cfp - Soundscapes of religion: Towards the musical epistemologies of religious communities

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Kinga Povedák

Nov 15, 2021, 7:42:31 AM11/15/21

Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to submit a paper proposal for an open session “Soundscapes of religion: Towards the musical epistemologies of religious communities", which will be held at the EASR (European Association for the Study of Religions) Annual Meeting in Cork, Ireland (27 June-1 July 2022).

The paper proposals can be submitted here:

Deadline for submissions: December 10, 2021.

Soundscapes of religion: Towards the musical epistemologies of religious communities

The importance of the role of senses cannot be overemphasized when looking at religious experiences or trying to make sense of religion. Religion is performed through sensorial engagements, and musical engagement is probably one of the most essential participatory rituals of religions. We argue that religious musical practice can become an important point of connection, enabling individuals to locate themselves in the social and cultural space and reflect on social experiences. With the material turn in the study of religions, there is growing attention to material and embodied practices, sensational forms, and the mediation of religion (Morgan 2010, Meyer 2009). While more and more scholars engage with the ‘lived religion’ approach and elevate attention to lived practices, sound is rarely privileged as a means of interrogation or methodological practice in the study of religion (Muir 2019). Surprisingly, there is still a lack of research with a specific focus on musical practices, and ‘music in religion’ remains a peripheral approach in religious studies. Music and extramusical sound receive scant attention despite the significance of sound and hearing in our lives (Hackett 2012). To address this ’disciplinary deafness’ (Weiner 2009) in the study of religions, we invite contributions that favour music in their methodological approach. This panel aims to raise awareness of religious musicking as a way to explore religious lifeworlds and emphasize the role of sound in methodological epistemologies (Muir 2019). The panel is open to a diversity of musical interactions with religion in different faith contexts. Therefore, we invite papers that address various aspects of the sonic dimensions of religion, such as music as religious sensation, music as a meaning-making process, music as transcendental communication, or music as embodied states of freedom.

If you would like more info on the conference please look here:

For any questions, please contact me,
Kinga Povedák 

Kinga Povedák (Ph.D.)
Research Fellow
MTA-SZTE "Convivence" Religious Pluralism Research Group

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