Autofill Pro

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Autofill Chrome Extension

Jan 9, 2021, 7:21:14 PM1/9/21
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Hi guys,

First off, I'd like to apologize for not releasing any meaningful updates for the past few years -- my daytime job has been keeping me really busy with no time for anything else :(.
With this said, one of my 2021 NY resolutions is to try and make Autofill my full-time job so that I can implement all of the things languishing on the growing TO-DO list.

How do I plan to do this?

After 10 years and 600k users, I'm finally going to start working on Autofill Pro, a subscription-based autofill extension catering to corporate customers. I haven't settled on a pricing model yet, but it will likely be between $1/month and $1.99/month, with the ultimate goal of earning enough so that I can leave my daytime job to dedicate all my time to improving Autofill and taking it to the next level.

The Autofill Pro exclusive feature I'm most excited about is that all data (rules, variables, text clips) will be stored in the cloud. And not just any cloud -- a cloud you're all familiar with: Google Sheets :-). That's right, imagine managing all your autofill rules from your own Google Sheets. The benefits are obvious:
  • All data is automatically backed up.
  • Every instance of Autofill Pro is automatically synced -- no more need to export/import data whenever you install Autofill on a new computer.
  • Easily import data from Excel or CSV.
  • Easily sort, filter, search, and organize data any way you want; you can, for example, create a separate tab for each profile (Autofill Pro will cycle through all tabs and execute all rules matching the Site filter).
  • Leveraging the optimizations built into Sheets, you can store millions of rules and text clips without a significant performance hit like in Autofill, where the rules and text clips are rendered in HTML, which is slow working with big data.
  • Ability to talk to enterprise middleware via GAPI (Google APIs).
  • Other benefits I haven't thought of that people much smarter than me will sure to discover.
Here's a proof of concept I threw together to demonstrate generating a rule and storing it in Google Sheets:

Pretty cool, huh? ^^

Jacob Gurr

Jan 14, 2021, 8:33:15 AM1/14/21
to Autofill Chrome Extension
That's awesome. I can't wait for this. Thumbs up

Autofill Chrome Extension

Jan 16, 2021, 5:10:17 PM1/16/21
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Other features planned for Autofill Pro:
  • You will be able to specify your own field attributes to match against. Autofill is hard-coded to match these attributes (in this order), which covers the majority of use cases but not all:
    • name
    • id
    • title
    • placeholder
    • aria-label
    • aria-labelledby
    • aria-describedby
    • data-bind (Knockout)
    • data-reactid (React)
    • ng-model (AngularJS)
    • value (only applicable to checkbox/radio inputs)
    • src (only applicable to iframe-based rich text editors)
    • class
    • CSS selector
  • Profiles will be replaced with a Profile column for each rule (row), which gives you infinite flexibility. The "Execute profile" command will act on this new column, but it won't set the active profile since this concept will be no more (Autofill Pro will scan all tabs and execute all rules which match Site filter or where Site filter is empty).
  • In addition to Profile, there will also be a new column for Delay so you can set rule-level delays (a popular request).
More coming...

Định Nguyễn

Jan 17, 2021, 2:58:16 AM1/17/21
to Autofill Chrome Extension
hope we can auto-fill for Google form in the next version

Vào lúc 05:10:17 UTC+7 ngày Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 1, 2021, Autofill Chrome Extension đã viết:

Autofill Chrome Extension

Jan 17, 2021, 5:24:26 PM1/17/21
to Autofill Chrome Extension

Định Nguyễn

Jan 18, 2021, 6:48:30 AM1/18/21
to Autofill Chrome Extension
You only can use auto-fill for some special Google form.
Example: You can check this form (I used Shuffle question order function)
You can reload page and check a few times. profile.PNGdelay.PNGfunction.PNG

Vào lúc 05:24:26 UTC+7 ngày Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 1, 2021, Autofill Chrome Extension đã viết:
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Joel Cordileone

Nov 23, 2021, 6:27:10 PM11/23/21
to Autofill Extension
How close are you to putting out the Autofill Pro.  I'm in dire need of autofill help with a recent update to my work platform.

Autofill Extension

Nov 24, 2021, 5:12:56 PM11/24/21
to Autofill Extension
This effort has been put on indefinite hold because Chrome Extensions Manifest V3 currently will not support the external JS library (GAPI) required to offer the ability to connect with Google Sheets from within an extension. I will this up again when it's confirmed that V3 will support GAPI.

Vijay Sood

Dec 14, 2021, 12:46:25 AM12/14/21
to Autofill Extension
Hi, is there any dedicated support email for Autofill extension.

I have been using it for 3 years now but suddenly it has stopped working on

I tried starting a conversation on your google support forum but it attracted lot of spam reponses. 

Please share your email ID or a direct way for support. 


Autofill Extension

Dec 15, 2021, 1:55:08 PM12/15/21
to Autofill Extension
Hi, this is a free extension, so there is no dedicated support. Please show me where the spam responses are and I will remove them.

Jordan Brand

Jan 12, 2022, 6:50:23 PM1/12/22
to Autofill Extension
Can I pay you to add the feature "Easily import data from Excel or CSV."?
Everything with this extension is perfect except importing data and that would make this a lot more useful.

Autofill Extension

Jan 12, 2022, 8:27:24 PM1/12/22
to Autofill Extension
Can you elaborate on this feature suggestion please?

Note that you can already import autofill rules and settings from CSV. Make sure the CSV has this structure:

Jordan Brand

Jan 13, 2022, 5:33:20 PM1/13/22
to Autofill Extension
I need to import hundreds of profiles several times a day for a few random different forms.  There is no way to easily import data because everything is organized in one column on the import and I cant easily build a csv.  
I think there should be another import on your "Form Fields" tab to create multiple profiles that have different data but clone the form variables you are trying to fill.
For example, the first set of data creates "c1" which is TESTPROFILE1 in the example below.  Once you have defined all the variables then we should be able to import another csv that have multiple rows of data where each row is a new profile with new data for the variables we already defined.  Please look below at the example of what I'd like to upload.  If you have any other suggestions on how to organize a better import where every row contains the data for the entire profile please discuss.  I'd like to hire you to make these adjustments or another solution would be to create an application that turns normal csv data into your existing format to then import.

Profile ID,Name,Site,Hotkey,,,
### AUTOFILL RULES ###,,,,,,
Rule ID,Type,Name,Value,Site,Mode,Profile
r7,0,"^Address\.Address1$","123 Main St","",0,c1
r8,0,"^Address\.City$","Beverly Hills","",0,c1
r11,0,"^Card Number$","5544334433332222","",0,c1
r13,2,"^Expiration Month$","""04""","",0,c1
r14,2,"^Expiration Year$","""28""","",0,c1
### AUTOFILL OPTIONS ###,,,,,,

NEW CSV BELOW to create all the profiles

Profile ID,Name,^PatronRegister\\.Username$,^PatronRegister\\.Password$,^PatronRegister\\.ConfirmPassword$,^Patron\\.FirstName$,^Patron\\.LastName$,^Phone\\.Number$,^Address\\.Address1$,^Address\\.City$,^Address\\.PostalCode$,^Address\\.State$,^Card Number$,^CVV$,^Expiration Month$,^Expiration Year$
c1,TESTPROFILE1,,PASSWORD123$,PASSWORD123$,Jim,Smith,8004883388,123 Main St,Beverly Hills,90210,"""CA""",5544334433332220,493,"""04""","""28"""
c2,TESTPROFILE2,,PASSWORD567$,PASSWORD567$,Jane,Roberts,8665484499,4040 Steeplechase Dr,Skippack,19426,"""PA""",5544334433332221,548,"""01""","""23"""
c3,TESTPROFILE3,,PASSWORD891$,PASSWORD891$,Bob,Wagner,5694004444,18 Fahnestock Rd,Malvern,19355,"""PA""",5544334433332222,423,"""06""","""22"""

Autofill Extension

Jan 14, 2022, 8:31:40 PM1/14/22
to Autofill Extension
Hi Jordan,

Thanks for elaborating on your requirements. Eventually I think I can add the ability to import only rules in the exact same table structure as the Form Fields tab; this way you can copy from Excel and paste directly into the Import/Export text box.

Jordan Brand

Jan 19, 2022, 10:16:34 AM1/19/22
to Autofill Extension
Ok but does eventually mean not anytime soon :)  Can I pay you to develop this?

Autofill Extension

Jan 19, 2022, 7:45:51 PM1/19/22
to Autofill Extension
Jordan, in the meantime I found a way to do pretty much what you asked for. Here's how....

1. Identify the last profile you created and make a note of its ID (you can quickly see all profile IDs by exporting the rules). For this example, let's say your last profile ID is c6.
2. To add a new profile, paste this into the Import/Export text box (note that we want to assign the new profile an ID one larger than the last one, so c7):

Profile ID,Name,Site,Hotkey,,,

### AUTOFILL RULES ###,,,,,,
Rule ID,Type,Name,Value,Site,Mode,Profile

3. Select "Append" mode
4. Click Import
5. Review and click Save

To add additional profiles using the same rules with different values:

6. Take the text you pasted in step 2 and do a global search for "c7" & replace it with "c8" to increment the profile ID (no need to change the rule ID because in Append mode they will increment automatically). In this case, the text you paste would look like this (be sure to also update the profile name and values):

Profile ID,Name,Site,Hotkey,,,

### AUTOFILL RULES ###,,,,,,
Rule ID,Type,Name,Value,Site,Mode,Profile

7. Repeat steps 3-5

Autofill Extension

Jan 19, 2022, 7:47:31 PM1/19/22
to Autofill Extension
P.S. In Append mode you can leave out the ### AUTOFILL OPTIONS ### section.

Jordan Brand

Jan 20, 2022, 9:50:51 AM1/20/22
to Autofill Extension
Yes, this will work but I need to add hundreds of profiles and all the data is different.  Different address, email, etc.  So it wouldnt really save any time.

Autofill Extension

Jan 20, 2022, 5:43:00 PM1/20/22
to Autofill Extension
If that's the case, then you can hire a VBA pro (I've heard good things about to write a macro that converts your spreadsheet into the format that is accepted by Autofill. 
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