How many - counting

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Sean Bird

Jun 2, 2014, 2:21:58 PM6/2/14
Looking for integrating Scripture truths into mathematics lessons?
In addition to the Topical Mathematical Verses I have posted on my website (see the bottom of this link), there are a number of Psalms that speak of 'how many' are the works of the Lord.

We sing the Psalms in our congregation so I'm often reminded of Psalms that could be shared with my math students.
For example Psalm 104C has a stanza (v24-26) that goes like this:
"Your works, LORD, are many, created in wisdom;
The whole earth is filled with the things You have made.
Consider the ocean, so vast, filled with creations:
The large and the tiny - too many to count.
The ships sail upon it, Leviathan lives there;
You made it to play in the depths of the sea."

Also included in that Psalm is scale/magnitude. God is our sovereign creator.

Another tune and translation is Psalm 104D:
"How many works, LORD, in wisdom You've made.
How fully on earth, Your wealth is displayed.
Consider the ocean, how great and how wide,
Where small and great creatures unnumbered abide."

Speaking of the number being great, check out this portion of Psalm 40 and this traditional Irish melody:
1. I waited for the LORD; He stooped and heard my cry.
He brought me from a pit, Out of the dungeon mire,
My feet set on a rock, My footsteps made secure.
My lips He gave a song, A song to praise our God.
2. Many will see with awe, And so will trust the LORD.
Blessed he who trusts the LORD, And turns not to false men.
LORD, none compares to You, Your thoughts and works, my God!
Should I declare each one, Their number is too great.

I've long been a fan of singing in class. On the Calculus the Musical website, there are links to songs for other classes (like Scientific Notation for Alg 1).
For younger people mathematics songs can be found  here, and a few Alg 1 songs like the quadratic formula to Pop Goes the Weasel are here, and also enjoy this site.

Sean Bird
Covenant Christian High School
Indianapolis, IN
Psalm 111:2 “Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them.”
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