- Duplicating of Modules - 3 Updates
Arsh G <arsh....@gmail.com>: Dec 05 06:19AM -0800
I'm trying to instantiate multiple instances of the same module in chisel
for example
val X1 = Module(new Y(proto= ...))
val X2 = Module(new Y(proto= ...))
val X3 = Module(new Y(proto= ...))
val X4 = Module(new Y(proto= ...))
upto n times
I've tried mapping them to List, so
val X = Module(new Y(proto= ...))
val Y = (0 until n).map(x => X).toList
The chisel compiles but when I do hardware simulation I can only see one
module not multiple ones in this method.
Can someone point out why this is happening, I've tried googling but of no
help ? :(
Thank you
Edward Wang <edw...@berkeley.edu>: Dec 05 07:06AM -0800
Thanks for your interest in Chisel. One thing to take a look at could be
Additionally, are all the modules used? FIRRTL/CIRCT I believe will remove
unused hardware elements so that might be another possibility.
On Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 9:19:28 a.m. UTC-5 arsh....@gmail.com wrote:
I'm trying to instantiate multiple instances of the same module in chisel
for example
val X1 = Module(new Y(proto= ...))
val X2 = Module(new Y(proto= ...))
val X3 = Module(new Y(proto= ...))
val X4 = Module(new Y(proto= ...))
upto n times
I've tried mapping them to List, so
val X = Module(new Y(proto= ...))
val Y = (0 until n).map(x => X).toList
The chisel compiles but when I do hardware simulation I can only see one
module not multiple ones in this method.
Can someone point out why this is happening, I've tried googling but of no
help ? :(
Thank you
Kevin Laeufer <lae...@berkeley.edu>: Dec 05 10:33AM -0500
Something that might also be worth trying is:
val Y = (0 until n).map(_ => Module(new Y(proto= ...))).toList
The difference here is that this now calls the constructor n times.
The previous version was just copying the _reference_ to the module n
times. I.e., you got n references to the same module instance.
- Kevin
On 12/5/23 10:06, 'Edward Wang' via chisel-users wrote:
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