Autofill v7.8.0 released

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May 19, 2017, 2:09:20 AM5/19/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Hi everyone, this is a fairly large release that is also a long time coming. The biggest change affects the way you manage profiles. The Manage Profiles free-form bulleted list widget was never that reliable, especially when you copy and paste, so I've been meaning to pull it out and rewrite it from scratch for awhile now. Well, it's finally here! A traditional listbox is replacing this widget, so there should be no more issues related to managing your profiles. Since a lot of code has been changed underneath, please report any bugs you find with adding/renaming/deleting/reordering profiles in this thread.

What's New
  • Redesigned Manage Profiles
  • Added confirmation when opening Manage Profiles with unsaved changes
  • Added ability to navigate to different overlays (lightbox) directly
  • Added autofocus to text box in Exceptions tab
  • Refactored code
  • Fixed table width when switching from All profile to Unfiled
  • Fixed undefined Site filter when rearranging profiles
  • Fixed tabbing issues in overlays
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Jun 16, 2017, 2:15:45 AM6/16/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Hi. your "ListBox" updat seems to have clobbered all my profiles. I (just this very morning) used to have 40+ profiles. Now I've got zero.

Hope this feature isn't permament? How do I recover my profiles?



Jun 16, 2017, 2:40:07 AM6/16/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension,
Sorry to hear about your profiles. Can you go to Other Stuff tab, click Export, and post the rules below?

Jun 16, 2017, 3:25:52 AM6/16/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension,
That was empty as well. Fortunately I had a recent backup that I reloaded and that's done the job.


Jun 20, 2017, 12:47:58 AM6/20/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Works really great - One suggestion that I'd make is to have the "Overwrite non-empty fields" be selectable for each field, rather than the same for the whole profile.  If you made this change, it would really save me a tone of time.

On Friday, May 19, 2017 at 2:09:20 PM UTC+8, thdoan wrote:


Jun 21, 2017, 10:23:51 PM6/21/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Thanks for the suggestion! That requires a lot of changes underneath as I have to create another column to store that data, but I will add this to my to-do list.

Jun 22, 2017, 10:50:23 PM6/22/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension
I realise it's probably pretty difficult, but I'd really like to see that functionality to select an option on a page, wait for the page to reconfigure and then continue running the AutoFill.

We have a page that has 5 user types (e.g. Corporation, Individual, etc.) on it, controlled by a radioset. When you select, for example "Corporation", the screen configures to show fields like "Company Name", "ABN", ACN", etc.

If you select "Individual", the the screen reconfigures to show fields like "Surname", "Given Name", Date of Birth", etc.

At the moment, I have to select the option, wait for it to display the input fields and then run AutoFill for that particular option.



Jun 22, 2017, 10:58:05 PM6/22/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension,
Hi, thanks for the idea. You are right -- that would be pretty difficult task. No two forms are exactly alike, and if you take into account the underlying JavaScript code to make the form reconfigure itself dynamically, then the number of possible variations reaches infinity, which makes it pretty much impossible to implement reliably since every case would be different.

The best thing you can do is set Autofill to manual mode and save your most commonly used profiles to the top 10 slots so that you can execute them using the hotkeys (Alt+1 to Alt+0). I am considering expanding the hotkeys to 36 by including the entire alphabet using hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+Letter (or Ctrl+Alt+Letter).

Jun 25, 2017, 8:29:39 PM6/25/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension,
I was thinking more along the lines (and I have NO idea how) of :

  1. Select the profile (which has as it's first command to select the, say, the 'Individual' option - line 1 in the profile
  2. Autofilll pausing until the screen has reconfigured - Line 2 in the profile
  3. and then populating the rest of the screen fields - remaining lines in the profile
I'm not sure if this is even possible.

Or conversely, is there a way to "chain" 2 profiles. The 1st line to select "Individual", the 2nd line to call the next profile.

The next profile having, say, a 2 second pause (allowing the screen to reconfigure) before running the remainder of the lines in the profile.


Jun 26, 2017, 10:44:19 PM6/26/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension,
The impossible challenge is in reliably detecting "until the screen has reconfigured" for every form.

I think the next best thing is to introduce a new type of rule called PAUSE that will accept one parameter for the value field: the number of seconds to pause before continuing.

Jun 27, 2017, 12:50:42 AM6/27/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension,
I had a try with JavaScript to attempt a pause but I understand that all of the JS runs before anything happens on the screen, so it didn't seem to matter how long the pause was it still didn't work.

Your way sounds much better

Jul 5, 2017, 2:03:54 AM7/5/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension,

You might want to check out this older post where thdoan shares an example of adding a javascript timer to delay autofill. Not really sure if it will solve your specific issue but it might be worth a shot. Good luck!

Jul 5, 2017, 9:30:48 PM7/5/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension,
Thanks. I've tried these methods before and they don't work either. It has to do with the waiting for screen to be re-displayed before any other activity is allowed to happen.
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Aug 9, 2017, 11:11:08 PM8/9/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension

Unfortunately the  hotkeys are not working on chrome on Mac. 
Hope to fix this.


Aug 18, 2017, 4:22:42 AM8/18/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension

Hello thdoan,

Firstly I have to think you for this helpfully program!

I have a question about how can I set autofill so that ID number and birthname automatically field in a defined website, even if the position is changed?

Think you

srinivas reddy

Nov 16, 2017, 1:59:50 AM11/16/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Hi Thdoan,

Thi is Srinivas. How to use auto fill in pop-window. Is it possible. If yes please tell me how to use it. Thnking you,

Nov 19, 2017, 6:54:04 AM11/19/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension
Is there any way to edit the keyboard mapping? Can't use OPTION + 1/2/3 etc.. :( 

On Friday, May 19, 2017 at 2:09:20 PM UTC+8, thdoan wrote:

Dec 13, 2017, 7:42:07 AM12/13/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension
I'm trying to build an auto form filler using js and jquery. It is working as I expected except in cases where sites having cross domain iframe.
But when I try with your extension, it works fine. I googled lot,only to find out that cross domain iframe content could not be processed. 
But I wonder how you do it.
If you can, please let me know how to beat it.

Thanks in advance.


Dec 28, 2017, 11:33:25 PM12/28/17
to Autofill Chrome Extension
This restriction does not apply to Chrome extensions.
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