The value of the job you are doing

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Ray Fox

Apr 7, 2014, 10:53:40 AM4/7/14
I retired from teaching last year.
This year I am working with some men in a christian half way house, Lararus Project.
They are very dedicated and working hard to get their GED.

It made me more aware than ever of the value of teaching teenagers and children.
For every ONE (1) young person we reach, it affects the rest of their lives!!!

Those in private Christian schools are blessed with an open encouragement to share their faith.
How do (or can) those in public school influence their students for Christ?

Sean Bird

Apr 8, 2014, 11:14:05 PM4/8/14
I have been around to several public school this past week and had the opportunity tell others about this group and ask how Christian teachers live out their faith in the public schools.

Some talked about how their school has a moment of silence and say the Pledge of Allegiance (one nation under God). I heard about how they are certainly not prohibited from having their Bible in their classroom. One teacher talked about how he would play KLOVE radio station sometimes.
Another teacher has some girls in her classroom to do Bible study.
Others talked about FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) or other groups that are permitted on campus.
One teacher talked about how she lived out her faith and told a story of how she had to ask a student for forgiveness because she hadn't treated the student with grace that she is called to as a Christian. The annoying student confessed that he was a Christian and that it was his fault and deserved the discipline. She has had any trouble with that student since.
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