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Virus Epidemic Enters New Phase as Cases Outside China Multiply

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Feb 24, 2020, 11:42:10 AM2/24/20
South Korea has more than 150 cases. Those for Singapore and Japan have
topped 85. And then there are the 600-plus from a quarantined cruise ship in

As the cases of coronavirus infections mount, worries are growing that the
outbreak is entering a concerning next phase. Where China had the vast
majority of cases and deaths before, there are now signs that infections are
spreading more rapidly within other Asian countries beyond its borders.

For now, China still remains the center of the crisis, with 75,000
infections. But as the number of net new cases there declines, attention is
shifting to the risks in other countries where the growth in infections is
accelerating. Anxiety is already creeping into global financial markets, as
investors weigh the impact of a wider regional outbreak on economic growth
and corporate earnings.

"The sudden jump in infections in other parts of Asia, notably in Japan and
South Korea, has sparked renewed concerns," said Khoon Goh, Singapore-based
head of Asia research at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. "This
points to a new phase in the outbreak, and one which will see continued
disruption and more economic impact than previously thought."

Marked Uptick
The epidemic that emerged in early December has yet to become a pandemic,
which is defined as a situation where the virus is spreading across multiple
continents. So far, the numbers outside of China remain small: out of 2,247
deaths, only 11 have occurred in other countries. Yet there's been a marked
uptick in non-China cases this week.

South Korea has seen a five-fold increase in infections, with a surge of
cases tied to a cluster from a religious sect in Daegu. At least 82 cases
involve those who may have attended church services with a person who was
confirmed with the virus earlier this week.

South Korean Health Minister Park Neung-hoo said authorities are aware of
transmission channels and the current situation is "manageable." Daegu has
shut down public facilities and advised residents to stay indoors to try to
contain the disease.

More alarming is the situation in Japan, which has emerged as one of the
riskiest places for the spread of the coronavirus. Health Minister Katsunobu
Kato said on Sunday that Japan had lost track of the route of some of the
infection cases, which have tripled in the past week to more than 90.

Diamond Princess
Japan is seeing cases in multiple, unconnected areas across the country and
authorities have been scrambling to understand where they're coming from. The
government is being faulted for being too slow to bar visitors from China and
too lax in its 14-day quarantine of the Diamond Princess cruise ship, the
vessel with 3,700 passengers and crew that's been under the global spotlight.

At least 636 of them have been infected by the virus and two have died.

The situation has the potential to escalate given the presence of high-risk
factors like Japan's elderly population and a societal work ethic where
taking a sick day is often frowned upon. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention has issued a Level 1 alert for Japan, which doesn't discourage
travel to the country but urges caution.

Containment Efforts
To be sure, Japan's advanced health-care system puts it in better stead to
fight the outbreak than poorer states with fewer resources like China's
neighbor North Korea, and countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

There's also progress being made in Asian cities where strict containment
measures have been put into place. The Chinese-controlled territory of Macau,
the world's biggest gambling hub, hasn't reported a new infection in more
than two weeks, as casinos were shut and travel to mainland China was

While Singapore has more than 80 cases, the rate of new infections has been
steady, and 37 patients have so far recovered.

Hong Kong similarly hasn't seen a surge. That could change, however, with the
case of a police officer infected with the virus. He had a meal with 59 other
officers, who are now in quarantine.

Powder Keg
Some believe that the Diamond Princess cruise ship could be a potential
powder keg as more than 1,000 quarantined passengers leave by the end of
Friday. With people aboard hailing from more than 50 nations and now
returning back home, their travels could spawn a fresh wave of global
infections. On Friday, two people evacuated to Australia from the cruise ship
tested positive for the virus.

"It's entirely possible to get tested, be negative and get on an airplane and
be positive once you land," said Keiji Fukuda, the director of the School of
Public Health at Hong Kong University and a former World Health Organization
official who has led responses to outbreaks. "That's just how infections

For now, the WHO says the situation is still manageable, but warns that if
countries don't take the situation more seriously, the spread will become a
wider global threat.

"The virus is very dangerous and it's public enemy No. 1," Director-General
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a briefing in Geneva Thursday.

Watching Democrats come up with schemes to "catch Trump" is like
watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.

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