Various observations:
Tweaks required to make it build going from 3.5.6 to 3.6.0-RC1.
I had to remove chisel-circt from my build.sbt, built into 3.6.0, I suppose.
I get this error message:
object stage is not a member of package chisel3.util.circt
Fixes it.
Commenting out these lines:
object CIRCTHandover is not a member of package circt.stage
Some more cleanup needed:
class ChiselStage in package stage is deprecated (since Chisel 3.6): this feature will not be supported as part of the migration to the MLIR-based FIRRTL Compiler (MFC). For more information about this migration, please see the Chisel Please switch to circt.stage.ChiselStage.
value DataMirror in package experimental is deprecated (since Chisel 3.6): This value has moved to chisel3.reflect
method apply in object forceName is deprecated (since Chisel 3.6): this feature will not be supported as part of the migration to the MLIR-based FIRRTL Compiler (MFC). For more information about this migration, please see the Chisel
Since I have to comment out import chisel3.util._, to get circt.stage to work, I added import chisel3.util.log2Ceil explicitly.
If with these changes, it passes all tests, I'll try a P&R of my design and run it on the FPGA.
Note that I can't try LLVM CIRCT yet, I'm waiting for LLVM CIRCT 1.3x.0 to land a few bugfixes that I know are in the pipeline. In particular related to BoringUtils.