Including track info in the IceCast Stream

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Chris Agocs

Sep 28, 2014, 3:10:07 AM9/28/14
Hey everybody,
I wrote a service that grabs artist information from the CHIRP API and sends it to the ProStream for inclusion in the IceCast stream[0][1].

It's not terrifically complex. I'll be happy to walk through the code with anyone. Let me know if you want to schedule a Google Hangout or whatever.

I'll talk with Shawn about getting this service running on a Linux server at the station and configuring the ProStream to receive this data. Let me know if I can answer any questions.


[0] I said I wasn't going to do this this way, but I honestly didn't realize that the DJ App lived on Google App Engine. Polling the API seems like a better tactic than punching a hole in the station's firewall and setting up a server to listen for new track information.

[1]  Check out the ProStream manual here: (PDF). The section on how to configure the ProStream to receive metadata starts on page 27 of the manual (34 of the PDF). 

Chris Agocs

Sep 28, 2014, 3:11:34 AM9/28/14
And, lastly, the repository is here:
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