to classifieds" link]
Type = JavaScript
Value = document.getElementById('post').click();
Site = (or whatever your domain is)

[rule 2 - select "for sale by owner"]
Type = Checkbox/Radio
Name = ^fso$
Value = 1
Site = choose type

[rule 3 - click 'continue' button]
Type = JavaScript
Value = document.querySelector('form.picker').submit();
Site = choose type

Here are some things that may not be obvious:
  • Remember that the site filter can match either the URL or the page title. Since the craigslist URL seems to be randomly generated, it's more reliable to match against the page title as you can see in rules 2-3.
  • I'm auto-submitting (rule 3) by executing submit() on the <form> element, but you could just as easily auto-submit by executing click() on the 'continue' button, like this: document.querySelector('button[value="Continue"]').click();
  • document.querySelector() is a great built-in method to have in your toolbox; it basically allows you to select an element using a CSS selector. To quickly see whether a selector selects the element you want, you can execute it in the JavaScript console (press F12 and click on Console tab) and see if it returns that element (it will return null if there is no match). Once you select the element you want, you can either set the value to autofill it (e.g.,  document.querySelector('#some-input').value = '...') or act on the element (e.g., click or submit as mentioned above).
Hopefully there is enough information here to help you complete the rest of the steps. I have seen reports of some people using Autofill to automate the entire checkout process on Supreme once something is in stock -- crazy stuff!

Message has been deleted

Sep 19, 2018, 9:53:06 PM9/19/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
How do select randomly select 1, 3, 5 in exercise list?

在 2018年8月28日星期二 UTC+8上午9:18:11,thdoan写道:
Hi ladies and gentlemen, Autofill for Firefox Quantum has finally been released:


Sep 20, 2018, 12:16:48 AM9/20/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
1. Make an array of the indexes you want to randomly select:

var arr = [1, 3, 5];

2. Use Autofill's built-in randomize function R(from, to) to return a random number between 0 and 2 (arr[0] and arr[2]):

R(0, 2)

3. Putting it all together, your rule would look something like this:

var arr = [1, 3, 5];
.querySelector('[name="qty"]').selectedIndex = arr[R(0,2)];


Sep 20, 2018, 12:18:10 AM9/20/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
P.S. If you just want to randomize it without restricting to 1/3/5, then you can simply use this rule:

Type = Select
Name = ^qty$
Value = ?

Sep 20, 2018, 7:21:59 PM9/20/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Thank you!
Sometimes I just want to choose a few of them randomly.,but the rule is to hard for me,

在 2018年9月20日星期四 UTC+8下午12:18:10,thdoan写道:


Nov 19, 2018, 7:59:03 AM11/19/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Bug report:

Firefox 63.0.2 for Android:

It is possible to install Autofill extension, but I can't open settings page to set / import rules

Could you add this to your to-do list? :-)


Nov 21, 2018, 2:20:09 AM11/21/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Oh, that's a mistake -- this extension should only work on Firefox Quantum on desktop. It is unsupported on mobile phones, sorry.


Nov 21, 2018, 2:22:18 AM11/21/18
to Autofill Chrome Extension
I don't have Firefox Mobile, but one thing you can try to do is open Autofill Options on Firefox Quantum for desktop, copy the URL, and enter a similar URL in Firefox Mobile to see if you can open the options page that way.

On Monday, November 19, 2018 at 4:59:03 AM UTC-8, fveawr wrote:
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