Friendly Reminder: Meeting Tomorrow (Friday) At Voorhees Library

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David A. Harding

Jun 2, 2011, 1:43:54 PM6/2/11
CHLUG Meeting at Voorhees Library, Meeting Room B (3rd floor), on Friday,
3 June 2011, from 19:00 (7pm) to 21:00 (9pm).


* (Google Maps)
* Reminder: location is VOORHEES LIBRARY, meeting room B (3rd floor)


19:00 - 19:10 Introductions
19:10 - 19:40 Window Manager Show'n'Tell'n'Discuss with,
GNOME 3 Shell by Bryan Quigley,
LXDE by Bryan Quigley,
Openbox by David Bicking,
NotIon by David A. Harding,
(Others Welcome, see next section)
19:40 - 19:50 Break, Chat
19:50 - 20:30 The Singing Slug, or How To Turn a $10 Linux-Powered
NAS Into A Remote-Controlled Jukebox In Less Time
Than It Takes For Pizza Delivery by David A. Harding
20:30 - 21:00 Chat, Linux Tech Support

What You Can Optionally Bring:

A friend.

For the Window Manager Show'n'Tell'n'Discuss, feel free to bring a
laptop running your favorite window manager. We'd love to have
someone show Ubuntu Unity or a recent version of KDE for
comparison. You don't need to do any presenting, but you may want
to make a quick list of the five things you most like about your
window manager for discussion.

For the Singing Slug, feel free to bring a Music Player Daemon
Client. You'll be able to use it during the meeting to control my
"jukebox". There are clients for laptops, cell phones, and PDAs--see
the list in this email:

For the chats and tech support, bring any problems or interesting
stories you'd like to discuss--or your newest gadget you want to
show off.

Have Questions?:

Reply to this email, or call or text my cell phone, (609) 284-8379.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!,

David A. Harding Website:

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