Autofill v10.0.0 released

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Autofill Extension

Jan 29, 2022, 11:41:36 PM1/29/22
to Autofill Extension
Hi folks, Autofill v10 has been a long time coming, probably one of the biggest updates in the history of Autofill! It's got a lot of quality-of-life improvements as well as a boatload of bug fixes, big and small. I'll cover some of the key changes below.

🗲 Changed the behavior of Autofill to always autofill all rules from all profiles that match the site filter. Previously the behavior was to only autofill rules from the active profile, which was a big annoyance for many users. You can revert back to the classic behavior by enabling the "Autofill active profile only" option.

🗲 Added one of the most requested features: the ability to quickly bring up "execute profile" in an overlay (the infobar) using a global hotkey. The right-click context menu as implemented by the browser has always been problematic for the following reasons:
  1. In Chrome you are limited to 998 menu items in total, four of which are already used by Autofill, leaving you with 994 (Firefox doesn't have this limit). This limit is shared by both the profiles and text clips submenus. This means, for example, if you have 1500 profiles set up (power user that you are 😉), the "execute profile" context menu would only display 994 profiles; if you also have 500 text clips defined, you would only see up to 494 profiles, and so on.
  2. If you have hundreds of profiles, scrolling through them is a royal pain.
By moving the "execute profile" context menu into the infobar, we solve both issues, allowing you to have as many profiles as you want 😁. Additional usability improvements were made by converting the menu into a search box with autocomplete that allows you to easily find a profile to execute. You can execute a profile by typing a few characters and selecting the matching profile (using mouse or keyboard). I think many of you will like the new "execute profile" experience, especially if you assign a hotkey to Autofill (see the FAQ to learn how).

🗲 Added a code editor to make writing JavaScript rules easier. There is now basic syntax highlighting, auto-indentation, bracket auto-completion, and various other niceties to improve your coding experience.

🗲 You can now use variables in the Name and Site fields. This can improve rules organization and maintenance big time.

🗲 Added search! Now you can quickly access your rules by searching for any text that appears in any of the columns in the rules table.

🗲 Added new options in Other Stuff requested by users (toggle icon badge, skip hidden fields, set site filter policy, set infobar auto-close policy).

🗲 The "expand variables" feature now support three new types of lists:
  • {(word1|word2|...)} – This variable is like a text spinner, except every time a word is outputted it is removed from the set (you can call it a shrinking text spinner).
  • {word1,word2,...} – This variable outputs the words in sequential order as listed instead of randomly. When the last word in the list is outputted, it starts from the beginning again. To include a literal "," in one of the words in the list, escape it with a backslash (\).
  • {(word1,word2,...)} – This variable is like the sequential list above, except every time a word is outputted it is removed from the list (you can call it a shrinking sequential list).
🗲 Removed the "fuzzy label matching" option since smart label matching is now built in. This option wasn't getting a lot of use, sometimes led to unexpected results, and was confusing anyway. If anyone was relying on this option and one or more rules stopped working, please report it in this group and I'll get it fixed.

🗲 All keyboard shortcuts in Options have been removed with the exception of Up/Down to move across rules and Alt+Up/Down to reorder rules. Here are the reasons behind this change:
  1. This functionality added too much complexity and is not scalable as more options are added to the Other Stuff tab.
  2. The shortcuts conflicted with other software for some folks.
  3. Using accesskey is not recommended for accessibility reasons (see MDN for more info).

There's a lot more going on, so I recommend combing through the complete list of changes below. Since this is such a major update, and I am one person doing this part-time with no dedicated QA department, I expect there to be bugs; please create a new thread in this group to report any issues you encounter and I will make an effort to get them resolved for you.

Here is the complete changelog:
  • Added Options link to infobar icon
  • Added support for SFCC/Demandware dropdowns
  • Added option to toggle icon badge
  • Added profile ID to profile selector tooltip
  • Added code editor for Value field
  • Added option to skip hidden fields
  • Added option to set site filter policy
  • Added auto-focus to infobar
  • Added option to set infobar auto-close policy
  • Added option to autofill active profile only
  • Added text clips total count validation
  • Added support for sequential list variables
  • Added support for shrinking spinner and list variables
  • Added support for symbols in spinner and list variables
  • Added global hotkey status in Options header
  • Added ability to search rules
  • Added ability to select multiple profiles in Manage Profiles
  • Added support for variables in Name and Site fields
  • Added option to hide backup profiles
  • Added French translation (thanks Romain Neel)
  • Added delay option to Autofill() function
  • Added support for comments in Variables tab
  • Alpha-sorted Other Stuff options
  • Improved form fill events simulation
  • Improved Options responsive design
  • Improved Options text boxes (scale to viewport)
  • Improved Firefox Options to be more aligned with Chrome
  • Improved infobar accessibility
  • Improved infobar experience after an update
  • Improved reliability of autofilling some iframes
  • Improved backup rules to have configurable autofill mode
  • Improved import "append" mode
  • Improved fuzzy label matching
  • Improved Google Forms rules generation and autofilling
  • Improved support for Zendesk forms
  • Moved sound and voice options to Interface section
  • Moved "execute profile" to infobar
  • Optimized autofilling logic
  • Redesigned rules table to use flexbox
  • Removed most keyboard shortcuts
  • Removed legacy localStorage migration code
  • Removed webNavigation permission
  • Removed legacy Autofill v8 code
  • Removed "Fuzzy label matching" option (redundant)
  • Removed old hacks from Firefox add-on
  • Renamed "Scale rules table" option to "Fluid layout"
  • Replaced "Option" with "⌥" in hotkey assignment
  • Replaced XMLHttpRequest with Fetch API for remote import
  • Updated backup rules to execute independently of delay
  • Upgraded injected jQuery from v3.5.1 to v3.6.0 Slim
  • Fixed infobar not triggered when clicking icon in Firefox
  • Fixed rules not generated for some forms
  • Fixed broken logic to prevent tabbing out of lightbox
  • Fixed autoscroll down when dragging rules
  • Fixed syncData() error when reloading extension in Firefox
  • Fixed RegExp characters in site filter not escaped
  • Fixed text clips exceeding Chrome contextMenu items limit
  • Fixed Form Fields data getting saved twice
  • Fixed port messaging issues
  • Fixed infobar CSS injected repeatedly
  • Fixed various Firefox UI issues
  • Fixed infobar rendered twice in Firefox in edge cases
  • Fixed false "no fields have changed" in rules generator
  • Fixed Advanced options not working with profile ID
  • Fixed infobar style overridden by site CSS
  • Fixed increment number variables getting swapped
  • Fixed issues with auto-import
  • Fixed JavaScript rules not executed on some pages
  • Fixed "extension context invalidated" errors
  • Fixed invalid CSS selector issues
  • Fixed issues with infobar field highlighting in Firefox
  • Fixed "overwrite by default" not honored in generated rules
  • Fixed javascript: variables with ' = ' not working
  • Fixed Google Forms date fields not autofilling
  • Fixed semantic version number comparison logic
  • Fixed issues running Autofill('...') multiple times
  • Fixed problem saving multiple tabs in Options
  • Fixed generated CSS selector not escaped
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