Open Science Meeting for 6/17/2012--CANCELED, Next Meeting 7/15/2012

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Jenny Tong

Jun 10, 2012, 11:31:31 AM6/10/12
Hello Everyone, 

Since Pumping Station: One is having a big moving weekend next Saturday-Sunday June 16-17, the Open Science Meeting scheduled for June 17th has been CANCELED. Instead, everyone is encouraged to come out to the space anyways and help out with the move. Hope to see you there! 

As a reminder, the next meeting will be July 15, 2012 at 3:30 PM in the new Pumping Station One space at 3519 N. Elston. 

Ben Hyink

Jun 10, 2012, 11:43:08 AM6/10/12
Fyi, Jenny and I made this decision because we figured that during the
move there would not be a place we could be sure would be reserved for
meeting and we didn't want to try to coordinate a meeting at a
separate location that might confuse people. This way, if someone
didn't keep track of our list but knew we met on 3rd Sundays, she
would at least meet some of us assisting with the move.

If you disagree with this rationale and want to coordinate a meeting
for that month at a separate location you are welcome to do so, but
you will need to do the work of finding a space, recruiting people to
attend and contribute, and organizing an schedule.

There is a chance there will be food and drinks at one of the
locations for movers OR movers may get meals together, which would
provide opportunities to talk with other PS:One members and any
ChOpenSci folks who happen to pitch in, including during the regular
meeting time.

Ben Hyink

Ben Hyink

Jun 16, 2012, 3:12:57 PM6/16/12

The ChiOpenSci meeting for this month is cancelled. However, please
help PS:One move today and tomorrow (I do not know the moving
schedule, but you probably will find people at one site or the other
for most of today and around the early afternoon tomorrow.

I don't have the address for the new place but people at the old place
should be able to tell you where it is (I know it is northwest on
Elston - the same street - closer to the Addison stop than the Belmont

See this post on the PS:One blog and previous posts
( ):

"We’ve re-confirmed with the new landlord and he says he’s on track to
be out of the new space well before this weekend. That means this
weekend’s final move event is still on! We will be packing and moving
smaller stuff by car on Saturday and will be moving the larger stuff
by truck on Sunday. If at all possible, please plan to stop by and
help pitch in.

As with last time, food and beverages will be provided for anyone
helping with the work. Start time will be 10 am on Saturday and Noon
on Sunday.

Hope to see you all there.

Shawn Blaszak
Pumping Station: One"

I may not be able to make it out tomorrow because this quarter my
program load is demanding plus I have a very challenging clinical with
extra work and a 1,000-page book to read for the med-surg component of
an NCLEX-preparation ATI practice test on my own time before August. I
just took off over a day for a cousin's wedding.

See you for sure July 22nd!



Ben Hyink

Jun 16, 2012, 3:40:11 PM6/16/12
My apologies, Jenny just informed me that the next third Sunday is
July 15th. We will meet that day (I marked it down incorrectly on my


Ben Hyink

Jun 16, 2012, 3:41:16 PM6/16/12
Also, I should have read Jenny's original post, because she included
the new address:

"As a reminder, the next meeting will be July 15, 2012 at 3:30 PM in
the new Pumping Station One space at 3519 N. Elston. "

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