FOSSCON 30 days away!

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Jim Fisher

Jul 11, 2012, 8:13:26 PM7/11/12
to Ubuntu has got a friend in Pennsylvania, nj ubuntu loco, chlug
Fosscon 2012 will be held Saturday, August 11th, at the Venturef0rth
facility in Central Philadelphia. This new location provides easy
access from Market East station, has both elevator access, and cool
air conditioning.

This year's keynote will be provided by Bradley M. Kuhn, Executive
Director of the Software Freedom Conservancy, who will be speaking on
"Promoting Software Freedom Development via Non-Profits."

Fosscon 2012 is a free and open source software conference, and will
include six general-interest talks, and workshops on topics including
development, community building, hackerspace activities, and more.
Learn about 3D printing, security, and protecting your privacy.
Network with the local tech community and discover new technologies.

The Ubuntu PA group will be hosting an Ubuntu Village, with experts
ready to help you dive into an Ubuntu install and troubleshoot issues.

Hive76 will be offering several workshops, including soldering
workshop, build your own flat panel speaker workshop, and an intro to
arduino workshop.

Fosscon is also searching for speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors for
this year's event. If you are interested in speaking, please note that
only workshop slots are still available. These slots are suitable for
in depth courses on how to complete a specific task or just showing
how you've done, built, or scripted something interesting.

For information on speaking, visit

For information on sponsoring, visit

For information on exhibiting, visit

To register for fosscon, visit Basic admission is free.
Paid adminssion of $25 helps keep fosscon available to those who are
unable to support us in this way, and will also receive a special

Thanks for reading. We hope to see you there!
The fosscon 2012 team.

jim fisher

irc freenode #ubuntu-us-pa

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'"
-- Jedi Master Yoda

David A. Harding

Jul 15, 2012, 6:23:30 PM7/15/12
to, nj ubuntu loco
In message <>, Jim Fisher wrote:
> This year's keynote will be provided by Bradley M. Kuhn, Executive
> Director of the Software Freedom Conservancy, who will be speaking on
> "Promoting Software Freedom Development via Non-Profits."

I've seen Brad Kuhn speak on several occasions, and he is a fantastic
speaker. I highly recommend checking out his keynote even if you think
the title sounds a bit boring.

For those of you who don't remember--or who weren't involved
back then--Brad gave a speech for the Rutgers Student LUG (RUSLUG)
almost a decade ago. The recording seems to have disappeared from the
Internet, but I was able to fish a copy off my personal media player;
you can find it here:

It's 23 MiB and about 2 hours long (including the Q&A at the end). Don't
worry about the first 30 seconds of the audio--it gets better once Brad
starts talking. New Jersey Linux oldtimers might recognize some of the
voices asking the questions.

Before he became director at the SFC (and the SFLC before that), he was
the day-to-day boss over at the FSF. And, if you get Brad off the
record, he'll tell you what it was like trying to wrangle the
intractable Richard Stallman.

David A. Harding
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