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Fwd: Survey on usability test practices for usability professionals

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Tomasz Skórski

Jan 3, 2015, 3:15:25 PM1/3/15

Dear colleague,

I am conducting  a small study on practices related to usability testing, and would love to be able to share the survey on your chapters' mailing list. I got your contact information from SIGCHI Local chapter page and approach all others except the Finnish chapter, since I can send the mail there directly myself.

I work as a practitioner, but I'm doing this study purely due to academic curiosity.

Thank you.
Anne Kaikkonen

Message to be sent:

Dear Usability researcher / practitioner,

I am conducting  a small study on practices related to usability testing, and would love to have responses from both researchers and practitioners using usability test as a tool in their work.
I’m doing this purely due to academic curiosity.

I would be most grateful, if you could answer the following survey:

It takes 5- 10 minutes to answer the questions.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Anne  Kaikkonen
Chair of SIGCHI Finland  2013- 2014

Tomek Skórski
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